


Use cases

  • BIEN_data_use_cases.doc from Brad Boyle:
    1. Latitudinal patterns of range size and species richness of New World woody plants
      • Maximum and minimum latitude and longitude for large number of naturally-occurring New World Plant Species.
      • Raw data columns: Species, Latitude, Longitude
    2. How do we measure species ranges?
      • Raster estimates of distributions (presence within pixels or cells) for several hundred species of North American trees and all New World Palm species, plus estimates of total range area for each species, based on these estimates. Distributions estimated using a variety of methods, ranging from simple convex hull to Maxent niche models.
      • It would be helpful if the download could deliver full metadata on data ownership to simplify attribution in the final publication
      • Raw data columns: Latin, Latitude, Longitude
    3. Disentangling the Drivers of β Diversity Along Latitudinal and Elevational Gradients
      • List of unique species in each subplot in each plot, accompanied either by elevation (Boyle transects) or latitude (Gentry transects).
      • information regarding subplots (omitted from bien2) was essential for this analysis.
      • Raw data columns (SALVIAS): project, PLOT_ID, plot_code, country, pol1, latitude, longitude, elev_m, observation_type, plot_methodology, plot_area_ha, OBSERVATION_ID, PLOT_ID, plot_code, subplot, individual, Is_morphospecies, family, genus, specific_epithet
  • e-mail from Rick Condit on 2011-10-17:
    • "the best way I can describe my use cases is with the viewFullOccurrence table. If Aaron can recreate that with bien3, then what I need for many analyses is ready-to-go. I don't mean to say that this exact table should be recreated, but it does describe what is needed."
      • Raw data columns (viewFullOccurrence): OccurID, DBPlotID, ObservationID, Family, TaxonomyID, OrigGenus, OrigSpecies, TaxonCorrected, Genus, Species, Latin, Rank, Accepted, TaxonMorphoSpecies, isCultivated, isCultivatedReason, CountryOrig, CountryStd, CountryError, ProvinceStd, ProvinceError, County, Plot, PlotArea, Latitude, Longitude, isValidLatLong, Date, SurveyType, Abund, Abund1, Abund2.5, Abund10, PctCover, DataSource
  • Trait Use Case from Mark Schildhauer:
    1. Variation in plant biodiversity along a latitudinal gradient
      • Raw data columns: PlotCode, Project, Family, genus, taxon, latitude, longitude, Number of individuals, Mean DBH, Trait 1 (mean species trait), Trait 1 (genus mean trait), Trait 1 ("local value"), BioClim Var 1, BioClim Var 2