Revision 41d291a6
Added by Adam Wilson almost 11 years ago
climate/procedures/ee_compile.R | ||
3 | 3 |
setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/cloud") |
4 | 4 |
library(raster) |
5 | 5 |
library(doMC) |
6 |
7 |
registerDoMC(4) |
8 |
beginCluster(4) |
6 |
library(multicore) |
7 |
library(foreach) |
8 |
#library(doMPI) |
9 |
registerDoMC(10) |
10 |
#beginCluster(4) |
9 | 11 |
10 | 12 |
tempdir="tmp" |
11 | 13 |
if(!file.exists(tempdir)) dir.create(tempdir) |
... | ... | |
14 | 16 |
## Load list of tiles |
15 | 17 |
tiles=read.table("tile_lat_long_10d.txt",header=T) |
16 | 18 |
17 |
jobs=expand.grid(tile=tiles$Tile,year=2000:2012,month=1:12) |
18 |
jobs[,c("ULX","ULY","LRX","LRY")]=tiles[match(jobs$tile,tiles$Tile),c("ULX","ULY","LRX","LRY")] |
19 |
### Build Tiles |
20 |
21 |
## bin sizes |
22 |
ybin=30 |
23 |
xbin=30 |
24 |
25 |
tiles=expand.grid(ulx=seq(-180,180-xbin,by=xbin),uly=seq(90,-90+ybin,by=-ybin)) |
26 |
tiles$h=factor(tiles$ulx,labels=paste("h",sprintf("%02d",1:length(unique(tiles$ulx))),sep="")) |
27 |
tiles$v=factor(tiles$uly,labels=paste("v",sprintf("%02d",1:length(unique(tiles$uly))),sep="")) |
28 |
tiles$tile=paste(tiles$h,tiles$v,sep="") |
29 |
tiles$urx=tiles$ulx+xbin |
30 |
tiles$ury=tiles$uly |
31 |
tiles$lrx=tiles$ulx+xbin |
32 |
tiles$lry=tiles$uly-ybin |
33 |
tiles$llx=tiles$ulx |
34 |
tiles$lly=tiles$uly-ybin |
35 |
tiles$cy=(tiles$uly+tiles$lry)/2 |
36 |
tiles$cx=(tiles$ulx+tiles$urx)/2 |
37 |
tiles=tiles[,c("tile","h","v","ulx","uly","urx","ury","lrx","lry","llx","lly","cx","cy")] |
38 |
39 |
jobs=expand.grid(tile=tiles$tile,year=2000:2012,month=1:12) |
40 |
jobs[,c("ulx","uly","urx","ury","lrx","lry","llx","lly")]=tiles[match(jobs$tile,tiles$tile),c("ulx","uly","urx","ury","lrx","lry","llx","lly")] |
41 |
42 |
## drop Janurary 2000 from list (pre-modis) |
43 |
jobs=jobs[!(jobs$year==2000&jobs$month==1),] |
44 |
45 |
#jobs=jobs[jobs$month==1,] |
19 | 46 |
20 | 47 |
21 |
48 |
22 | 49 |
## Run the python downloading script |
23 | 50 |
#system("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/ -projwin -159 20 -154.5 18.5 -year 2001 -month 6 -region test") |
24 |
i=6715 |
25 |
testtiles=c("h02v07","h02v06","h02v08","h03v07","h03v06") |
26 |
todo=which(jobs$tile%in%testtiles) |
27 |
todo=todo[1:3] |
51 |
i=1 |
52 |
#testtiles=c("h02v07","h02v06","h02v08","h03v07","h03v06","h03v08") |
53 |
#todo=which(jobs$tile%in%testtiles) |
54 |
#todo=todo[1:3] |
55 |
#todo=1 |
28 | 56 |
todo=1:nrow(jobs) |
29 |
#todo=todo[500:503] |
30 |
mclapply(todo,function(i) |
31 |
system(paste("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/ -projwin ",jobs$ULX[i]," ",jobs$ULY[i]," ",jobs$LRX[i]," ",jobs$LRY[i], |
32 |
" -year ",jobs$year[i]," -month ",jobs$month[i]," -region ",jobs$tile[i],sep="")),mc.cores=1) |
57 |
58 |
checkcomplete=T |
59 |
if(checkcomplete&exists("df")){ #if desired (and "df" exists from below) drop complete date-tiles |
60 |
todo=which(!paste(jobs$tile,jobs$year,jobs$month)%in%paste(df$region,df$year,df$month)) |
61 |
} |
62 |
63 |
writeLines(paste("Tiling options will produce",nrow(tiles),"tiles and ",nrow(jobs),"tile-months. Current todo list is ",length(todo))) |
64 |
65 |
foreach(i=todo) %dopar%{ |
66 |
system(paste("python ~/acrobates/adamw/projects/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/ -projwin ", |
67 |
jobs$ulx[i]," ",jobs$uly[i]," ",jobs$urx[i]," ",jobs$ury[i]," ",jobs$lrx[i]," ",jobs$lry[i]," ",jobs$llx[i]," ",jobs$lly[i]," ", |
68 |
" -year ",jobs$year[i]," -month ",jobs$month[i]," -region ",jobs$tile[i],sep="")) |
69 |
} |
33 | 70 |
34 | 71 |
35 | 72 |
## Get list of available files |
36 |
df=data.frame(path=list.files("/mnt/data2/projects/cloud/mod09",pattern="*.tif$",full=T),stringsAsFactors=F) |
73 |
37 | 74 |
df[,c("region","year","month")],strsplit(basename(df$path),"_|[.]"))[,c(1,2,3)] |
38 | 75 |
df$date=as.Date(paste(df$year,"_",df$month,"_15",sep=""),"%Y_%m_%d") |
39 | 76 |
77 |
## add stats to test for missing data |
78 |
addstats=F |
79 |
if(addstats){ |
80 |
df[,c("max","min","mean","sd")],mclapply(1:nrow(df),function(i) as.numeric(sub("^.*[=]","",grep("STATISTICS",system(paste("gdalinfo -stats",df$path[i]),inter=T),value=T))))) |
81 |
table(df$sd==0) |
82 |
} |
83 |
40 | 84 |
## subset to testtiles? |
41 | 85 |
#df=df[df$region%in%testtiles,] |
42 |
df=df[df$month==1,] |
86 |
43 | 87 |
table(df$year,df$month) |
44 | 88 |
45 | 89 |
## drop some if not complete |
46 |
90 |
47 | 91 |
rerun=T # set to true to recalculate all dates even if file already exists |
48 | 92 |
49 | 93 |
## Loop over existing months to build composite netcdf files |
... | ... | |
51 | 95 |
## get date |
52 | 96 |
print(date) |
53 | 97 |
## Define output and check if it already exists |
98 |
tffile=paste(tempdir,"/mod09_",date,".tif",sep="") |
54 | 99 |
ncfile=paste(tempdir,"/mod09_",date,".nc",sep="") |
55 | 100 |
if(!rerun&file.exists(ncfile)) next |
56 | 101 |
## merge regions to a new netcdf file |
57 |
system(paste(" -o ",ncfile," -n -32768 -of netCDF -ot Int16 ",paste(df$path[df$date==date],collapse=" "))) |
102 |
# system(paste(" -tap -init 5 -o ",ncfile," -n -32768.000 -of netCDF -ot Int16 ",paste(df$path[df$date==date],collapse=" "))) |
103 |
system(paste(" -o ",tffile," -init -32768 -n -32768.000 -ot Int16 ",paste(df$path[df$date==date],collapse=" "))) |
104 |
system(paste("gdal_translate -of netCDF ",tffile," ",ncfile," -ot Int16 ")) |
105 |
file.remove(tffile) |
58 | 106 |
system(paste("ncecat -O -u time ",ncfile," ",ncfile,sep="")) |
59 | 107 |
## create temporary nc file with time information to append to MOD06 data |
60 | 108 |
cat(paste(" |
... | ... | |
102 | 150 |
103 | 151 |
### generate the monthly mean and sd |
104 | 152 |
#system(paste("cdo -P 10 -O merge -ymonmean data/ -chname,CF,CF_sd -ymonstd data/ data/")) |
105 |
system(paste("cdo -O -ymonmean data/ data/")) |
153 |
xosystem(paste("cdo -O -ymonmean data/ data/"))
106 | 154 |
system(paste("cdo -O -chname,CF,CF_sd -ymonstd data/ data/")) |
107 | 155 |
108 | 156 |
# Overall mean |
Also available in: Unified diff
Added multiple tries to python GEE script