



From 07/07/2013 to 08/05/2013


09:12 AM Document: EVI-based heterogeneity metrics
Preliminary results of modeling bird species richness using EVI-based and landcover-based heterogeneity metrics Mao-Ning Tuanmu
09:09 AM Updates_073013.pdf
Mao-Ning Tuanmu
09:07 AM Document: Evaluation of the GMTED2010 to derive topographic variables
Evaluation of the GMTED2010 products
Median Statistic
Minimum Statistic
Mean Statistic
Maximum Stat...
Guiseppe Amatulli
09:07 AM presentation.pdf
Guiseppe Amatulli


08:59 AM Document: Variables derived from the EarthEnv-DEM90
Topographic variables obtained from the EarthEnv-DEM90.
Median values in 10x10 pixels of the following variables ...
Guiseppe Amatulli
08:57 AM tri_median.pdf
Guiseppe Amatulli
08:56 AM tpi_median.pdf
Guiseppe Amatulli
08:56 AM slope_median.pdf
Guiseppe Amatulli
08:56 AM roughness_median.pdf
Guiseppe Amatulli
08:56 AM altitude_median.pdf
Guiseppe Amatulli

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