



From 04/28/2011 to 05/27/2011


11:42 AM Revision ec0af318: this table created using the latest and best-aligned versions of the 'boundary validation' (ASTER/SRTM/CDEM) subimages. Input to the script: CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlayNewPlots.r
Rick Reeves
11:10 AM Revision 4101796f: Added option: write individual plots (not trplets - yet) to separate JPG files. New command line argument: JpgPlotFileFlag
Rick Reeves


12:13 PM Revision db78f686: Table used by CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlayNewPlots.r
to create latest set of (normalized) difference scatterplots Rick Reeves
12:12 PM Revision cc196a45: This version used to create the large (36000 row) table used to generate latest bounday analysis scatterplots.
Rick Reeves
12:11 PM Revision acf2afb2: This version creates the (normalized) difference image plots
that Rick, Jim, and Mark are reviewing as part of the final 'ASTER/SRTM boundary analysis' work.
The input file pixel...
Rick Reeves


04:11 PM Revision 8fd072d3: The first version of 'CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlay.r' that produces the 'three-panel' plot containing the boundary differences for ASTER / Border / SRTM.
Rick Reeves
10:07 AM Revision 49c441dd: Latest version of Elevation Difference Image Analysis plot generator: Plots remain on screen until end of script (user presses 'final' <cr>
TODO: Add legend to plots. Rick Reeves


01:29 PM Revision 218022c8: correct CDEM image values
Rick Reeves
01:29 PM Revision 3db72d58: With correct CEDM input image filename.
Rick Reeves
12:26 PM Revision 9d19fb11: Uses correct, even boundary input images
Rick Reeves
12:25 PM Revision b81f0431: made with latest version of makeImagePairTable w/correct images.
Rick Reeves
11:39 AM Revision ce53f1db: created with latest version of code 5/15
Rick Reeves
11:39 AM Revision 27c37be1: Tested Sunday 5/15 - produces table tableForRic2000_5_8.csv
Rick Reeves


03:33 PM Revision 4b8cd90f: In header, better 'to run' instructions.
Rick Reeves
03:21 PM Revision a0267fb3: input table for the R script: MosaicCdemDifferencePlots.r
Created by the R script: makeImagePairFiles. Rick Reeves
03:19 PM Revision 80390607: First working version - very simple - just 'source' the file and press <CR> to walk through the plots.
Next version: 'panel plots' and improved plot axes. Rick Reeves
02:38 PM Revision d732553c: Very first version of plot making script. Plots need consolidation into 'panel plots', and plot labels need to be improved.
Uses input file:
tableForMark4000_5_8_SortColID.csv, also checked in.
Rick Reeves


05:05 PM Revision f028b3dc: These scripts are complete but may not run correctly due to conflicts in the extents of the input raster files. Recheck inputs.
Rick Reeves
05:04 PM Revision 5c833657: Version runs correctly, though the CDEM edge input image might not be the latest and best. Recheck inputs
Rick Reeves


01:09 PM Revision f9dbcec6: ReadMe file describes how to use shell scripts (also checked in) to create example Srtm/Aster DEM image mosaic of Western Canada region spanning 60 deg N Latitude boundary
Rick Reeves
11:05 AM Revision 0f948be9: Sample output file from R script makeMarkTable.r - sample of 4000 random columns, row 5 through row 8 straddling 60 degree boundary.
Rick Reeves
11:02 AM Revision ad35c236: Producing valid table, but from column samples taken entirely from mosaic. Next step: take them from Aster and Cgiar images.
Rick Reeves


05:47 PM Revision b67964e8: First version, has issues with column indexing, I am fixing tonight.
Rick Reeves


04:41 PM Revision 230f2a79: Added collection of Linux shell scripts and R scripts that I used in my initial analysis of SRTM/CGIAR, CDEM, and ASTER GDEM digital terrain data sets.
Rick Reeves


11:47 AM Revision 7c3027e7: added empty dir structure for terrestrial work
Jim Regetz

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