



"`viewFullOccurrence` is a limited, analytical view of the data consisting of georeferenced point occurrences of species, and, where available, abundances according to different measurement criteria (hence all the Abund* columns). It does not contain, for example, information of co-occurence within subplots that might be needed for some studies (such as my use case #3). As an already cleaned and validated end product, viewFullOccurrence omits columns used to generate corrected values (such as TaxonCorrected, CountryStd) and populate data quality filters (such as Accepted, CountryError, isCultivated, isCultivatedReason, isValidLatLong). For example, one of the steps in populating isCultivated involved inspecting the column `Locality` in table `ObservationSpecimen` for keywords such as "cultivated", "garden", etc. that might indicated the specimen is of a cultivated plant. `viewFullOccurrence` is one of many analytical databases that will be extracted as needed from the BIEN3.0 core db (see "5.0 Populating Analytical DB" in the powerpoint)." (e-mail from Brad Boyle on 2011-10-18)