figures listing in script assessment part2
modifying assessment script part2 figures creation
stage 6 master script using modified figure assessment script2
more changes to part3 assessment overall figure combined assessment
debugging of figures and adding figure 9 to produce yearly comparison of RMSE
initial commit assessment part3 to combine yearly results into figures for presentation
part2 assessment figure production, for testing on bridge
more changes to part2 assessment figure 2 production to clean up and record figures produced
part2 assessment figure production debugging of errors related to shapefiles and lattice
part2 assessment figure production tested and debugged on bridge
more changes to python stage 4 script to make it work for stage 6
initial commit of python script from Alberto modified for stage6
running 2009 to 2014 region 4, stage 6 on bridge for testing
master script stage 6, minor bug for shell call
stage6 testing assessment part2 figures and call from the shell
initial commit for stage 7, mosaicing of predictions and accuracy layers productions
master script stage 6 testing assessment with figures
adding sourcing of relevant script for stage 6 assessment and debugging
master script stage 6 assessment, call to assessment function
master script stage 6, adding and removing relevant and irrelevant parameters
initial commit stage 6 assessement of run automated
master script stage 2_3 changes in query to avoid duplication of climatology database queries
initial commit from stage 2_3 master script from Alberto
master script stage 4_5 changes to take into account climatology step existence and modifcations in storage
master script stage 4_5 from Alberto, initial commit
slidify presentation using input assessment figure table from stage 6
scaling up assessment function script part1 slight changes to mosacing
assessment part1 call to figure plot assessment debug for shapefiles not read in
integrating plotting call into assessement part1
plotting figures assessment debugging and checking output table
plotting assessment figure function, collecting output figures into table
assessment part2 plotting of figures checking input parameters and clean up
clean up of assessment figure plotting called from part1
assessment part2 plotting of figures into function callable from stage 6
debugging of function assessment and adding part2 call to make figures
assessment function stage 6, clean up and collecting outputs in assessemnt table
assessment part1a debugging of missing parameter
transforming part1a assessment into a function for call from stage 6: initial changes
splitting assessment and removing copy back to NCEAS
raster prediction stage 4 modifying and debugging to avoid duplication of climatology step
raster prediction stage modification of gam fusion script to take into acccount the existence of climatology layers
database preparation function stage2 and 3, modifications to avoid multiple queries for climatologies by tile to speed up production
assessment part1, clean up before splitting of function in part1a for automation process for stage 6
assessment part1 adding extraction of daily stations for later analyses and mosacing
assessment of global run adding extraction of stations information for training and testing
assessment part 1 prediction 1992 for reg23
clean up of function mosaicing main function callable from stage 7
modifying main mosaicing script for call from shell and stage 7 on NEX
editing script of main mosaicing for function call with parameters
clean up of mosaicing main script and more testing for kriging of residuals at stations
adding functions for residuals kriging options and clean up function mosaicing script
producing residuals kriged surface for testing using training data
adding residuals calls to function for kriging of residuals and clean up of main mosaicing script
testing code on NEX for accuracy metrics kriging of resiudals and gdalmerge modified script
mosaicing script adding functions relevant to accuracy and residuals surface kriging
more modifications for mosaicing of functions for residuals, test for several days
testing accuracy function in the main script with data_s and data_v, training and testing
testing autokrige function for residuals of stations
modifying function script to add kriging function for residuals of predictions at stations
adding option to create residuals surface from stations using kriging
slight changes to mosaicing script to account for added parameters and testing
debugging of accuracy metric function from tile
adding accuracy metric function to main script and testing
mosaicing function adding function to produce accuracy metric surface from tile RMSE
testing extent macthing option for region 4
adding extent option to main global mosaicing script
modifying python merge mosaicing option
adding match extent option to mosaicing
testing removal of matching for python part of script
wrapper function for python option in mosaicing files
mosaicing function adding python and R options to mosaicFile
testing plotting of mosaics
testing modification to mosaicing functions on 5 days
testing mosaicing code with python option on NEX
debugging code for mosacing with new options and plot screen function
testing python option on NEX
adding python script option from gdal modified merged Alberto
testing mask and python path on Atlas
adding mask option debugging
function mosaicing adding mask and path to python/gdal binaries
testing code on NEX with python mosaicing script from Alberto
more modifications to mosaicing function
script mosaicing function, adding raster accuracy metric funtion
running mosaicing script for accuracy metric mosaic, clean up
testing accuracy metric function and mosaic
creating function to produce accuracy metric raster for eact tile
modifications for RMSE mosaicking first changes
checking mosaicing script for South America 1992 predictions
running assessment part2 South America
running assessment part1 for South America 1992, major changes in code
presentation slidify for 1982 first modifications
global assessment part2 script moved m functions to script
assessment part2 splitting functions into new script
modifying and removing plot screen mosaic functions that carashed atlas
assessment part2 1982 reg5 test
assessment scaling up part1 reg5 1982 tmax
adding barplot of predicted days for Africa 1992 assessment
slight changes for figure 4 slidify presentation Africa 1992
adding mosaicing figures and centering
slidify presentation global assessment scaling up Africa 1992