running gwr fusion, 40-70% monthly hold out for multi-time scale paper, OR
running gwr fusion, 0-30% holdout for multi-time scale paper, OR
analyses for multi timescale methods paper, part 5, hold out comparisons
running gwr CAI with monthly hold out from 0.4 to 0.7 in OR, paper analyses
running gwr CAI with monthly hold out from 0.2 to 0.3 in OR,paper analyses
runnin gwr CAI, monthly hold out 0 to 0.1 for OR, paper analyses
analyses paper methods part 5, monthly hold out (0 to 70%) for gam_fus and kriging_fus
running kriging fusion with 40 to 70% monthly hold out and changes in paper 1 script figures and analyses
running kriging fusion with 20 to 30% monthly holdout for multitimescale paper, OR
running kriging fusion with 0 to 10% monthly holdout for multitimescale paper, OR
running gam fusion with 40 to 70% monthly holdout for multitimescale paper, OR
running gam fusion with 20-30% monthly holdout, multitimescale paper, OR
running gam fusion with 0-10% monthly hold-out for multitimescale paper,OR
testing and debugging gam fusion with monthly holdout proportion
analyses paper part 5: monthly hold out gam CAI first results
modification to add monthly hold out for fusion methods
running test kriging CAI with multiple hold out proportion monthly time scale, OR
running test with modified code for monthly hold out and gam CAI in OR
validation script, modifications to make use of same function for daily and monthly accuracy calculations
raster prediction script, validation call for monthly and daily hold out and outputs objects
changes in validation script to deal with hold out proportion at monthly time scale
raster script prediction modifications to deal with for monthly hold out
master script test modifications with range of monthly hold out with zero
dealing with memory swap overload, daily devation debugging following change in monthly outputs
daily deviation function and CAI function, modifications for monthly hold out
modifications for monthly hold out in raster prediction script
first modifications for hold out at monthly timescale, master script and monthly sampling function
contribution covariates fig and tables for manuscript
contribution of covariates fig and tables for paper, functions used in script
initial commit contribution of covariates functions for paper
contribution of covariates paper, script major clean up and modification -splitting functions and script
contribution of covariates paper script major modification analyses and figures
running gam daily comb3 OR with revised screening for paper analyses
running kriging fusion comb3 OR with revised screening for paper analyses
running gam cai comb3 OR with revised screening for paper analyses
running gam fusion comb3 OR with revised screening for paper analyses
anlalyses paper contribution of covariates, over training tendency
raster prediction script, adding recording of training metric fits for paper analyses
validation metric script fix small bug following run with one model
results interpolation script, fixing bugs and slight changes
running gam daily mutlisampling 10 to 70% baseline comb3
paper analyses and figure contributio of covariates, modifications
running kriging daily multisampling 10 to 70% prop baseline comb3
running kriging daily with multisampling 10 to 70% for baselin comb3
running Kriging CAI with modified screening of values
covariates script, modification of screening function related to CANHEIGHT and LC
paper 1 manuscript: analyses, figures and tables -daily temp OR predictions
analyses paper part 3: comb3, multisampling and distance to closest fitting station
analyses papers part 2: comparison comb3 baseline covariates
running gam_fusion using comb3 from comparison, temp OR
running GAM_CAI with comb3 for comparison, OR temp
running kriging_CAI for temp OR, master script
running GWR_CAI for temp OR, master script
adding gwr_CAI and kriging_CAI, modifications to raster prediction function
running GWR fusion method, master script, temp OR
modification for gwr fusion and additional methods for CAI
adding gwr fusion method, modifications raster prediction function
master script, running first predictions of temp using kriging fusion in OR
adding kriging fusion method, several modifications in raster predictions functions
master script, temp predictions, for Oregon with 7 hold out prop, 10 samples and 12 dates
master script, multisampling first predictions with new code using prop hold out 10% to 70%
initial commit, analyses paper part 1 with revised results
master script, test run for NASA
master script, preparing data for Oregon for the test run
raster prediction, modification for screening of training, runs by stage
covariates production script, fixing bug without stage 2
gam day, predictions for paper testing covariates combination 4
kriging day, predictions for paper, testing covariates combination 3
gwr day predictions for paper, testing covariate combination 3, part 1
gam day predictions for paper testing covariates combination 3
gam day testing covariates combination for paper OR
gam day with additional screening of training data for model comparison paper OR
gam day additional screening for model comparison, paper OR
gam day, testing covariates combination with nesting and ti() for paper Oregon
gam fusion handling errors
covariates preparation, dealing with projection shift and keeping track of covariates names after screening
gam day with screening of values, OR analyses for paper
testing screening using GAM predictions in Oregon
covariates, fixing screening function to remove extreme values
adding function to define projection system
covariates production function, adding screening for extreme values
master script adding arguments to screen covariates
results output script, modifications to output graphs for added methods: gam_daily, gwr_daily, kriging_daily
data preparation, modifications to run anywhere, Queensland test
master script, testing code for Queensland region using Gam fusion
adding GWR daily method, modifications in interpolation day function script
LST calculation for Queensland region
adding GWR daily method, test in Oregon
running GAM CAI with monthly stations averages for 2000-2010 time period
slight modifications, solving issues for covariate brick production
raster prediction function, modifications related to kriging daily method
raster prediction function, modifications related to gam daily method
interpolation day script, adding kriging daily method prediction
interpolation day script, adding GAM daily prediciction method
LST climatology, changes to output location and adding compression to tif output
testing workflow for Oregon, fixing problems related to automation for covariates production
master script, debugging covariates production for Oregon study area
downloading North America tiles, continued
LST clim averages calc,testing parallel call to python scripts