Revision aba23d60
Added by Adam Wilson over 11 years ago
climate/procedures/Pleiades_MOD35.R | ||
12 | 12 |
## get MODLAND tile information |
13 | 13 |
tb=read.table("",skip=6,nrows=648,header=T) |
14 | 14 |
tb$tile=paste("h",sprintf("%02d",tb$ih),"v",sprintf("%02d",tb$iv),sep="") |
15 |
tb=tb[tb$lon_min!=-999,] |
15 | 16 |
save(tb,file="modlandTiles.Rdata") |
16 | 17 |
load("modlandTiles.Rdata") |
17 | 18 |
... | ... | |
24 | 25 |
#tile="h09v04" # Oregon |
25 | 26 |
tile="h21v09" #Kenya |
26 | 27 |
27 |
28 | 28 |
### list of tiles to process |
29 | 29 |
tiles=c("h11v08","h21v09","h08v04","h09v04","h08v05","h09v05","h20v11","h31v11") |
30 |
tiles=tiles[c(1,4)] |
30 |
tiles=c("h10v08","h11v08","h12v08","h10v07","h11v07","h12v07") # South America |
31 |
32 |
## subset to MODLAND tiles |
33 |
modlandtiles=system("ls -r /nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD11A1.005/2010* | grep hdf$ | cut -c18-23 | sort | uniq - ",intern=T) |
34 |
tb$land=tb$tile%in%modlandtiles |
35 |
tiles=tb$tile[tb$land] |
36 |
37 |
## subset tile corner matrix to tiles selected above |
31 | 38 |
tile_bb=tb[tb$tile%in%tiles,] |
32 | 39 |
33 | 40 |
### get list of files to process |
34 | 41 |
datadir="/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD35_L2.006/" |
35 |
#datadir="/nobackupp1/awilso10/mod06/data" #for data downloaded from |
36 | 42 |
37 | 43 |
outdir="daily/" #paste("daily/",tile,sep="") |
38 | 44 |
... | ... | |
62 | 68 |
63 | 69 |
if(verbose) print(paste("###############",nrow(fs)," swath IDs recieved from database")) |
64 | 70 |
65 |
66 | 71 |
## get all unique dates |
67 | 72 |
fs$dateid=format(as.Date(paste(fs$year,fs$day,sep=""),"%Y%j"),"%Y%m%d") |
68 | 73 |
alldates=unique(fs$dateid[fs$exists]) |
69 | 74 |
70 | 75 |
#### Generate submission file |
71 |
alldates=format(seq(as.Date("2000-03-01"),as.Date("2011-12-31"),1),"%Y%m%d") |
76 |
startdate="2000-03-01" |
77 |
stopdate="2011-12-31" |
78 |
## just 2009 |
79 |
startdate="2009-01-01" |
80 |
stopdate="2009-12-31" |
81 |
82 |
alldates=format(seq(as.Date(startdate),as.Date(stopdate),1),"%Y%m%d") |
83 |
72 | 84 |
proclist=expand.grid(date=alldates,tile=tiles) |
73 | 85 |
proclist$year=substr(proclist$date,1,4) |
74 |
86 |
87 |
## identify tile-dates with no available swaths |
88 |
avail=unique($tile,date=fs$dateid)[fs$exists, ]) |
89 |
proclist$avail=paste(proclist$tile,proclist$date,sep="_")%in%paste(avail$tile,avail$date,sep="_") |
90 |
75 | 91 |
## identify which have been completed |
76 |
fdone=data.frame(path=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$",recursive=T)) |
92 |
fdone=data.frame(path=system("ssh lou 'find MOD35/daily -name \"*.nc\"' ",intern=T)) |
93 |
#fdone=data.frame(path=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$",recursive=T)) |
77 | 94 |
fdone$date=substr(basename(as.character(fdone$path)),14,21) |
78 | 95 |
fdone$tile=substr(basename(as.character(fdone$path)),7,12) |
79 |
80 |
## identify which date-tiles have already been run |
81 | 96 |
proclist$done=paste(proclist$tile,proclist$date,sep="_")%in%substr(basename(as.character(fdone$path)),7,21) |
82 | 97 |
83 | 98 |
### report on what has already been processed |
... | ... | |
87 | 102 |
script="/u/awilso10/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/MOD35_L2_process.r" |
88 | 103 |
89 | 104 |
## write the table processed by mpiexec |
90 |
write.table(paste("--verbose ",script," --date ",proclist$date[!proclist$done]," --verbose T --tile ",proclist$tile[!proclist$done],sep=""), |
105 |
tp=(!proclist$done)&proclist$avail #date-tiles to process |
106 |
table(Available=proclist$avail,Completed=proclist$done) |
107 |
108 |
write.table(paste("--verbose ",script," --date ",proclist$date[tp]," --verbose T --tile ",proclist$tile[tp],sep=""), |
91 | 109 |
file=paste("notdone.txt",sep=""),row.names=F,col.names=F,quote=F) |
92 | 110 |
93 | 111 |
### qsub script |
... | ... | |
132 | 150 |
### Now submit the script to generate the climatologies |
133 | 151 |
134 | 152 |
tiles |
135 |
ctiles=tiles#[c(2)] #subset to only some tiles (for example if some aren't finished yet)?
136 |
climatescript="/u/awilso10/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/MOD35_Climatology.r" |
153 |
ctiles=tiles[c(1:3)] #subset to only some tiles (for example if some aren't finished yet)?
154 |
137 | 155 |
138 | 156 |
## write the table processed by mpiexec |
139 | 157 |
write.table(paste("--verbose ",climatescript," --verbose T --tile ",ctiles,sep=""), |
... | ... | |
149 | 167 |
### qsub script |
150 | 168 |
cat(paste(" |
151 | 169 |
#PBS -S /bin/bash |
152 |
##PBS -l select=50:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=8 |
153 |
#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4 |
154 |
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00 |
170 |
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=16:mem=94 |
171 |
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 |
155 | 172 |
#PBS -j n |
156 | 173 |
#PBS -m be |
157 | 174 |
#PBS -N mod35_climate |
158 |
#PBS -q devel
175 |
#PBS -q ldan
159 | 176 |
#PBS -V |
160 | 177 |
",if(delay) paste("#PBS -W depend=afterany:",job,sep="")," |
161 | 178 |
162 | 179 |
CORES=16 |
163 |
HDIR=/u/armichae/pr/ |
164 |
# source $HDIR/etc/ |
165 |
source /u/awilso10/ |
166 |
source /u/awilso10/.bashrc |
180 |
HDIR=/pleiades/u/armichae/pr/ |
181 |
source $HDIR/etc/ |
182 |
source /pleiades/u/awilso10/ |
183 |
source /pleiades/u/awilso10/.bashrc |
184 |
source /pleiades/u/awilso10/moduleload |
167 | 185 |
IDIR=/nobackupp1/awilso10/mod35/ |
168 | 186 |
##WORKLIST=$HDIR/var/run/pxrRgrs/work.txt |
169 | 187 |
WORKLIST=$IDIR/notdone_climate.txt |
170 | 188 |
EXE=Rscript |
171 | 189 |
LOGSTDOUT=$IDIR/log/climatology_stdout |
172 | 190 |
LOGSTDERR=$IDIR/log/climatology_stderr |
173 |
### use mpiexec to parallelize across days
191 |
### use mpiexec to parallelize across tiles
174 | 192 |
mpiexec -np $CORES pxargs -a $WORKLIST -p $EXE -v -v -v --work-analyze 1> $LOGSTDOUT 2> $LOGSTDERR |
175 | 193 |
",sep=""),file=paste("mod35_climatology_qsub",sep="")) |
176 | 194 |
Also available in: Unified diff
updated MOD35 processing script to work in separate temporary directories and transfer daily cloud data to lou for archiving in preparation for global processing (which cannot be done in personal directory). Also set up MOD35_Climatology script to be submitted to LDAN queue to run on lou rather than Pleiades. However environment still not set up correctly and script fails when reading netcdf files. Andrew is working on it.