From 03/14/2016 to 04/12/2016
- 03:11 PM Revision b4057554: stage 7 mosaicing, major clean up and modification to allow call from shell for jobs on NEX
- 03:09 PM Revision 8374dddd: mosaicing script shell script for job, modifications and clean up with comments
- 03:08 PM Revision 5f776b29: testing function mosaicing before shell script
- 03:07 PM Revision c447e6b8: turning script into shell callable code for stage 7 mosaicing
- 03:06 PM Revision f1b2b657: testing stage 7 mosaicing with layers options and temporary files removal
- 03:05 PM Revision 5b2c0bc6: testing mosaicing stage 7 and fixing inputs
- 03:04 PM Revision 25d7918b: more changes to master script 7, stage 7 and testing
- 03:03 PM Revision 09b23c86: stage 7 mosaicing following assessment, script cleaned and integrated to workflow
- 03:02 PM Revision 2644e643: mosaicing functions, option to remove temporary files
- 03:01 PM Revision 0c4658af: mosaicing functions, fixing outputs names and directories
- 02:59 PM Revision a541eb58: fixing function to create mosaics of residuals
- 02:56 PM Revision 41b62b4e: mosaicing script function, fixing output filename and output directory
- 02:55 PM Revision ba57e9f8: testing mosaicing in the workflow and debugging
- 02:54 PM Revision fffd21e7: mosaicing script, adding option to remove temporary files after mosaicing
- 02:53 PM Revision f9023de7: mosaicing script, clean up of code and debugging for options
- 02:51 PM Revision 31651cbb: mosaicing script, adding options to run accuracy layers, variable predicted and other options
- 02:50 PM Revision 07434086: mosaicing script, testing residuals generation function for raster surface
- 02:49 PM Revision 46deff43: fixing data range for mosaicing, output dir and reading of assessment inputs
- 02:48 PM Revision ac1538ae: mosaicing script, major changes to further integrate code in the workflow
- 02:45 PM Revision c11dd274: analyses of extremes more changes and debugging to record data
- 02:45 PM Revision 5182652d: analyses of extremes, debugging assessment part5
- 02:44 PM Revision e0928996: analyses of extremes, fixing figures for assessment part 5
- 02:42 PM Revision 298461c0: analyses of extreme values part 5 assessment, examining frequency of extremes by tiles
- 02:41 PM Revision f682ea83: analyses of extreme values, part 5 assessment script adding section for missing values
- 02:39 PM Revision 3ff91d1a: initial commit new code for extreme values study, scaling up assessment part 5
- 02:36 PM Revision d365cff3: running assessment overall for region 23
- 02:34 PM Revision 0eb2acf0: overall assessment 1996-2014 for region 5 using stage 8 master script
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