initial commit combined boxplots for later use
code for figure paper and conference:land cover elevation difference,spatial transects
IBS figures code re-use
IBS conference, code used to create figures initial commit
raster prediction, additional modifications following run for Oregon TMAX interpolation
gam fusion function remove change of name for elevation covariate
master script run first test for Oregon interpolation TMAX using covar stack
data preparation, addtional modifications to allow for Oregon and any regions
AAG 2013 figures, covariates stack, screening and modification to allow continuity for Oregon TMAX
initial commit AAG2013 and transition script for continuity of results from Oregon using previous covariates brick
gam fusion function modifications to allow any variable (TMIN) and record results
results output figures modifications to allow TMIN output figures
run TMIN predictions year 2000 Venezuela
results stations and covar outputs modifications
run Venezuela prediction TMAX year 2010 with monthly averages 2000-2011
run prediction follwing modifications for year 2010 Venezuela with monthly 1981-2010 averages
raster prediction and gam fusion modifications for TMIN predictions
master script, running first test for TMIN predictions Venezuela
data preparation following up modifications related to flags and output from functions
Data preparation, degugging query year period and adding other improvements to keep track of datasets used in interpolation
run TMAX prediction Venezuela year 2000 with monthly averages from 2000-2010 time period
run TMAX prediction Venezuela for year 2000 with 1981-2010 period and modifications in sourcing and input parameters
Validation functions, degugging, missing parameters and library
Raster prediction, modifications to solve issues with calls and multiple sourcing
Initial commit summary outputs for covariates and stations used in modeling
Results output analyses, splitting code for covariates output summary
Output analyses and assessment of results, turning script into function
master script set up call to covariate production function
Covariates production raster modifications -transforming scrip into function
Covariates production raster first step turning script into function
GAM fusion function, modifications to allow TMIN predictions
Raster prediction gam fusion, modifications to allow TMIN predictions
Raster prediction gam fusion, modification in validation and output object
Climatology LST, modifications to allow LST night calculation for TMIN predictions
Master script run parameters for tmax year 2000 predictions using 1980-2010 monthly average
VValidation script, average over 365 days take into account no predictions and number of predictions
Master function, modification of date passing, run for tmax prediction for 2000 in Venezuela
GAM fusion starting modification to allow TMIN predictions, changes to CLIMCAI function
GAM fusion raster prediction, debugging of validation and change in passing of date parameter
Sampling function, debugging dates arguments passing must be character string when called from raster prediction function
Transforming validation function to allow explicit passing of arguments with calling from raster prediction function
Data preparation debugging fix calculation over 1980-2010 tmax mean, Venezuela case study
GAM fusion raster prediction, script now a function with arguments parsing and call from master function
Temperature prediction, master script now calling raster prediction as a function with explicit arguments
GAM fusion raster prediction, transforming script in function with explicit passing and tracking of arguments
GAM fusion, modidified daily and monthly functions to pass explicitly multiple arguments
GAM fusion, modification of runGAMFusion function call to allow mulitple parameters explicitly
Raster prediction, now calling sampling function and cleaning out input parameters
Sampling function to select training and testing stations, extracted and modified from earlier scripts
Temperature predictions: initial commit master script calling other functions
Data preparation, moving input parameters, call from other script
Data preparation, ghcnd station queries and processing now a function with 11 parameters and four outputs
Ouptut analyses, 9 figures generated from prediction step for specific date
GAM fusion function, adding gam CAI function and reorgnization of script and functions
GAM Fusion raster prediction, cleaning out of script, reduction of arguments in preparation for function additions
GAM Fusion raster prediction, modification of validation section, call to function for boxplot, Venezuela predictions
Data preparation, reduction of arguments, and gathering input and outputs to create function
Validation, added function to plot boxplot, results over year 2010 for Venezuela
GAM fusion Venezuela, output analyses to create quickly maps and plots for each date
GAM fusion raster prediction Venezuela, adding log file to scrip track of script processing time
GAM fusion, VE slight modifications of functions such as model formulas input
GAM Fusion, raster prediction separation in three fuctions, Venezuela interpolation
GAM fusion function, calculation of validation metrics to follow predictions
GAM Fusion function major modification, separation of monhtly and daily steps, Venezuela prediction
Data covariates preparation, slight modifications and updates
GAM Fusion fusion initial reorganization of code to reduce time and predict for Venezuela
GAM fusion function, modifications for first fusion prediction in Venezuela
GAM fusion raster prediction, further modificationfor Venzuela tmax interp
GAM fusion function first change to adapt code for any region
GAM Fusion, Venzuela tmax interp, modification to make code more general
Data preparation Venezuela, added monthly query from Postgres station database
Venezuela preparation of data for tmax prediction
LST climatology, added tile loop, downloading and calculation of climatology for 6 tiles in Venezuela
LST climatology, added loop to produce monhtly mean and write out tif from GRASS database
LST climatology, added function to create list of files per month and other modifications
LST climatolgoy, modified download function and added section for downloading of tiles
LST climatology, initial commit script from Jim Regetz commit 01b3830e, task#375 and task#316
LST climatology, using IDRIS API modification using datetime module, OR task#375 and task#416
LST climatology initial commit script using IDRISI API and python
Kriging tmax OR raster predictions
Database stations extraction combined with covariates for tmax and any given region
Covariates production, modified projection and distance to coast, added writing up of multiband covariates brick
Covariates production, major reorganization, added sections for LST, LC and other covariates
Covariates production for processing tile/region: general code-initial commit
GAM fusion function, IBS 2013 models and additional cleaning of code
GAM fusion raster prediction, IBS 2013 run, tmax OR
GAM fusion raster prediction tmax OR, added cleaning of LST values and other modifications
GAM fusion raster prediction tmax OR, added constant sampling, multisampling,GAM bias models
GAM fusion function, added GAM models for bias surface and extraction of monthly mean tmax OR
GAM CAI function, models for IBS 2013 conference and modifications
GAM CAI raster predictions, modifcations and model running for IBS conference 2013
GAM CAI function correction constant sampling and GAM climatology models, tmax OR
GAM CAI raster prediction OR tmax,corretion constant sampling and GAM climatology models
GAM CAI function added climatology GAM models for OR tmax interpolation
GAM CAI, added constant sampling over year and monthly extraction for climatology fitting
GAM CAI function for raster prediction, task #493, tmax OR interpolationi
GAM CAI raster prediction first commit, task #491, OR tmax interpolation
Methods comp part7-task#491- SNOT-GHCN data updated script debugged to run through mcapply
Methods comp part7-task#491- SNOTEL and GHCN analyses update main script calling function
Methods comp part7-task#491- function for residuals analyses comparison SNOTEL and GHCN through dates