



From 03/30/2012 to 04/28/2012


11:05 AM Task #393: Identify Focal Regions
Natalie is ready to help MODIS data assembly once we have decided this. Can we plan to talk about this on the Tuesda... Rob Guralnick


02:00 PM Task #375: Assemble monthly mean MODIS LST values for the complete record (2000-2012) for Oregon
I just noticed that the IRI data library [[ Adam Wilson
01:14 PM Task #393 (New): Identify Focal Regions
We need to identify the small number (3-5?) of focal regions that we will use for further validation after we finish... Adam Wilson


01:56 PM Revision 92c36e33: made minor changes to PRISM variables
Benoit Parmentier
01:51 PM Revision 3f649df0: changed RMSE and AIC code in GAM script
Benoit Parmentier
01:39 PM Revision 7f643c83: updated GAM script for tmax
Benoit Parmentier
01:23 PM Revision 89c6eee2: added initial R script with GAM regression for tmax (one date)
Benoit Parmentier


09:59 AM 20120320_NCEAS_update.pdf
Presented at 4/17/2012 phone conference Adam Wilson
09:59 AM Document: Anomaly Approach for Interpolations
Adam Wilson


10:51 AM Revision b9fe1b70: renamed script to multiscalesmooth.R
Jim Regetz
10:45 AM Revision 7a06885b: numerous comment, format, and variable name changes
Jim Regetz
10:33 AM Revision 3abda63e: now actually refining before smoothing (GRASS version)
Jim Regetz
10:33 AM Revision 40cd02ba: reversed order of refine-and-smooth step
Jim Regetz
10:32 AM Revision c87139a7: added GRASS/Python implementation of multiscale smoother
Jim Regetz


03:40 PM IPLANT_working_roundup_Benoit_04032012.pptx
Benoit Parmentier
03:40 PM Document: Presentation E&O progress, IPLANT meeting 04032012
This presentation reports on the prediction of tmax for the Oregon case study. There are three main analyses document... Benoit Parmentier

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