


2014-07-17 conference call

IMPORTANT: the WebEx audio bug on Mac OS X can be fixed by going to Audio menu > Speaker/Microphone Audio Test, under Speaker clicking Test, and setting "Select a speaker to test" to Built-in rather than AirPlay

Martha's notes

To Do


  • Complete data reloading.
    • When data reload finishes, check that all the date-related bugs and new cases handled do indeed now result in correct dates. Afterwards, ask Brian McGill to access VegBIEN to confirm.
    • Troubleshoot and fix SALVIAS date bug.
  • Taxon names: complete issue #917 (TNRS with TPL)
    • But there was an email exchange between Aaron and Brad about implementing Jerry Lu's algorithm to sort the names. Before launching into this, Martha checking with Nicole and will get back to Aaron Friday.
    • Complete the other taxon name tasks listed under issue #928.
  • Workflow for viewFullOccurrence - move on to this as time permits or if waiting on other things.

Brian E, Bob, Brian Mc

  • Decide how to handle the date problems. Details to follow in a separate email.
  • Look into TRT dates missing after a certain row.


  • the next conference call is next week at the usual time (Th. 9am PT/9am Tucson/12pm ET)


  • Martha will be on vacation for the next 2 weeks
  • Mark will be instructing at an NCEAS training session for the next 3 weeks
  • please add your availability for summer 2014 to the *spreadsheet*:

Loading Google Spreadsheet...


missing dates

  • will wait for PIs to weigh in before doing any of the things marked "decision"

to do for PIs

missing dates

  • make decisions on the things marked "decision" Bob made the decisions needed (for GBIF, HVAA, JBM, and NVS)

to do for Aaron


missing dates

  1. e-mail Mark the path to the TRT input data
  2. once SALVIAS reloaded, troubleshoot SALVIAS dates bug