From 03/04/2012 to 04/02/2012
- 06:15 AM Document: Exploration of TRMM precipitation data in Oregon
- A brief overview of a comparison between TRMM satellite derived precipitation product and station observations in Ore...
- 03:48 PM Document: Presentation IPLANT meeting 03202012
- This presentation provides an update and summary of three ongoing tasks:
1) Prediction of tmax using GWR with 0,30,5...
- 09:57 PM Document: Presentation Iplant meeting Webex 03062012
- This presentation reports on the results for Task 361: GAM interpolation for 10 dates for the Oregon Case study. Ther...
- 05:19 PM Document: Presentation Iplant meeting Tucson 02172011
- This is a short powerpoint presentation of the first interpolation results for one date in Oregon. Results were obtai...
- 02:40 PM Document: Weather Interpolation for South Africa
- Presentation summarizing comparison of station data with MODIS LST and TRMM data as well as methods for interpolation...
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