Revision 57d44dd9
Added by Adam Wilson over 11 years ago
climate/procedures/MOD35C5_Evaluation.r | ||
31 | 31 |
system(" data/MOD35C6.vrt data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35C6_2009.tif") |
32 | 32 |
system(" data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.vrt data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.tif") |
33 | 33 |
} |
34 |
34 |
mod35c6=raster("data/MOD35C6_2009.tif") |
35 | 35 |
names(mod35c6)="C6MOD35CF" |
36 | 36 |
NAvalue(mod35c6)=255 |
37 | 37 |
... | ... | |
92 | 92 |
93 | 93 |
### Processing path |
94 | 94 |
if(!file.exists("data/MOD35pp.tif")) |
95 |
system(" data/MOD35_ProcessPath.tif data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35pp.tif") |
95 |
system(" data/C5MOD35_ProcessPath.tif data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35pp.tif")
96 | 96 |
pp=raster("data/MOD35pp.tif") |
97 | 97 |
NAvalue(pp)=255 |
98 | 98 |
names(pp)="MOD35pp" |
... | ... | |
132 | 132 |
73.943,27.419, |
133 | 133 |
74.369,26.877 |
134 | 134 |
),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"India") |
135 |
#r4=Lines(list( |
136 |
# Line(matrix(c( |
137 |
# -5.164,42.270, |
138 |
# -4.948,42.162 |
139 |
# ),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"Spain") |
140 |
141 |
r5=Lines(list( |
135 |
r4=Lines(list( |
142 | 136 |
Line(matrix(c( |
143 | 137 |
33.195,12.512, |
144 | 138 |
33.802,12.894 |
145 | 139 |
),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"Sudan") |
146 | 140 |
147 |
#r6=Lines(list( |
148 |
# Line(matrix(c( |
149 |
# -63.353,-10.746, |
150 |
# -63.376,-9.310 |
151 |
# ),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"Brazil") |
152 | 141 |
153 | 142 |
154 |
trans=SpatialLines(list(r1,r2,r3,r5),CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs "))
143 |
trans=SpatialLines(list(r1,r2,r3,r4),CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs "))
155 | 144 |
### write out shapefiles of transects |
156 | 145 |
writeOGR(SpatialLinesDataFrame(trans,data=data.frame(ID=names(trans)),match.ID=F),"output",layer="transects",driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite=T) |
157 | 146 |
... | ... | |
224 | 213 |
#dif_c5_c6=mod35c5-mod35c6 |
225 | 214 |
226 | 215 |
## exploring various ways to compare cloud products along landcover or processing path edges |
227 |
#t1=trd1[[1]] |
228 |
#dif_p=calc(trd1[[1]], function(x) (x[1]-x[3])/(1-x[1])) |
229 |
#edge=calc(edge(subset(t1,"MCD12Q1"),classes=T,type="inner"),function(x) ifelse(x==1,1,NA)) |
230 |
#edgeb=buffer(edge,width=5000) |
231 |
#edgeb=calc(edgeb,function(x) ifelse(,0,1)) |
232 |
#names(edge)="edge" |
233 |
#names(edgeb)="edgeb" |
234 |,edge,edgeb)) |
235 |
#cor(td1$MOD17,td1$C6MOD35,use="complete",method="spearman") |
236 |
#cor(td1$MOD17[td1$edgeb==1],td1$C5MOD35[td1$edgeb==1],use="complete",method="spearman") |
216 |
t1=trd1[[1]] |
217 |
dif_p=calc(trd1[[1]], function(x) (x[1]-x[3])/(1-x[1])) |
218 |
edge=calc(edge(subset(t1,"MCD12Q1"),classes=T,type="inner"),function(x) ifelse(x==1,1,NA)) |
219 |
edgeb=buffer(edge,width=5000) |
220 |
edgeb=calc(edgeb,function(x) ifelse(,0,1)) |
221 |
names(edge)="edge" |
222 |
names(edgeb)="edgeb" |
223 |
224 |
pedge=calc(edge(subset(t1,"MOD35pp"),classes=T,type="inner"),function(x) ifelse(x==1,1,NA)) |
225 |
pedgeb=buffer(pedge,width=3000) |
226 |
pedgeb=calc(pedgeb,function(x) ifelse(,0,1)) |
227 |
names(pedgeb)="pedgeb" |
228 |
229 |,edgeb,pedgeb)) |
230 |
td1l=melt(td1,id.vars=c("pedgeb","edgeb","MOD35pp","MCD12Q1"),measure.vars=c("C5MOD35CF","C6MOD35CF","C5MOD09CF")) |
231 |
td1l=td1l[td1l$pedgeb==1|td1l$edgeb==1,] |
232 |
233 |
cast(MOD35pp~MCD12Q1~variable,fun.aggregate="mean",data=td1l) |
234 |
235 |
## Moving window |
236 |
tiles=expand.grid(xmin=seq(-180,170,by=10),ymin=seq(-60,80,by=10)) |
237 |
tiles$xmax=tiles$xmin+10;tiles$ymax=tiles$ymin+10 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
registerDoMC(10) |
241 |
############################ |
242 |
writeLines(c(""), "log.txt") |
243 |
nrw=nrow(mod35c5) |
244 |
nby=10 |
245 |
nrwg=seq(1,nrw,by=nby) |
246 |
writeLines(paste("Processing ",length(nrwg)," groups")) |
247 |
248 |
output=mclapply(nrwg,function(ti){ |
249 |
## Extract focal areas |
250 |
ngb=5 |
251 |
vals=getValuesFocal(mod35c5,ngb=ngb,row=ti,nrows=nby) |
252 |
pp_ind=getValuesFocal(pp,ngb=ngb,row=ti,nrows=nby) |
253 |
lulc_ind=getValuesFocal(lulc,ngb=ngb,row=ti,nrows=nby) |
254 |
## processing path |
255 |
pp_bias=raster(matrix(,lapply(1:nrow(vals),function(i) { |
256 |
tind1=pp_ind[i,] #vector of indices |
257 |
tval1=vals[i,] # vector of values |
258 |
tind2=tind1[!!] #which classes exist without NAs? |
259 |
if(length(unique(tind2))<2) return(255) #if only one class, return 255 |
260 |
if(sort(table(tind2),dec=T)[2]<5) return(254) # if too few observations of class 2, return 254 |
261 |
round(kruskal.test(tval1,tind1)$p.value*100) # if it works, return p.value*100 |
262 |
})),nrow=nby,ncol=ncol(mod35c5),byrow=T)) # turn it back into a raster |
263 |
## udpate raster and write it |
264 |
extent(pp_bias)=extent(mod35c5[ti:(ti+nby-1),1:ncol(mod35c5),drop=F]) |
265 |
projection(pp_bias)=projection(mod35c5) |
266 |
writeRaster(pp_bias,file=paste("data/tiles/pp_bias_",ti,".tif",sep=""), |
267 |
format="GTiff",dataType="INT1U",overwrite=T,NAflag=255) #,options=c("COMPRESS=LZW","ZLEVEL=9") |
268 |
## landcover |
269 |
lulc_bias=raster(matrix(,lapply(1:nrow(vals),function(i) { |
270 |
tind1=lulc_ind[i,] #vector of indices |
271 |
tval1=vals[i,] # vector of values |
272 |
tind2=tind1[!!] #which classes exist without NAs? |
273 |
if(length(unique(tind2))<2) return(255) #if only one class, return 255 |
274 |
if(sort(table(tind2),dec=T)[2]<5) return(254) # if too few observations of class 2, return 254 |
275 |
round(kruskal.test(tval1,tind1)$p.value*100) # if it works, return p.value*100 |
276 |
})),nrow=nby,ncol=ncol(mod35c5),byrow=T)) # turn it back into a raster |
277 |
## udpate raster and write it |
278 |
extent(lulc_bias)=extent(mod35c5[ti:(ti+nby-1),1:ncol(mod35c5),drop=F]) |
279 |
projection(lulc_bias)=projection(mod35c5) |
280 |
writeRaster(lulc_bias,file=paste("data/tiles/lulc_bias_",ti,".tif",sep=""), |
281 |
format="GTiff",dataType="INT1U",overwrite=T,NAflag=255) #,options=c("COMPRESS=LZW","ZLEVEL=9") |
282 |
return(ti) |
283 |
},mc.cores=10) |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
## original solution |
288 |
# pp_bias=raster(matrix(,lapply(1:nrow(vals),function(i) { |
289 |
# if(length(unique(na.omit(pp_ind[i,])))<2) return(255) |
290 |
# if(sort(table(pp_ind[i,]),dec=T)[2]<5) return(254) |
291 |
# kruskal.test(vals[i,],pp_ind[i,])$p.value*100 |
292 |
# })),nrow=nrow(t_mod35c5),ncol=ncol(t_mod35c5),byrow=T)) |
293 |
# extent(pp_bias)=extent(t_mod35c5) |
294 |
# writeRaster(pp_bias,file=paste("data/tiles/pp_bias_",ti,".tif",sep=""), |
295 |
# format="GTiff",dataType="INT1U",options=c("COMPRESS=LZW","ZLEVEL=9"),overwrite=T) |
296 |
## Run kruskal test for processing lulc bias |
297 |
# lulc_bias=raster(matrix(,mclapply(1:nrow(vals),function(i) { |
298 |
# if(length(unique(na.omit(lulc_ind[i,])))<2) return(NA) |
299 |
# if(sort(table(lulc_ind[i,]),dec=T)[2]<5) return(255) |
300 |
# kruskal.test(vals[i,],lulc_ind[i,])$p.value*100 |
301 |
# })),nrow=nrow(t_mod35c5),ncol=ncol(t_mod35c5),byrow=T)) |
302 |
# extent(lulc_bias)=extent(t_mod35c5) |
303 |
# writeRaster(lulc_bias,dataType="INT1U",file=paste("data/tiles/lulc_bias_",ti,".tif",sep=""), |
304 |
# format="GTiff",options=c("COMPRESS=LZW","ZLEVEL=9"),overwrite=T) |
305 |
306 |
307 |
### check raster temporary files |
308 |
showTmpFiles() |
309 |
#removeTmpFiles(h=1) |
310 |
311 |
## merge all the files back again |
312 |
system("gdalbuildvrt data/lulc_bias.vrt `find data/tiles -name 'lulc_bias*tif'` ") |
313 |
system("gdalwarp -co 'COMPRESS=LZW' -co 'ZLEVEL=9' data/lulc_bias.vrt data/lulc_bias.tif -r near") |
314 |
315 |
system("gdalbuildvrt data/pp_bias.vrt `find data/tiles -name 'pp_bias*tif'` ") |
316 |
system("gdalwarp -co 'COMPRESS=LZW' -co 'ZLEVEL=9' data/pp_bias.vrt data/pp_bias.tif -r near") |
317 |
318 |
319 |
#plot(stack(foc,x1)) |
320 |
pat=c(-0.02,seq(0,0.1,len=50),seq(0.1,1,len=50)) |
321 |
grayr2=colorRampPalette(c("red",grey(c(.75,.5,.25)))) |
322 |
levelplot(stack(pp_bias,lulc_bias),col.regions=c("cyan",grayr2(100)),at=pat,colorkey=list(at=pat,cuts=100),margin=F) |
323 |
324 |
cor(td1$MOD17,td1$C6MOD35,use="complete",method="spearman") |
325 |
cor(td1$MOD17[td1$edgeb==1],td1$C5MOD35[td1$edgeb==1],use="complete",method="spearman") |
326 |
327 |
bwplot(value~MOD35pp|variable,data=td1l[td1l$pedgeb==1,],horizontal=F) |
328 |
237 | 329 |
238 | 330 |
### Correlations |
239 | 331 |
#trdw=cast(trd,trans+x+y~variable,value="value") |
... | ... | |
252 | 344 |
## set up some graphing parameters |
253 | 345 |
at=seq(0,100,leng=100) |
254 | 346 |
bgyr=colorRampPalette(c("purple","blue","green","yellow","orange","red","red")) |
255 |
bgrayr=colorRampPalette(c("purple","blue","grey","red","red")) |
347 |
bgray=colorRampPalette(c("purple","blue","deepskyblue4")) |
348 |
grayr=colorRampPalette(c("grey","red","darkred")) |
349 |
bgrayr=colorRampPalette(c("darkblue","blue","grey","red","purple")) |
350 |
256 | 351 |
cols=bgyr(100) |
257 | 352 |
353 |
strip=strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7),bg="transparent") |
354 |
258 | 355 |
## global map |
259 | 356 |
library(maptools) |
260 | 357 |
coast=map2SpatialLines(map("world", interior=FALSE, plot=FALSE),proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")) |
261 | 358 |
262 |
g1=levelplot(stack(mod35c5,mod09),xlab=" ",scales=list(x=list(draw=F),y=list(alternating=1)),col.regions=cols,at=at)+layer(sp.polygons(bbs[1:4],lwd=2))+layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5)) |
359 |
g1=levelplot(stack(mod35c5,mod35c6,mod09),xlab=" ",scales=list(x=list(draw=F),y=list(alternating=1)), |
360 |
col.regions=cols,at=at,cuts=length(at),maxpixels=1e6, |
361 |
colorkey=list(at=at))+ |
362 |
# layer(sp.polygons(bbs,lwd=5,col="black"))+ |
363 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5))+ |
364 |
layer(sp.points(coordinates(bbs),col="black",cex=2,pch=13,lwd=2)) |
365 |
366 |
### Plot of differences between MOD09 adn MOD35 masks |
367 |
#system("gdalinfo -stats /home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/MOD35C5/data/dif_c5_09.tif") |
368 |
## get quantiles for color bar of differences |
369 |
#qs=unique(quantile(as.vector(as.matrix(dif_c5_09)),seq(0,1,len=100),na.rm=T)) |
370 |
#c(bgray(sum(qs<0)),grayr(sum(qs>=0)+1)) |
371 |
qs=seq(-80,80,len=100) |
372 |
g2=levelplot(dif_c5_09,col.regions=bgrayr(100),cuts=100,at=qs,margin=F,ylab=" ",colorkey=list("right",at=qs),maxpixels=1e6)+ |
373 |
layer(sp.points(coordinates(bbs),col="black",cex=2,pch=13,lwd=2))+ |
374 |
#layer(sp.polygons(bbs,lwd=2))+ |
375 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5)) |
263 | 376 |
264 |
g2=levelplot(dif_c5_09,col.regions=bgrayr(100),at=seq(-70,70,len=100),margin=F,ylab=" ",colorkey=list("right"))+layer(sp.polygons(bbs[1:4],lwd=2))+layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5)) |
265 | 377 |
g2$strip=strip.custom("Difference (C5MOD35-C5MOD09)",style=1,strip.names=T,strip.levels=F) #update strip text |
266 | 378 |
#g3=histogram(dif_c5_09,col="black",border=NA,scales=list(x=list(at=c(-50,0,50)),y=list(draw=F),cex=1))+layer(panel.abline(v=0,col="red",lwd=2)) |
267 | 379 |
268 | 380 |
### regional plots |
269 | 381 |
p1=useOuterStrips(levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[!trd$variable%in%c("MOD17_unscaled","MOD11_unscaled","MCD12Q1","MOD35pp"),],asp=1,scales=list(draw=F,rot=0,relation="free"), |
270 | 382 |
at=at,col.regions=cols,maxpixels=7e6, |
271 |
ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude"),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)))+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2))
383 |
ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude"),strip.left=strip,strip = strip)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2))
272 | 384 |
273 | 385 |
p2=useOuterStrips( |
274 | 386 |
levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[trd$variable%in%c("MCD12Q1"),], |
... | ... | |
278 | 390 |
right=list(fun=draw.key(list(columns=1,#title="MCD12Q1 \n IGBP Land \n Cover", |
279 | 391 |
rectangles=list(col=IGBP$col,size=1), |
280 | 392 |
text=list(as.character(IGBP$ID),at=IGBP$ID-.5))))), |
281 |
ylab="",xlab=" "),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)),strip.left=F)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2))
393 |
ylab="",xlab=" "),strip = strip,strip.left=F)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2)) |
282 | 394 |
p3=useOuterStrips( |
283 | 395 |
levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[trd$variable%in%c("MOD35pp"),], |
284 | 396 |
asp=1,scales=list(draw=F,rot=0,relation="free"),colorkey=F, |
... | ... | |
287 | 399 |
right=list(fun=draw.key(list(columns=1,#title="MOD35 \n Processing \n Path", |
288 | 400 |
rectangles=list(col=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen"),size=1), |
289 | 401 |
text=list(c("Water","Coast","Desert","Land")))))), |
290 |
ylab="",xlab=" "),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)),strip.left=F)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2))
402 |
ylab="",xlab=" "),strip = strip,strip.left=F)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2)) |
291 | 403 |
292 | 404 |
## transects |
293 | 405 |
p4=xyplot(value~dist|transect,groups=variable,type=c("smooth","p"), |
... | ... | |
323 | 435 |
},subscripts=T,par.settings = list( = list(lineend = "butt")), |
324 | 436 |
scales=list( |
325 | 437 |
x=list(alternating=1,relation="free"),#, lim=c(0,70)), |
326 |
438 |
327 | 439 |
labels=c("MCD12Q1 IGBP","MOD35 path",seq(0,100,len=5)), |
328 | 440 |
lim=c(-25,100)), |
329 | 441 |
alternating=F), |
... | ... | |
339 | 451 |
text=list(c("C5 MOD35 Processing Path","Desert","Land")), |
340 | 452 |
rectangles=list(border=NA,col=c(NA,IGBP$col[sort(unique(transd$value[transd$variable=="MCD12Q1"]+1))])), |
341 | 453 |
text=list(c("MCD12Q1 IGBP Land Cover",IGBP$class[sort(unique(transd$value[transd$variable=="MCD12Q1"]+1))])))))), |
342 |
strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.75))) |
343 |
print(p4) |
344 |
454 |
strip = strip,strip.left=F) |
455 |
#print(p4) |
345 | 456 |
346 | 457 |
347 | 458 |
CairoPDF("output/mod35compare.pdf",width=11,height=7) |
... | ... | |
352 | 463 |
#print(g3,position=c(0.31,0.06,.42,0.27),more=F) |
353 | 464 |
354 | 465 |
### MOD35 Desert Processing path |
355 |
levelplot(pp,asp=1,scales=list(draw=T,rot=0),maxpixels=1e6, |
356 |
at=c(-1:3),col.regions=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen"),margin=F, |
357 |
colorkey=list(space="bottom",title="MOD35 Processing Path",labels=list(labels=c("Water","Coast","Desert","Land"),at=0:4-.5)))+layer(sp.polygons(bbs,lwd=2))+layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5)) |
466 |
levelplot(pp,asp=1,scales=list(draw=T,rot=0),maxpixels=1e6,cuts=3, |
467 |
at=(0:3)+.5,col.regions=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen"),margin=F, |
468 |
colorkey=list(space="top",title="MOD35 Processing Path",labels=list(labels=c("Water","Coast","Desert","Land"),at=0:3),height=.25))+ |
469 |
layer(sp.points(coordinates(bbs),col="black",cex=2,pch=13,lwd=2))+ |
470 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5)) |
471 |
358 | 472 |
### levelplot of regions |
359 | 473 |
print(p1,position=c(0,0,.62,1),more=T) |
360 | 474 |
print(p2,position=c(0.6,0.21,0.78,0.79),more=T) |
... | ... | |
390 | 504 |
readAll(mod35c5) |
391 | 505 |
392 | 506 |
kml_layer.Raster(mod35c5, |
393 |
plot.legend = TRUE,raster_name="Collection 5 MOD35 Cloud Frequency", |
507 |
plot.legend = TRUE,raster_name="Collection 5 MOD35 2009 Cloud Frequency",
394 | 508 |
z.lim = c(0,100),colour_scale = get("colour_scale_numeric", envir = plotKML.opts), |
395 | 509 |
# home_url = get("home_url", envir = plotKML.opts), |
396 | 510 |
# metadata = NULL, html.table = NULL, |
Also available in: Unified diff
Added routine to process identify regions of concern in modis cloud data