



From 05/20/2012 to 06/18/2012


05:55 PM Revision f2b2e7d5: Added initial version of LST_Landcover exploration (not finished). Also moved prior version of interpolation procedure (bayesian krig) into repository.
Adam M. Wilson


12:28 PM Revision b7b786b1: Minor updates to dataset size calculation
Adam M. Wilson


02:43 PM Revision 64821c96: Initial commit adding UML flowchart
Adam M. Wilson
02:35 PM Revision 4f97017d: added processing for 'very cloudy days'
Adam M. Wilson


01:54 PM Revision 44799b5f: Added PRISM comparison to MOD06_summary and added script to calculate 'back-of-the-envelope' estimates of total daily climate layer sizes
Adam M. Wilson


12:06 AM Revision 95d521f9: GHNCD station data selection using Postgres database, initial commit, task #363
Benoit Parmentier


11:57 PM Revision 328689cf: GAM LST, added specific and general diagnostic measures (e.g.MAE) GAM+Kriging, task #364 and #406
Benoit Parmentier
01:56 PM Revision c33d3b68: Updated MOD06 compile script to process the tiles in parallel using GRASS. This brings processing time for 10 year archive for oregon from 48 hours to ~2 hours on 24 cores. Also added several exploratory analysis to the data_summary script.
Adam M. Wilson
07:56 AM Revision 0c74b1da: Added cloud flag to outputs
Adam M. Wilson


06:56 AM Revision 08d8290d: First 10-year processing of daily mean tifs
Adam M. Wilson
06:55 AM Revision e23e9664: First full processing of daily mean tifs
Adam M. Wilson


04:30 PM Revision 38eccf20: GAM LST, adding lines to summarize samling RMSE using plots, task #409
Benoit Parmentier
04:19 PM Revision 51050314: GAM LST, first code to test effect of sampling on GAM, task #409
Benoit Parmentier
04:10 PM Revision 8d91ca4a: GAM LST, added model and modified summary plots, run on 365 dates GAM+Kriging, task #364 and #406
Benoit Parmentier
04:03 PM Revision ab8957ca: GAM LST, modify code to generalize number of models and assessment,GAM+Kriging task #364
Benoit Parmentier
03:52 PM Revision c9e2af49: GAM LST, major modifications to create GAM+Kriging code, task #364
Benoit Parmentier
03:34 PM Revision 75151566: GAM LST, adding lines to assess RMSE per month over 365 dates, task #406
Benoit Parmentier
02:46 PM Revision f042de0f: GAM LST, added model with forest only term -364 dates assessment, task #406
Benoit Parmentier
02:37 PM Revision 9c848d7a: GAM LST, added section to save training and test residuals in shapefiles, task #361
Benoit Parmentier
02:28 PM Revision f31f59cc: GAM LST, changed triple nesting lat,long,Elev to double, 365 dates run, task #406 and #361
Benoit Parmentier
12:02 PM Revision fb35e17b: added bash script used to download new GHCN data (29-May-2012)
Jim Regetz
11:19 AM Revision 63d8201d: GAM LST, used monthly LST average instead of daily, task #361
Benoit Parmentier
11:11 AM Revision 80402fdf: GAM LST, adding new model with grass land cover, task #361
Benoit Parmentier
10:56 AM Revision 24eedf3a: GAM using LST as input variable task #361
Benoit Parmentier
10:27 AM Revision 90913004: augmented test script to reproduce 8-day LST *counts* from daily LST
Jim Regetz
10:01 AM Revision e84c3d48: tucked misc procedural code into a main function
Jim Regetz


04:49 PM Revision fbc95c44: GAM, modification of nesting of models and clean up, task #361
Benoit Parmentier
04:16 PM Revision 328528e2: Kriging, adding LST for co-kriging: task #364
Benoit Parmentier
03:53 PM Revision eec8b7e0: Kriging, slight modification and clean up, task #364
Benoit Parmentier
03:37 PM Revision 88248d6c: Kriging, modification to save kriged surfaces in geotiff and png files, task #364
Benoit Parmentier
03:24 PM Revision 3be0f72b: Kriging, modifying code to save training and testing samples in shapefiles: task #364
Benoit Parmentier
03:07 PM Revision 7da7872a: Kriging for OR, this is the first script, task #364
Benoit Parmentier
12:56 PM Revision 15a39f25: GWR modified code to save plots and images, task #364
Benoit Parmentier
12:49 PM Revision defe53e5: GWR assessment by visualizing residuals using kriging
Benoit Parmentier
12:16 PM Revision 5f312940: GWR in adding loop for 10 dates
Benoit Parmentier
11:57 AM Revision 23ed3053: GWR first script for one date in OR, task #364
Benoit Parmentier


01:59 PM Revision 979e2d4c: MOD06 processing runs well in sequence, but not parallel
Adam M. Wilson


01:55 PM Revision 2a6b57de: Reorganization: moved mindmap to it's own directory to isolate temporary files created when exporting to other formats
Adam M. Wilson
01:44 PM Revision 5891fba5: Add initial version of the 'mind map' for the interpolation project. This file contains an outline of the various stages of the project and links back to issues and code in the blessed repository.
Created during Benoit's visit to Yale May 21-22. Adam M. Wilson
01:43 PM Revision 147da66d: Adding some MOD06 (cloud product) processing routines. Still a work in progress
Adam M. Wilson
01:35 PM Revision ee6357dc: Initial commit
Adam Wilson

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