GAM LST, adding lines to assess RMSE per month over 365 dates, task #406
GAM LST, added model with forest only term -364 dates assessment, task #406
GAM LST, added section to save training and test residuals in shapefiles, task #361
GAM LST, changed triple nesting lat,long,Elev to double, 365 dates run, task #406 and #361
GAM LST, used monthly LST average instead of daily, task #361
GAM LST, adding new model with grass land cover, task #361
GAM using LST as input variable task #361
GAM, modification of nesting of models and clean up, task #361
Kriging, adding LST for co-kriging: task #364
Kriging, slight modification and clean up, task #364
Kriging, modification to save kriged surfaces in geotiff and png files, task #364
Kriging, modifying code to save training and testing samples in shapefiles: task #364
Kriging for OR, this is the first script, task #364
GWR modified code to save plots and images, task #364
GWR assessment by visualizing residuals using kriging
GWR in adding loop for 10 dates
GWR first script for one date in OR, task #364
Added 3 new models and nesting to GAM, task #361
Changes in the diagnostics plots, barplots.
Transform aspect in Eastness and Northness variables in the GAM.
Transformed the aspect variable and added GAM model closer to PRISM
GAM prediction added to the loop with RMSE calculation
Streamlining and slight changes to the loop to create subset dataset for different dates
Additional changes to the loop and format
Start of Task #361, modified code to subset for 10 dates
Minor format changes and clean up to code
Corrected errors in RMSE calculation and added plots to view results
made minor changes to PRISM variables
changed RMSE and AIC code in GAM script
updated GAM script for tmax
added initial R script with GAM regression for tmax (one date)
cleaned up file permissions
added in various previously uncommitted scripts