From 05/27/2011 to 06/25/2011
- 07:12 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- To compare performance of the candidate solution techniques, I will compute three derived terrain metrics -
Slope, A...
- 11:11 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Incorporating the suggestions made by Rob Guralnick, Walter Jetz, and Brian McGill during our June 10, 2011 weekly GI...
- 05:41 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- Steps:
>1) Identify base DEM data sources
>2) Define regions for which each base data type are required
>3)... - 04:44 PM Task #215: Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
- The complete archive of Digital Elevation Model data to be used for constructing the Fused Terrain Layer and derived ...
- 09:19 PM Task #225: Organize and document SRTM input DEM files
- I accumulated the (SRTM and ASTER) DEM files over the past two months, as I began this project. The ~ 6000 files are ...
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