



From 02/21/2012 to 03/21/2012


03:41 PM Task #364: Integrate spatial variables and structure in the GAM methodology
GWR predictions were produced using the sgwr package in R.
The following specifications were used to run the mode...
Benoit Parmentier


12:36 PM Task #362: Decide on a map projection for the Oregon case study
If I am not mistaken, I think we have decided that the best projection to use is Behrmanns' Cylindrical Equal Area, a... Natalie Robinson


12:00 PM Task #361: Test and compare the GAM method on several days (10 days for now) for Oregon
I am reading about interactions and experimenting with the visualization tools.
At this stage, it is still unclear ...
Benoit Parmentier
11:54 AM Task #364: Integrate spatial variables and structure in the GAM methodology
One of the initial step in the methodology will be to reproduce the GWR model from PRISM. I am experimenting with GWR... Benoit Parmentier
11:52 AM Task #375: Assemble monthly mean MODIS LST values for the complete record (2000-2012) for Oregon
Started downloading and scripting for the average calculation. There are missing dates and I will be downloading addi... Benoit Parmentier


08:38 AM Task #376 (New): Assemble monthly mean TRMM precipitation values for the complete record for Oregon
This is for use in the development of the climate-aided interpolations. Steps:
# Download complete TRMM data record ...
Adam Wilson
08:35 AM Task #375 (New): Assemble monthly mean MODIS LST values for the complete record (2000-2012) for Oregon
This is for use in the development of the climate-aided interpolations. Steps:
# Download complete record for MODIS...
Adam Wilson


11:44 AM Task #361 (In Progress): Test and compare the GAM method on several days (10 days for now) for Oregon
Beginning of the r code to produce prediction for 10 dates. Fit and validation will be evaluated using AIC, GCV, devi... Benoit Parmentier


06:27 PM Task #359: Test GAM method to produce Tmax for one day (OREGON): r script
Assessment of the statistical models for interpolation must rely on diagnostic statistics. This step will help in sel... Benoit Parmentier


02:24 PM Task #364 (New): Integrate spatial variables and structure in the GAM methodology
MODIS LST time series provide information on the structure and spatial variability of skin temperature. This informat... Benoit Parmentier
01:19 PM Task #359 (In Progress): Test GAM method to produce Tmax for one day (OREGON): r script
Benoit Parmentier
11:48 AM Task #359 (In Progress): Test GAM method to produce Tmax for one day (OREGON): r script
This is a first attempt at producing predicted values from meteorological station data.
Two methods were tested in a...
Benoit Parmentier
01:13 PM Task #363 (In Progress): Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
Meteorological station data used in the project was downloaded from the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN). Thi... Benoit Parmentier
12:24 PM Task #362 (New): Decide on a map projection for the Oregon case study
The project has so far utilized the MODIS sinusoidal projection to store the relevant input GIS data layers (e.g. SRT... Benoit Parmentier
12:16 PM Task #361 (In Progress): Test and compare the GAM method on several days (10 days for now) for Oregon
The GAM regression is applied on a set of 10 days spread over a year to test its performance. We expect changes in th... Benoit Parmentier
12:06 PM Task #360 (In Progress): Producing, formatting and extracting variables for the GAM regression (OREGON)
GIS data layers developed in the past few months and meteorological station data are used to create a first "pilot" d... Benoit Parmentier

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