scaling up assessemnt part 1 testing 75% overlap in North Africa
keeping tracked of stations removed and debugging
cleaning up and testing
spatial subsampling function and random sampling
initial commit for spatial subsampling code for NEX tile with many stations
run6 assessment NEX part2: generating raster map of accuracy and number of stations
run6 assessment NEX part2: adding new functions to generate raster map of accuracy overall and daily
run6 assessment NEX part2: add new plots of assessment of first global run
run6 assessment NEX part1: first global run with specific k
run5 assessment NEX part3: modifications of function script to analyze results of tiles
run5 assessment NEX part3: running diagnostic for specific tiles for more in depth analyses
run5 assessment NEX part1: adding functions to recreate raster object for assessment
run5 assessment NEX part2 with 3 set of k combination
run5 assessment NEX part1 using 3 different k sets of values, adding functions
run4 assessment NEX modification to plots for k-dimension gam fitting
run4 assessment NEX part2: generating gam diagnostic for different k values
run4 assessment NEX gam fitting with different k plots
run4 assessment part2: comparison of 6 tiles using different gam k values
run 4 assessment part1, gam fitting comparison k for 6 specific tiles
revisions2 multi-timescale paper adding comp between mod1 and mod4 (LST and elev) rmse
revisions2 multi-timescale paper modifications of functions for plotting histogram and bowplots of residuals
revisions 2 multi-timescale paper additional modif residuals analysis
revisions2 muli-timescale paper adding residuals analysis
revisions 1 multi-timescale paper, adding function to plot average MAE per station
revisions 1, multi timescale paper adding table with summary month accuracy comparison
proof RS paper contribution of covar, increasing resolution of figures
proof paper RS contribution of covar, modification to figures
revisions RS contribution of covar, spatial correlogram and graphical abstract
gam fitting, adding option to run fitting with starting list of k values and clean up
gam fitting diagnostic, degug functions, cleaning up of code
gam fitting diagnostic, adding rmse, mae and other metrics as well as wrap function to run fit at different
gam fitting diagnostic for low station count, adding function to collect k-index diagnostics
initial commit, script for gam fitting experimentation - fitting in low stations area
contributions of covariates and methods paper: revisions- major clean up of code and production of figures for submission of revisions
contribution of covariates and methods paper: revisions- breaking down significance and accuracy of LST by month
contributions of covariates and methods paper: slight changes to function script for LST analyses
contributions of covariates and methods: revisions -adding analyses for LST contribution
contributions of covariates and methods paper: revisions-change of residuals in function of elev and use of lattice package
contributions of covariates and methods paper: revisions - addtional improvements to figures (variograms, residuals etc.)
contribution of covariates and methods: revisions-adding summary of variogram param and accuracy summarized by stations
contribution of covariates and method paper: revisions adding figures of variograms and map of residuals
assessment NEX run 3 part2: adding function to combine shapefiles to create plots of number of stations per tiles and accuracy
assessment NEX run part2: adding plots of number of stations per tiles
assessment NEX run 3 North America with prediction info for training and testing stations
assessment NEX run 3: modifications to analyze results with figures
assessment NEX run part1: debugging extraction of training and testing info function
assessment NEX run part3: major updates to generate stat and fig for specific tiles
assessment NEX run part2: debugging
script NEX run assessment part1: major changes to mosaic delta, deviation, monthly predictions and copy back results
global scalingup assessment modifications of stage 5 workflow code for diagnosis of issues
global scalingup assessment part 3, clean up and call to modified stage 5 code from workflow
global scalingup assessment part3 initial commit to diaganose and evaluate specific tiles issues (eg LST)
global scalingup assessment part 1 generating mosaic for clim and generating automatic listing for part 3
global scalingup assessment, part 1 generation of mosaic for meeting and evaluation in CONUS
global scaling up assessment major clean up evaluation script part2, moving functions and data aggregation to script to part1
global scaling up assessment part 2: automation of figures for evaluation using tables and mosaics from part1
global run scaling up assessment, clean up and split into part 1, part 2 and part 3 scripts for evaluation
global run NEX assessment, changes to examine CONUS area and produce summary tables
contributions of covariates OR paper, slight modifications, adding LST climatologies figures
multi-timescale paper, modifications figures and analyses before submission to int. J. of Climatology
assessing sclaling up North America runs, clean up
assessing scalingup North America, collect information on training and testing stations per tile
assessing scaling up North America run, plots of tiles limit, RMSE, mosaic etc.
assessing scalingup tmax, mosaicing predictions in North America
assessing scaling up, North America run initial commit
assessing scaling up, script showing how to collect monthly stations information from North America tiles
multi-timescale paper, revisions draft3 additional modifications
multi timescale paper revisions draft3, changes to function scripts
multi timescale paper, revisions draft3 adding analyses on holdout and LST/tmax
multi time scale additional slight modifications to functions script
multi timescale paper, revisions draft2 major reorganizations of figures and analyses
multi timescale paper, revisions draft 2, slight update to functions
multitime scale paper, draft 2 revisions
modifications of code for the productions of figures for manuscript draft 12/30
modifications figures for paper and adding many functions including for Moran's lags profiles
multi timescale draft adding functions, Moran's I and std dev for grain contents
adding functions to compare methods through diff and land cove effects
multi timescale paper, add comparison through differences and land cover effects
debugging transect function, adding overtraining difference function
mutlti time scale analyses paper, monthly holdout comparison and transect figures
multi timescale function script, update
multi timescale paper script, correlogram for methods and procedures, updated figures
multi timescale function script, small update
multi timescale script update, monthly holdout accuracy and figures production
running gwr daily, mod4 to mod7, 0-70% onthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR
initial commit for split of source script containing functions for multi-timescales analyses paper
multi-timescale paper analyses, generating figures and splitting files for functions
multi-time scale paper analyses continuation
running gwr cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR
running gam cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR
running kriging cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR
update script multi timescale paper draft, transects and additional figures for paper
running gwr fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp
running kriging fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp
running gam fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp
script for multi timescale paper, production of table 4
initial commit, multi timescale paper script for analysis, figures and table production
debugging for raster prediction functions for run for multi timescale paper
running gwr daily OR temp 2010 with combination 5 for multi timescale methods
running gam fss OR 2010 temp with combination 5 for multi timescale methods