



From 03/20/2011 to 04/18/2011


01:36 PM Task #215 (Rejected): Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
The size and scope of the global fused DEM terrain layer makes it impractical
to distribute and use the layer (and ...
Rick Reeves
01:12 PM Task #213 (Resolved): Confirm with Project Scientists: CGIAR Level 4 SRTM project supports planned Terrain Analysis
Review is complete, based on Rob G's response (below) and on
Based also upon discussions with Mark Sand Jim R on Apr...
Rick Reeves
12:32 PM Task #208: Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
Description of ten existing scripts (nine AML, one Python):
Aggregate.aml: Executes the aggregate (resampling) fun...
Rick Reeves


10:25 AM Task #213 (Resolved): Confirm with Project Scientists: CGIAR Level 4 SRTM project supports planned Terrain Analysis
Ming's initial research identified the SRTM Level 4 DEM data distributed by the CGIAR Consortium (http://srtm.csi.cgi... Rick Reeves


03:42 PM Task #212 (Closed): Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Particularly for the purposes of examining and validating what happens at the SRTM/ASTER boundary, the fused DEM shou... Jim Regetz
02:21 PM Task #211 (New): Produce global flow accumulation layer
This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to... Jim Regetz
02:15 PM Task #210 (New): Produce global aspect layer
This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to... Jim Regetz
02:13 PM Task #209 (New): Produce global slope layer
This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to... Jim Regetz
01:56 PM Task #208 (In Progress): Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
There are 18 *.aml files in various parts of @eos:~organisms/topo@, although it looks like these are really 9 identic... Jim Regetz
11:50 AM Task #207 (In Progress): Produce global fused DEM layer
This is the top-level ticket associated with creation of a global fused DEM layer, with subtasks to flesh out specifi... Jim Regetz

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