making callable from shel for function of number of predictions for day with missing tiles
testing inputs with new function
moving function of number of predictions for day with missing tiles to functon script
debugging function of number of predictions for day with missing tiles
testing and moving generate raster of number of predictions for day with missing tiles
modifying generate_raster_number_of_prediction_by_day function
adding and debugging function to generate raster of number of predictions for day with missing tiles
modifying function generate raster of number of predictions for day with missing tiles
generate raster of number of predictions for day with missing tiles
macthing extent to region for tile predicted
adding plotting of overlap raster and testing rasterize day function
fixing rasterize function and computing maximum overlap for each pixel in a region
computing maximum overlap for each pixel in a region
moving functions to function script global product assessment part0
experimenting with detection of gaps, testing rasterize
introducing function to make raster for tiles in the region
combining tif tiles and shapefiles to examine potential gaps
testing of files by tiles and combining listing
adding function predictions_tiles_missing_fun
more edit and adding test files checking for tiles
clean up of lising of tiles and shapefiles by region
changes to generate function to check missing tiles and predict gaps
initial commit for script to check missing tiles and predict gaps in mosaic: script part 0 global product assessment
experimenting with ffmpeg to generate movie from gif
modifying function to check missing files and dates for predictions and others
adding function to check missing predictions/mosaics
debugging function
adding plot animate raster time series in function script
generating animation for region 4 for multiple years sequences
generating animation for region 5 for multiple years sequences
generating animation for region 5 with and without range limit
more testing of function for reg5 missing mosaics
checking missing files for region 5 with check_missing function
testing checking missing files/mosaic function
moving check missing function and testing it
adding checking missing tiles and moving plotting and animate raster time series to function script
more changes to function and debugging
modifying plot animate raster time series in part 2 global product assessment
modifying function to generate animation to accept list of files and additional documentation
adding function to generate animation in part 2 function script
Changes to plotting function for raster mosaic and other
initial commit for functions script part 2 global product assessment
adding new function to plot and generate animation for list of raster files or figures
testing animation function for RMSE mosaics
more changes and generating animation for reg6 (Australia and South East Asia)
degugging function to generate animation from mosaic figures
testing function to generate animation and moving to function script
creating function to generate animation from mosaic figures png files
more changes to generate animation from png
testing generation of animation using ImageMagick for mosaic
script 2 product assessment, modification of figures
script global product assessment part 2: initial commit
adding location information for time series profile assessment of mosaic
time profiles run on multiple selected stations and fixing bugs
adding windowing and more options to plotting function time series
plotting function time series, fixing bugs
adding ploting time series function in the assessment product part 1 function script
fixing bugs in combining extracted predicted values and observations from assessement
modifying function for function for combining extracted values
adding functions to product assessment part1: extracting from raster and combining data to assessment stage
add query function to select stations from given sets of points with lat and long for assessment
testing subsampling by distance function to select specific given stations from points
adding quick function to extract from data.frame
modifying gclip polygons and points function for use in the assessment
adding function to plot residuals by stations to product assessment part 1 function script
running combining function and time series plotting for 11 selected stations for env layers meeting
testing ploting time series profile function and clean up of main code for product assessment part1
modifying time series ploting function with additional option
debugging ploting time series function and moving it to the function script
starting new function +plot_observation_predictions_time_series
plotting extracted predicted values and measured tmax
testing function combine extraction and assessment data, also moved to function script
removing code related to time series and combine extracted and stations information from assessment
moving more functions, quick small test for extraction function, listing date produced and missing for mosaics
more clean up and moving functions from product assessment part 1 to functions script
major changes adding function to extract from raster, combine extracted data with assessmment and cleaning up
adding function to match specific set of station location from assembled stations of training and testing
gathering stations data for building time series, clean up of script for product assessment part1
product assessment part1 testing plot function for training residuals at at stations and fixing bugs, region 1
moving plot_stations_val_by_date to function script product assessment part1
testing plot for both training and testing and introducing a new function
adding function to plot residuals at location for product assessment part1
adding clipping functions for polygons and points in function script product assessment part1
examining stations extracted with histogram, assessment product part 1
adding all tested options from the command line for mosaicing stage 7
more testing of stage 7 with observation maps of n
testing the new gdal_merge function with option resolution and extent
testing debugged change in mosaic with region 1
more changes to skip matching to LST, as reference in the mosaicing script
modifying mosaic function script to use reference raster as output
global product part1, combined figure of stations per day for Africa
master script stage 8 combined assessment from multiple regions, running changes
global assessment building accuracy and station table, combined by region
assessment function part3, overall table building
testing debugged code for region 5, Africa from command line
running debugged generate accuracy layers function
running debug for Africa with slight clean up of function script for mosaicing
debugging of create raster from centroids, identification of reg5 Africa accuracy layers