From 05/10/2013 to 06/08/2013
- 02:29 PM Revision da01a629: running GAM CAI with monthly stations averages for 2000-2010 time period
- 02:27 PM Revision 3a8a8e72: slight modifications, solving issues for covariate brick production
- 02:26 PM Revision fc7c30c1: raster prediction function, modifications related to kriging daily method
- 02:24 PM Revision b2563a44: raster prediction function, modifications related to gam daily method
- 02:22 PM Revision 40e4d58b: interpolation day script, adding kriging daily method prediction
- 02:17 PM Revision 230a3ae4: interpolation day script, adding GAM daily prediciction method
- 02:08 PM Revision 195bbbb0: LST climatology, changes to output location and adding compression to tif output
- 01:58 PM Revision 0a930ed3: Merge branch 'aw/precip' of into aw/precip
- 01:57 PM Revision be7b1081: Added script to make GHCN station shapefile for global station gap analysis
- 11:46 AM Revision 277a0e97: testing workflow for Oregon, fixing problems related to automation for covariates production
- 11:40 AM Revision 3193de08: master script, debugging covariates production for Oregon study area
- 11:39 AM Revision 5c1400ca: downloading North America tiles, continued
- 11:36 AM Revision f37cc8b7: LST clim averages calc,testing parallel call to python scripts
- 11:33 AM Revision 992aa616: covariates production script, major changes to automate the process, added also distance to coast product
- 11:25 AM Revision 18d48828: master script, covariates production automation first changes
- 11:22 AM Revision 714db1db: downloading of North America tiles, continued...
- 07:18 PM Revision 7bc7266c: Merge branch 'aw/precip' of into aw/precip
- 07:17 PM Revision b3344197: Move file outputs to /nobackupp1 instead of lou due to quota increase. First full 2009 summary
- 09:04 PM Revision c723ce75: covariates production, modification related to output and parallelization to speed up
- 09:01 PM Revision bd69aaca: master script, gam fusion using tensor as basis e.g. te(x,y)
- 08:59 PM Revision a14b03e1: master script, gam fusion additional models using s(x,y), s(x,y,LST)
- 08:56 PM Revision 2d6af3b8: gam fusion prediction, minor output path changes following debugging
- 08:49 PM Revision b345fd0a: data preparation, debugging, clean up of input parameters names
- 08:46 PM Revision f3e5567c: LST script calc, modifications to allow parallel call of python+GRASS script
- 08:43 PM Revision dfe13c01: download and LST calc, modification of output and downloading of South America tiles
- 01:09 PM Document: Heterogeneity metrics derived from MODIS data
- Some example metrics derived from the consensus land cover data and a time series of MODIS EVI for quantifying habita...
- 12:55 PM Document: MOD35 vs MOD09 Cloud mask comparison
- Four summary figures from current draft of short communication about land-cover bias in MODIS cloud products.
- 11:17 AM Document: GAM CAI predictions Venezuela region
- This document presents maximum temperature predictions using the GAM CAI method for Venezuela for year 2010.
- 03:43 PM Revision 661e6ef0: covariates preparation script, modifications to handle LST inputs and output directory
- 03:41 PM Revision 8f176858: LST processing function, test and modifications
- 03:38 PM Revision b4dae80c: LST processing R function, initial commit, calls to python scripts
- 03:35 PM Revision 55408bb4: master script, calling python scripts from R function
- 03:32 PM Revision 86216d9e: master script, adding call to python scripts
- 03:29 PM Revision a462ee65: initial commit, script for grass set to access python in R
- 03:26 PM Revision 9bcb2aa4: handling modis dowloading outputs
- 03:23 PM Revision f1cd9046: splitting LST climatology script - downloading of modis tiles
- 03:20 PM Revision 73b1bea9: splitting LST script-climatology calculation
- 03:17 PM Revision 2a8747de: LST downloading and climatology python script passing arguments from shell
- 02:13 PM Revision f7f9f131: Merge branch 'aw/precip' of into aw/precip
- 02:13 PM Revision ddd9a810: Updated script to process MOD35 Processing Path using HEG to interpolate sensor zenith observations. Also working on figures for MOD35 C5 vs C6 comparison in MOD35C5_Evaluation script
- 03:36 PM Revision 5b9ca6d6: results ouput analyses, modifications outputs and clean up
- 03:33 PM Revision f23e6e04: validation script, modifications to store results in output folder and additional minor changes
- 03:32 PM Revision 5ed5c7a3: raster prediction, modifications log file and output tracking for workflow run
- 03:30 PM Revision 5f91c983: gam fusion, gam CAI functions modifications to store predictions in one unique output folder
- 03:27 PM Revision 06aef3e5: data preparation script, modifications to store outputs in one unique output folder
- 03:24 PM Revision 3c422b41: master script modifications regarding outputs and clean up
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