Initial commit adding UML flowchart
added processing for 'very cloudy days'
Added PRISM comparison to MOD06_summary and added script to calculate 'back-of-the-envelope' estimates of total daily climate layer sizes
Updated MOD06 compile script to process the tiles in parallel using GRASS. This brings processing time for 10 year archive for oregon from 48 hours to ~2 hours on 24 cores. Also added several exploratory analysis to the data_summary script.
Added cloud flag to outputs
First 10-year processing of daily mean tifs
MOD06 processing runs well in sequence, but not parallel
Reorganization: moved mindmap to it's own directory to isolate temporary files created when exporting to other formats
Add initial version of the 'mind map' for the interpolation project. This file contains an outline of the various stages of the project and links back to issues and code in the blessed repository.Created during Benoit's visit to Yale May 21-22.
Adding some MOD06 (cloud product) processing routines. Still a work in progress
Initial commit
added test script for days missing from our MOD11A1 OR holdings
cleaned up file permissions
added in various previously uncommitted scripts