



From 09/13/2012 to 10/12/2012


05:15 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
A fully fused and void-filled global 90m DEM was finally finished in Sept. 2012.
The final steps to making this D...
Natalie Robinson


01:42 PM Revision 3959e686: Updated MOD06 process to output NetCDF files instead of geotif for faster post-processing
Adam Wilson
03:46 AM Revision cf724805: Resolved problem with temporary directory for Rscript call.
Adam Wilson


12:06 PM Revision 807fa48c: Script is successfully running and producing the summary files, though the output looks strange. Maybe a problem with sinusoidal output of HEG? Use Pleiades.R to drive the submission and MOD06_L2_process as the processing script
Adam Wilson


06:33 PM Revision 9d52d7e0: Successfully running MOD06 processing on Pleiades as an array job (though submissions are limited to < 365 jobs so will have to find another way to submit them)
Adam Wilson


02:39 PM Task #491: Methods comparison
For now, interpolation methods are assessed using:
1) Visual patterns from prediction
This is a visual assessment o...
Benoit Parmentier
11:14 AM Revision 2bdb1ff5: Accuracy and spatial distance to closest fitting stat., intial commit task #491
Benoit Parmentier
11:07 AM Revision 101f27b0: Multi sampling kriging raster prediction, initial commit, task #491
Benoit Parmentier
10:54 AM Revision 69864891: Multisampling Kriging function interpolation initial commit raster prediction task #491
Benoit Parmentier
10:45 AM Revision 170edade: Method comparison initial commit task #491
Benoit Parmentier

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