




# Date Author Comment
4b605f4a 12/02/2016 08:41 PM Benoit Parmentier

full testing from shell with removal of tmp files

84022daa 12/02/2016 08:40 PM Benoit Parmentier

function tile assessment fixing output tmp files and other for testing by Alberto

e6ad0547 12/02/2016 08:36 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding plotting_figures parameter to deal with error in png creation in forks on pfe NEX

fe3fe74e 12/02/2016 08:35 PM Benoit Parmentier

fixing png file name and data type of output raster

489a305d 12/02/2016 08:34 PM Benoit Parmentier

fixing size related issue of tif via compression, and 16Int data type

d0d1abc2 12/02/2016 08:32 PM Benoit Parmentier

cleaning outputs generated by R from temporary dir

88913b48 12/02/2016 08:31 PM Benoit Parmentier

modification of inputs for checking missing

ba101a95 12/02/2016 08:30 PM Benoit Parmentier

removing unused functions and clean up for part0 global prodduct assessment part0

a9cc492f 12/02/2016 08:28 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding object to function

eafea9dc 12/02/2016 08:27 PM Benoit Parmentier

masking tiles predicted raster

e8db2a0f 12/02/2016 08:26 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding figures and fixing item number of date files

afa482cc 12/02/2016 08:24 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding predictions_tiles_missing_fun from main script for tile assessment

4d70d57b 12/02/2016 08:22 PM Benoit Parmentier


4d0fc33b 12/02/2016 08:20 PM Benoit Parmentier

fixing generate raster function from tile

c8780299 12/02/2016 08:19 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding necessary function for assessment from other script

557475f8 12/02/2016 08:17 PM Benoit Parmentier

removing unused functions and clean up for part0 global prodduct assessment part0

26dfd818 12/02/2016 08:16 PM Benoit Parmentier

initial commit for functions used in tile prediction assessment before mosaic and accuracy

ef3f28e1 12/02/2016 08:10 PM Benoit Parmentier

testing new function script with bparmen1 output dir

64a4bbd5 12/02/2016 08:09 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding input arguments, data_type, scaling and more

84c30d6c 12/02/2016 08:06 PM Benoit Parmentier

making script callable from shell, adding and cleaning input parameters

bd7ade8a 12/02/2016 08:05 PM Benoit Parmentier

making callable from shel for function of number of predictions for day with missing tiles

1f3b3331 12/02/2016 08:02 PM Benoit Parmentier

testing inputs with new function

768334c2 12/02/2016 07:50 PM Benoit Parmentier

moving function of number of predictions for day with missing tiles to functon script

b695b5f1 12/01/2016 03:26 PM Benoit Parmentier

debugging function of number of predictions for day with missing tiles

c55d778a 12/01/2016 03:25 PM Benoit Parmentier

testing and moving generate raster of number of predictions for day with missing tiles

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