updated 3_compile and uploaded first g3 dataset to maps engine for sharing
Fixed month-sorting bug in ee_compile that resulted in data being attributed to the wrong month
Merge branch 'aw/precip' of code.nceas.ucsb.edu:environmental-layers into aw/precip
udpated 2_bias to add aqua processing window correction
rearranging files to more linear progression through processing
Adding a new option 2b
Adding a new option 2
Adding giuseppe's comments 2
Adding giuseppe's comments
adding figures for initial LST temporal window evaluation 5
adding figures for initial LST temporal window evaluation 4
adding figures for initial LST temporal window evaluation 3
adding figures for initial LST temporal window evaluation
adding initial LST temporal window evaluation
adding LST-tmax evaluation script
converted cloud processing script to 16-bit to avoid rounding errors in stripe correction, re-ran global run g2, and started correction processing
Splitting cloud processing into two scripts
Updating compile script to include VSNR processing to remove MODIS orbit bands from cloud frequency data
adding earthengine script for processing MCD09CF
Update LST missing data report
Update visualization for Berkeley talk
adding uncorrected MCD output in wgs84
updating missing data script and adding images via imgur
Updating LST missing data summary
GAM with global slope overcorrects in many areas, will now explore focal gam with spatial params
Adding Missing data plot for Alberto's data
Revert "Merge branch 'ag/interp' of code.nceas.ucsb.edu:environmental-layers into aw/precip"
This reverts commit f9c712987ba814b83b2c2cc058c6c1f9b07933c1, reversingchanges made to f0375becc9fb9e13e55c5b7a48be5c5f98064f87.
Merge branch 'ag/interp' of code.nceas.ucsb.edu:environmental-layers into aw/precip
attempting gam to remove bias
adding initial bias correction function
Adding files from test server
updating postprocessing to produce netcdf rather than geotif
updating figures
rearrange MOD09 folders
Rearranging files
Adding from nas.
adding functions to compare methods through diff and land cove effects
multi timescale paper, add comparison through differences and land cover effects
debugging transect function, adding overtraining difference function
mutlti time scale analyses paper, monthly holdout comparison and transect figures
multi timescale function script, update
multi timescale paper script, correlogram for methods and procedures, updated figures
multi timescale function script, small update
multi timescale script update, monthly holdout accuracy and figures production
running gwr daily, mod4 to mod7, 0-70% onthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR
initial commit for split of source script containing functions for multi-timescales analyses paper
multi-timescale paper analyses, generating figures and splitting files for functions
multi-time scale paper analyses continuation
running gwr cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR
running gam cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR
running kriging cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR
update script multi timescale paper draft, transects and additional figures for paper
running gwr fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp
running kriging fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp
running gam fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp
script for multi timescale paper, production of table 4
initial commit, multi timescale paper script for analysis, figures and table production
debugging for raster prediction functions for run for multi timescale paper
running gwr daily OR temp 2010 with combination 5 for multi timescale methods
running gam fss OR 2010 temp with combination 5 for multi timescale methods
running gwr fss OR 2010 temp with combination5 for multi timescale methods
running kriging fss OR 2010 temp with combination 5 for multi timescale methods
running kriging CAI OR 2010 temp with combination 5 for multi timescale paper
running gam CAI OR 2010 temp with combination 5 for multi timescale paper
running gam daily OR temp prediction with combination 5 for multi-time scale paper
analyses paperm, experimentation with correlograms in predictions
modifications assessments of methods and covariates figures and analyses
revisions analyses and figures for single time scale paper scripts following feedback from E&O layer group
slight modification to single time scale method function to allow every n day run
running gwr daily multiple holdout 10-70% every 2 days for single time scale paper
running gam daily multiple holdout 10-70% every 2 days for single time scale paper
adding option for running every n days in a year and running kriging daily holdout 10%-70% every 2 days
modifications for paper draft, single time scale method
analyses multi-time scale part 5, examining results with covariates in daily deviations
modification validation script following changes in daily deviation options
running gam_CAI with gam and DISTOC for daily deviation surface
validation script check and slight modifications to handle modifications in daily deviations
modificatons for multi-time scale methods, adding gam,gwr,kriging options for daily deviation surfaces
first modifications to add interpolation methods and covaratiates options for daily deviation surfaces
Merge branch 'bp/interp' of code.nceas.ucsb.edu:environmental-layers into bp/interp
analyses for multi-time scale paper, monthly hold-out proportions (0-70%) for all methods
modifications, contribution of covariates, figures and analyses for paper 1, OR
running gwr CAI with 40-70% monthly hold out for multi-time scale paper, OR
running gwr fusion, 40-70% monthly hold out for multi-time scale paper, OR
running gwr fusion, 0-30% holdout for multi-time scale paper, OR
Adding modis_LST_mean.py. Python alternative to grass version. Outputs geotif or flt.
analyses for multi timescale methods paper, part 5, hold out comparisons
running gwr CAI with monthly hold out from 0.4 to 0.7 in OR, paper analyses
running gwr CAI with monthly hold out from 0.2 to 0.3 in OR,paper analyses
runnin gwr CAI, monthly hold out 0 to 0.1 for OR, paper analyses
analyses paper methods part 5, monthly hold out (0 to 70%) for gam_fus and kriging_fus
running kriging fusion with 40 to 70% monthly hold out and changes in paper 1 script figures and analyses