


FIA validation

3 issues


  1. elevationInMeters is missing, even though elevation_ft is mapped (in PLOT)
  2. locationID (in analytical_stem_view) is populated from subplotID (in SUBPLOT) instead of locationID (in PLOT). this is because locationID currently is associated with the location that corresponds directly to the occurrence (the SUBPLOT), rather than the outermost location (the PLOT).
    • this does not create invalid data; it only affects the value of the locationID field (which should probably be split into separate locationID and subplotID fields)
  3. joins should use PLT_CN/PLOT.CN instead of Brad's plotCode fields to join to the PLOT table
    • should first verify that these match up whenever Brad's plotCode fields do


  1. dateCollected is not mapped
  2. eventDate is missing, even though year/month/day are mapped (in PLOT)
  3. PLOT has more than one entry per plot; we need to figure out which entry to use and what the separate entries correspond to
    this is not the case; there are unique constraints on both PLOT.locationID (= PLOT.CN; see PLOT.ID) and Brad's plotCode fields (see PLOT.unique) .
  4. PLOT.CN possibly should not be mapped to locationID, and we should instead use Brad's plotCode formula for this
    no, locationID is always for the database's own pkey. Brad's plotCode fields should instead go in locationName .


(input and output data are in separate tabs. refer to the VegCore data dictionary for column definitions.)

  • FIXED: geolocation information is missing from the validation view. this is because the geolocation is only attached to the subplot location, not the parent plot location.

subset import command:

time (export log= version=FIA_VegBIEN; make schemas/$version/reinstall; make inputs/FIA/import by_col=1 n=100; bin/make_analytical_db) # runtime: 1 min ("0m41.089s") @starscream; 2.5 min ("2m18.602s") @vegbiendev


FROM      "FIA"."taxon_observation.**" 
LEFT JOIN "FIA_VegBIEN".analytical_plot ON
    analytical_plot."datasource"              = 'FIA'
AND analytical_plot."individualObservationID" = "taxon_observation.**"."individualObservationID"::text
ORDER BY "taxon_observation.**".row_num