



From 12/26/2011 to 01/24/2012


06:47 PM Task #225: Organize and document SRTM input DEM files
The purpose of this update is to summarize differences between the following two directories, for the purposes of ult... Jim Regetz


03:30 PM Task #225: Organize and document SRTM input DEM files
Just committed a script (source:terrestrial/terrain/dem/srtm-check.R@176) that I wrote in May 2011 to assess our diff... Jim Regetz


02:16 PM Task #225: Organize and document SRTM input DEM files
I removed the directory @~organisms/SRTM_1km_ASCII@, which contained a global SRTM 1km ASCII grid obtained by Ming ea... Jim Regetz


11:59 AM Task #212 (Closed): Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
The original focus of this task was on using independent DEM data, suggesting CDED, to validate the fused DEM at the ... Jim Regetz
10:45 AM Task #215 (Rejected): Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
At some point, we'll certainly need to make sure end users can obtain data in convenient ways. However, I'm rejecting... Jim Regetz

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