From 08/18/2011 to 09/16/2011
- 09:03 AM Task #262: Organize and document ASTER input DEM files
- I am almost finished with the check of the Aster tiles. Since the last update I have identified ~100 tiles with less...
- 07:42 AM Task #262: Organize and document ASTER input DEM files
- All dem tiles identified as bad have been successfully replaced with good tiles.
Tiles with no or bad correspond...
- 12:11 PM Task #262: Organize and document ASTER input DEM files
- 4 of the 7 bad tiles, as identified by Jim with the aster-check R script, have been re-downloaded and checked. All 4...
- 02:33 PM Task #262: Organize and document ASTER input DEM files
- There are a few issues with quality control files (num.tif) as well.
1) One file ("DEM/asterGdem/ASTGTM_N49E007_...
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