From 01/12/2016 to 02/10/2016
- 05:09 PM Revision 35cb7399: more changes to part3 assessment overall figure combined assessment
- 05:08 PM Revision e62bc941: debugging of figures and adding figure 9 to produce yearly comparison of RMSE
- 05:07 PM Revision 2dd925ab: initial commit assessment part3 to combine yearly results into figures for presentation
- 05:05 PM Revision 41bab185: part2 assessment figure production, for testing on bridge
- 05:04 PM Revision 47fc2e4d: more changes to part2 assessment figure 2 production to clean up and record figures produced
- 05:03 PM Revision 0d1b5196: part2 assessment figure production debugging of errors related to shapefiles and lattice
- 05:02 PM Revision 4963bd95: part2 assessment figure production tested and debugged on bridge
- 05:00 PM Revision 1580701e: more changes to python stage 4 script to make it work for stage 6
- 05:00 PM Revision e4da0a50: initial commit of python script from Alberto modified for stage6
- 04:58 PM Revision 247eabbb: running 2009 to 2014 region 4, stage 6 on bridge for testing
- 04:57 PM Revision 063d31a1: master script stage 6, minor bug for shell call
- 04:56 PM Revision c3bfbe4e: stage6 testing assessment part2 figures and call from the shell
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