automation of presentation for region 4 South America
slidify presentation region 6, automation of image insertation
generating slidify presentation for reg6, modifications to make it more general from Rmd
generating presentation with mosaicing figure for reg1 with slidify
quick test rmd presentation with slidify
initial commit, testing rmd with slidify to automated presentation of mosaicing output
mosaicing running test for reg6 with automated code
mosaicing test with reg1 with automated code
generating mosaicing for reg4, test with automated code
testing reg2 mosaicing automation with new functions
plot script function minor modification before testing for reg2
adding plot of difference from mosaicing to mosaic function comparison script
plot function figure in mosaic test script
introduce plot function to assess mosaicing
adding plot function to assess the mosaicing
testing mosaicing for reg2 Europe
mosaicing test script splitting function from script and clean up
splitting functions from mosaicing test script to automate process of comparison
debugging and testing mosaicFiles function
creating mosaicFiles function to ease automation of comparison
mosaicing test for Africa region (5) using all methods and distance ot edge
adding figures with difference for all methods
cleaning up code to compare different mosaicing methods
mosacing test with reg2 , Europe for three methods of mosaicing
mosaicing test, rerunning North America test
mosaicing test region 1, North America adding figures for two methods
mosaicing test scaling up adding sine weights and cleaning up code with other options
scaling up assessment part1 South America with addtional tiles, production of summary stat and figures
scaling up assessment part2, South America with additional tiles, figures and analyses
adding distance from edge options with R
mosaicing test script, major clean up to share code
scaling up mosaicing experiment, testing weighted mean with linear scaling and mean mosaic
global scaling up part 2, generating figures for the additional tiles for region 5 Africa for year 2003 predictions
global scaling up part 1, using additional tiles for reg5 Africa for year 2003
scaling up mosaicing experiment, using gdal_merge and gdalwarp to resolve mosaicing issue
scaling up mosaicing experiment, testing mosacing function, problems in R related to differences in resolution
scaling up mosacing, setting up function to produce weights based on distance to tile centroids
scaling up mosacing experimation, creating artifical data to experiment with weighted averaging
scaling up mosacing experiment, edits
global scaling up initial commit for mosaicing script to experiment with different weigted averages to deal with boundaries
initial commit for assessment of time series profiles from predicted mosaic for North America year 2010
global assessment part1, obtaining training and testing information from global runs
global assessment part 2, changes to accomodate additional tiles in figure production
assessment part2, first test for year 2003 predictions in reg5 Africa
global assessement part 1, changes to accomadate additional tiles for 1500x4500km tiles
global assessment part 1, adding additional tiles to 1500x4500km tiles for several regions
global assessment part2 for 1500x4500km with missing tiles for reg1 included for comparison to 1000x3000km
global assessment part2 1500x4500km production of figures, checking for missing tiles
1500x4500km, part 2 global assessment run10 - production of global mosaics and modifications to code
global assessment part2, clean up of code, 1500x4500km til size production of figures
global asssessment part 1, 1500x4500km including missing tiles in region 1
global assessment part1: clean up of script
global assessment part1 1500x4500km tile size predictions first attempt
global assessmnet resolving part 1 issues related to mosaics creation
NEX assessment part4 comparing 1000x3000 to 1500x4500, image differencing
NEX assessment part 2 applying screen to global mosaics
NEX assessment part 2 1000x3000km plotting screened daily mosaics
NEX part2 assessment major clean up, creating global plot and mosaics for 1000x3000km
NEX assessment part2 for 1000x3000km, dropping 3b region
NEX assessment part 2 producing daily mosaics plots
NEX assessment script part 2, major clean up
NEX assessment part2 adding function to plot daily mosaics in parrallel
NEX part1 accuracy assessment mosaicing for 1000x3000km with python code
modifications, run 10 NEX accuracy assessment 1000x3000km
examining available output for 1500x4500km
running part 1 accuracy assessment NEX run 1000x3000km
initial commmit for functions part1 fro global scaling and accuracy assessment
splitting code for script part global assessment of accuracy, removing functions
NEX global assessment run 10 1000x3000km tiles part1
paper proof multi-timescale Figure 11 modifications
subsampling script, major modifications to solve issues related to North America runs
data preparation script, modifications to solve subsampling issue in North America
data preparation adding subsampling for daily stations
run 10 assessment of reg2 and reg6 with generation of mosaics for 1000x3000
NEX assessment minor changes
run 10 NEX assessement generation of mosaics images and automated copy back to server
run 10 NEX assessment generation of mosaics figures for reg4, reg5, reg2
NEX assessment part1, region 2 assessment with mosaics
run 10 NEX assessment part 2, visualization of mosaics for region 4 and region 5
run 10 NEX assessment part 1 region 5 mosaics
run 10 NEX part 2 assessment
run 10 NEX assessment part 1, 1500x4500 tiles
run 9 NEX, part 2 assessment of accuracy, cleaning up and adding figures
run 9 NEX assessment 75% overlap for 1000x3000
subampling added to Database preparation script for NEX run
adding documentation and debugging subsampling function for NEX fun
run 9 NEX assessment, 75% overlap 10x30 early modifications
run 8 NEX scaling up assessment part2, production of figures for Asia, Africa and South America
run 8 NEX assessment part 1 for scaling 10x30, Asia, Africa, South America
revisions2 multitime scale paper, further modifications before submission
revisions2 multitime scale paper, modifications to functions scrip
revisions2 multitime scale paper, figures and difference analysis
scaling up NEX assessement part2, Asia adding number of daily predictions
scaling up assessment part 1, Asia, overlap with 10x30 degrees tiles
scaling up NEX assessment part 2, addding RMSE visualization with raster for 75% overlap run
scaling up assessemnt part 1 testing 75% overlap in North Africa
keeping tracked of stations removed and debugging
cleaning up and testing
spatial subsampling function and random sampling