From 04/15/2012 to 05/14/2012
- 10:00 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
- Quick example comparing SQLite vs PostgreSQL timings on a simple aggregate query that doesn't use any indexes. SQLite...
- 11:16 PM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
- Vaguely concerned about performance and manageability of such a large SQLite database, I wrote a second script to loa...
- 11:14 PM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
- Belated update. The TMIN/TMAX data loaded in ~6 hours total, yielding a 25GB SQLite file with nearly 600 million rows.
- 10:54 PM Revision c7235eae: added R script to load GHCN data into a PostgreSQL DB
- 10:50 PM Revision a7663038: further optimized functions in R for some minor extra speedup
- 03:03 PM Revision 0d1cde0a: Changes in the diagnostics plots, barplots.
- 02:49 PM Revision 25a68ae3: Transform aspect in Eastness and Northness variables in the GAM.
- 02:42 PM Revision 4180b123: Transformed the aspect variable and added GAM model closer to PRISM
- 02:28 PM Revision 2a89fa5f: GAM prediction added to the loop with RMSE calculation
- 02:13 PM Revision ec229367: Streamlining and slight changes to the loop to create subset dataset for different dates
- 02:07 PM Revision af42291a: Additional changes to the loop and format
- 01:47 PM Revision bc59c6bb: Start of Task #361, modified code to subset for 10 dates
- 11:59 AM Revision d7b0ef36: Minor format changes and clean up to code
- 11:18 AM Revision e2d673e4: Corrected errors in RMSE calculation and added plots to view results
- 08:49 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
- Data loading slowed to a crawl overnight, thanks to a record count query tucked inside in the bulk insert function th...
- 08:34 AM Revision 3b8dd010: dropped unnecessary record-count query from bulk insert function
- 11:49 PM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
- Committed an R script that orchestrates the processing and loading of all 75000+ *.dly files into a SQLite database. ...
- 11:10 AM Task #363 (In Progress): Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
- We decided to organize and load _all_ available GHCN data (i.e., all dates and stations, globally) into SQLite databa...
- 11:06 PM Revision d4e63f5d: superficial code reformatting
- 10:29 PM Revision 38aa5c07: replaced reshape with faster manual split-rbind approach
- 04:11 PM Revision 669c150d: added grep pre-filtering of rows in the *.dly files
- 03:45 PM Revision 2d08ed05: replaced read.fortran with faster system call to awk/tr
- 03:41 PM Revision dd85f6d3: added initial R script to load GHCN data into a SQLite DB
- 03:40 PM Task #408: Capturing LST spatial structure using spatial eigenvectors
- I started writing the R code using the two functions from spdep package: ME() and SpatialFiltering()
I am trying to ... - 03:32 PM Task #364: Integrate spatial variables and structure in the GAM methodology
- I am currently exploring a two stage regression involving:
1) Step 1: GAM models using Lat, long, ELEV_SRTM, DISTOC,...
- 04:31 PM Task #406: OR-GAM predictions-model assessment over 365 dates, year 2010
- RMSE were calculated per month over the year 2010. Results show that contrary to my expectation RMSE are higher in S...
- 09:35 AM Revision 6c9ca794: simplified code by using 'a' flag for r.neighbors (improves 3abda63)
- 09:20 AM Revision 5af6ef96: reorganized AML terrain scripts to reduce superficial redundancy
- 11:57 AM Task #393: Identify Focal Regions
- We are currently proposing the following regions (and MODIS tiles):
Oregon: H08V04, H09V04, H08V05, H09V0...
- 02:24 PM Task #361: Test and compare the GAM method on several days (10 days for now) for Oregon
- Many models have been explored using the GAM methodology. At this stage, more detailed diagnostics is needed so for t...
- 02:16 PM Task #409 (New): Effect of sampling on GAM: hold out proportions and sampling observations
- This task examines the effect of the sampling and hold out proportions on tmax predictions. This task will help in de...
- 02:08 PM Task #364: Integrate spatial variables and structure in the GAM methodology
- Kriging has been done so far by using variograms fitted from stations' locations. The next step is to examine the fit...
- 02:03 PM Task #408 (New): Capturing LST spatial structure using spatial eigenvectors
- Spatial filtering is explored to assess its usefulness in capturing the LST spatial structure by creating spatial var...
- 01:56 PM Task #406 (New): OR-GAM predictions-model assessment over 365 dates, year 2010
- Models have so far been assessed on 10 dates spread over the year for the Oregon study area. This task provides an as...
- 01:20 PM Task #375: Assemble monthly mean MODIS LST values for the complete record (2000-2012) for Oregon
- The NASA Ames team is willing to generate the monthly LST climatologies, but we'll need to be specific about what we ...
- 01:20 PM Task #393: Identify Focal Regions
- Do we want to look at a mediterranean-type climate? Guess western part of South Africa qualifies. Or interior tempe...
- 01:13 PM Task #393: Identify Focal Regions
- The folks at NASA Ames suggested that scaling up to the globe will much easier to do if we process the data using the...
- 11:05 AM Task #393: Identify Focal Regions
- Natalie is ready to help MODIS data assembly once we have decided this. Can we plan to talk about this on the Tuesda...
- 02:00 PM Task #375: Assemble monthly mean MODIS LST values for the complete record (2000-2012) for Oregon
- I just noticed that the IRI data library [[
- 01:14 PM Task #393 (New): Identify Focal Regions
- We need to identify the small number (3-5?) of focal regions that we will use for further validation after we finish...
- 01:56 PM Revision 92c36e33: made minor changes to PRISM variables
- 01:51 PM Revision 3f649df0: changed RMSE and AIC code in GAM script
- 01:39 PM Revision 7f643c83: updated GAM script for tmax
- 01:23 PM Revision 89c6eee2: added initial R script with GAM regression for tmax (one date)
- Presented at 4/17/2012 phone conference
- 09:59 AM Document: Anomaly Approach for Interpolations
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