



From 06/03/2011 to 07/02/2011


12:20 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Reviewing the 'NorthWestEast' ASTER GDEM component of the terrain mosaic,
I encountered one more mislabeled tile:
Rick Reeves
11:06 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
I downloaded these tiles, which were mislabeled/defective in the previous (May) delivery:
Rick Reeves


07:30 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
When creating the ASTER GDEM image mosaics for the northeastern hemisphere, I noticed that the (sub) mosaics extended... Rick Reeves


05:42 PM Revision 74edc384: First version of this script; dKc constant is not optimally set yet. Need more experimentation.
Rick Reeves
02:47 PM Revision e11b5636: Version of pixel pair plotting script that adds 'Lowess Lines' to center of each scatterplot.
Note: Loess lines feature has only been tested with the input file "pixelPairs36000_5_8EvenSortCol1.csv", used in the... Rick Reeves
01:51 PM Revision a36cc837: This version has improved, vertically-stacked plots.
Rick Reeves
01:43 PM Revision 5a9ae465: First version of 'image blending' solution that employs a linear decay function to blend ASTER and SRTM pixel values south of 60 degree N Latitude line.
Rick Reeves
07:12 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
To compare performance of the candidate solution techniques, I will compute three derived terrain metrics -
Slope, A...
Rick Reeves


11:11 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Incorporating the suggestions made by Rob Guralnick, Walter Jetz, and Brian McGill during our June 10, 2011 weekly GI... Rick Reeves


05:41 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
>1) Identify base DEM data sources
>2) Define regions for which each base data type are required
Rick Reeves
04:44 PM Task #215: Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
The complete archive of Digital Elevation Model data to be used for constructing the Fused Terrain Layer and derived ... Rick Reeves


05:49 PM Revision 8ff00cae: First version of ASTER/SRTM boundary adjustment R script that tests a prototype 'exponential decay' function on a sub image of the DEM imaage mosaic.
Rick Reeves


09:19 PM Task #225: Organize and document SRTM input DEM files
I accumulated the (SRTM and ASTER) DEM files over the past two months, as I began this project. The ~ 6000 files are ... Rick Reeves

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