



From 06/02/2012 to 07/01/2012


05:31 PM Revision e0d23f1c: OR data preparation, initial commit for extraction of covariates from raster stack
Benoit Parmentier
05:21 PM Revision b8bf4042: OR data preparation task#363, modified code for ghcn to create a shapefile
Benoit Parmentier


04:54 PM Revision 86d73d7e: added import of station data to ghcn postgres script
Jim Regetz
01:11 PM Revision 9b850015: updated directory paths and related comments
Jim Regetz


05:55 PM Revision f2b2e7d5: Added initial version of LST_Landcover exploration (not finished). Also moved prior version of interpolation procedure (bayesian krig) into repository.
Adam M. Wilson


12:28 PM Revision b7b786b1: Minor updates to dataset size calculation
Adam M. Wilson


02:43 PM Revision 64821c96: Initial commit adding UML flowchart
Adam M. Wilson
02:35 PM Revision 4f97017d: added processing for 'very cloudy days'
Adam M. Wilson


01:54 PM Revision 44799b5f: Added PRISM comparison to MOD06_summary and added script to calculate 'back-of-the-envelope' estimates of total daily climate layer sizes
Adam M. Wilson


12:06 AM Revision 95d521f9: GHNCD station data selection using Postgres database, initial commit, task #363
Benoit Parmentier


11:57 PM Revision 328689cf: GAM LST, added specific and general diagnostic measures (e.g.MAE) GAM+Kriging, task #364 and #406
Benoit Parmentier
01:56 PM Revision c33d3b68: Updated MOD06 compile script to process the tiles in parallel using GRASS. This brings processing time for 10 year archive for oregon from 48 hours to ~2 hours on 24 cores. Also added several exploratory analysis to the data_summary script.
Adam M. Wilson
07:56 AM Revision 0c74b1da: Added cloud flag to outputs
Adam M. Wilson

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