Revision f07e0e66
Added by Adam Wilson about 11 years ago
climate/procedures/MOD09_CloudFigures.R | ||
7 | 7 |
library(rasterVis) |
8 | 8 |
library(latticeExtra) |
9 | 9 |
library(xtable) |
10 |
library(texreg) |
10 | 11 |
library(reshape) |
11 | 12 |
library(caTools) |
12 | 13 |
14 |
13 | 15 |
## read in data |
14 |
cld=read.csv("data/NDP026D/cld.csv") |
16 |
15 | 17 |
cldm=read.csv("data/NDP026D/cldm.csv") |
16 |
cldy=read.csv("data/NDP026D/cldy.csv") |
17 |
clda=read.csv("data/NDP026D/clda.csv") |
18 |
19 |
18 | 20 |
st=read.csv("data/NDP026D/stations.csv") |
19 | 21 |
20 | 22 |
... | ... | |
24 | 26 |
IGBP$class=rownames(IGBP);rownames(IGBP)=1:nrow(IGBP) |
25 | 27 |
26 | 28 |
## month factors |
27 |
cld$month2=factor(cld$month, |
29 |
28 | 30 |
cldm$month2=factor(cldm$month, |
29 | 31 |
30 | 32 |
coordinates(st)=c("lon","lat") |
31 | 33 |
projection(st)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
32 | 34 |
33 | 35 |
##make spatial object |
34 |
cldms=cldm |
35 |
coordinates(cldms)=c("lon","lat") |
36 |
projection(cldms)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
37 |
38 |
##make spatial object |
39 |
cldys=cldy |
40 |
coordinates(cldys)=c("lon","lat") |
41 |
projection(cldys)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
36 |
#cldys=cldy |
37 |
#coordinates(cldys)=c("lon","lat") |
38 |
#projection(cldys)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
42 | 39 |
43 | 40 |
#### Evaluate MOD35 Cloud data |
44 | 41 |
mod09=brick("data/") |
42 |
mod09s=brick("data/",varname="CF");names(mod09s)=c("DJF","MAM","JJA","SON") |
45 | 43 |
mod09c=brick("data/",varname="CF");names(mod09c) |
46 |
44 |
mod09a=brick("data/",varname="CF");names(mod09a)="Mean Annual Cloud Frequency"
47 | 45 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
51 | 49 |
#mod09mean=raster("data/") |
52 | 50 |
#names(mod09d)=c("Mean","Minimum","Maximum","Standard Deviation") |
53 | 51 |
54 | 52 |
#plot(mod09a,layers=1,margin=F,maxpixels=100) |
55 | 53 |
56 | 54 |
## calculated differences |
57 |
cldm$dif=cldm$mod09-cldm$cld |
58 |
clda$dif=clda$mod09-clda$cld |
55 |
cldm$difm=cldm$mod09-cldm$cld_all |
56 |
cldm$difs=cldm$mod09sd+cldm$cldsd_all |
57 |
58 |
#clda$dif=clda$mod09-clda$cld |
59 | 59 |
60 | 60 |
## read in global coasts for nice plotting |
61 | 61 |
library(maptools) |
62 |
library(rgdal) |
63 |
64 |
#coast=getRgshhsMap("/mnt/data/jetzlab/Data/environ/global/gshhg/gshhs_h.b", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, level = 4) |
65 |
land=readShapePoly("/mnt/data/jetzlab/Data/environ/global/gshhg/GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L1.shp",force_ring=TRUE) |
66 |
projection(land)="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" |
67 |
CP <- as(extent(-180, 180, -60, 84), "SpatialPolygons") |
68 |
proj4string(CP) <- CRS(proj4string(land)) |
69 |
coast=as(land[land$area>50,],"SpatialLines") |
70 |
## Clip the map |
71 |
land <- gIntersection(land, CP, byid=F) |
72 |
coast <- gIntersection(coast, CP, byid=F) |
73 |
74 |
75 |
#### get biome data |
76 |
##make spatial object |
77 |
cldms=cldm |
78 |
coordinates(cldms)=c("lon","lat") |
79 |
projection(cldms)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
62 | 80 |
63 |
data(wrld_simpl) |
64 |
coast <- unionSpatialPolygons(wrld_simpl, rep("land",nrow(wrld_simpl)), threshold=5) |
65 |
coast=as(coast,"SpatialLines") |
81 |
if(!file.exists("data/teow/biomes.shp")){ |
82 |
teow=readOGR("/mnt/data/jetzlab/Data/environ/global/teow/official/","wwf_terr_ecos") |
83 |
teow=teow[teow$BIOME<90,] |
84 |
biome=unionSpatialPolygons(teow,teow$BIOME, threshold=5) |
85 |
biomeid=read.csv("/mnt/data/jetzlab/Data/environ/global/teow/official/biome.csv",stringsAsFactors=F) |
86 |
biome=SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(biome,data=biomeid) |
87 |
writeOGR(biome,"data/teow","biomes",driver="ESRI Shapefile") |
88 |
} |
89 |
biome=readOGR("data/teow/","biomes") |
90 |
projection(biome)=projection(st) |
91 |
st$biome=over(st,biome,returnList=F)$BiomeID |
92 |
93 |
cldm$biome=st$biome[match(cldm$StaID,st$id)] |
94 |
95 |
## get stratified sample of points from biomes for illustration |
96 |
if(!file.exists("output/biomesamplepoints.csv")){ |
97 |
n_biomesamples=1000 |
98 |
library(multicore) |
99 |,mclapply(1:length(biome),function(i) |
100 |
data.frame(biome=biome$BiomeID[i],coordinates(spsample(biome[i,],n=n_biomesamples,type="stratified",nsig=2))))) |
101 |
write.csv(biomesample,"output/biomesamplepoints.csv",row.names=F) |
102 |
} |
103 |
biomesample=read.csv("output/biomesamplepoints.csv") |
104 |
coordinates(biomesample)=c("x1","x2") |
66 | 105 |
106 |
#biomesample=extract(biomesample,mod09c) |
67 | 107 |
68 | 108 |
## Figures |
69 | 109 |
n=100 |
... | ... | |
72 | 112 |
cols=colr(n) |
73 | 113 |
74 | 114 |
75 |
pdf("output/Figures.pdf",width=11,height=8.5) |
115 |
#pdf("output/Figures.pdf",width=11,height=8.5) |
116 |
png("output/Figures_%03d.png",width=5000,height=4000,res=600,pointsize=36,bg="transparent") |
76 | 117 |
118 |
res=1e5 |
119 |
greg=list(ylim=c(-60,84),xlim=c(-180,180)) |
120 |
77 | 121 |
## Figure 1: 4-panel summaries |
78 | 122 |
#- Annual average |
79 | 123 |
levelplot(mod09a,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=100,at=seq(0,100,len=100),colorkey=list(space="bottom",adj=1), |
80 |
124 |
81 | 125 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,col="black"),under=F) |
82 |
#- Monthly minimum |
83 |
#- Monthly maximum |
84 |
#- STDEV or Min-Max |
85 |
p_mac=levelplot(mod09a,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=99,margin=F,maxpixels=1e5,colorkey=list(space="bottom",height=.75),xlab="",ylab="",main=names(regs)[r],useRaster=T) |
86 |
p_min=levelplot(mod09min,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=99,margin=F,maxpixels=1e5,colorkey=list(space="bottom",height=.75),useRaster=T) |
87 |
p_max=levelplot(mod09max,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=99,margin=F,maxpixels=1e5,colorkey=list(space="bottom",height=.75),useRaster=T) |
88 |
p_sd=levelplot(mod09sd,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=99,margin=F,maxpixels=1e5,colorkey=list(space="bottom",height=.75),useRaster=T) |
89 |
p3=c("Mean Cloud Frequency (%)"=p_mac,"Max Cloud Frequency (%)"=p_max,"Min Cloud Frequency (%)"=p_min,"Cloud Frequency Variability (SD)"=p_sd,x.same=T,y.same=T,merge.legends=T,layout=c(2,2)) |
90 |
print(p3) |
91 |
92 |
93 |
### maps of mod09 and NDP |
94 |
## map of stations |
95 |
p_mac=levelplot(mod09a,col.regions=colr(100),cuts=100,at=seq(0,100,len=100),colorkey=list(space="bottom",adj=1), |
96 |
margin=F,maxpixels=1e6,ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude",useRaster=T)+ |
126 |
## Mean annual with validation stations |
127 |
levelplot(mod09a,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=100,at=seq(0,100,len=100),colorkey=list(space="bottom",adj=1), |
128 |
margin=F,maxpixels=res,ylab="",xlab="",useRaster=T,ylim=greg$ylim)+ |
97 | 129 |
layer(panel.xyplot(lon,lat,pch=16,cex=.3,col="black"),data=data.frame(coordinates(st)))+ |
98 | 130 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,col="black"),under=F) |
99 | 131 |
100 |
p_mace=xyplot(lat~dif,data=cldm[cldm$lat>-60,],panel=function(x,y,subscripts=T){ |
101 |
x2=x[order(y)] |
102 |
y2=y[order(y)] |
103 |
win=8000 |
104 |
Q50=runquantile(x2,win,probs=c(.25,.5,.75)) |
105 |
## polygon |
106 |
panel.polygon(c(Q50[,1],rev(Q50[,3])),c(y2,rev(y2)),type="l",col=grey(.8)) |
107 |
### hist |
108 |
n=150 |
109 |
xbins=seq(-70,50,len=n) |
110 |
ybins=seq(-60,90,len=n) |
111 |
tb=melt(as.matrix(table( |
112 |
x=cut(x,xbins,labels=xbins[-1]), |
113 |
y=cut(y,ybins,labels=ybins[-1])))) |
114 |
qat=unique(tb$value) |
115 |
print(qat) |
116 |
panel.levelplot(tb$x,tb$y,tb$value,at=qat,col.regions=c("transparent",hmcols(length(qat))),subscripts=1:nrow(tb)) |
117 |
### |
118 |
# panel.xyplot(x,y,pch=16,cex=.1,col=) |
119 |
# cuts=cut(y,lats,labels=lats[-10]) |
120 |
#,tapply(x,cuts,quantile,c(.25,.50,.75),na.rm=T)) |
121 |
colnames(qs)=c("Q25","Q50","Q75") |
122 |
panel.lines(Q50[,1],y2,type="l",col=grey(.5)) |
123 |
panel.lines(Q50[,2],y2,type="l",col="black") |
124 |
panel.lines(Q50[,3],y2,type="l",col=grey(.5)) |
125 |
},asp=1,xlab="Difference (MOD09-Observed)")+layer(panel.abline(v=0,lty="dashed",col="red")) |
126 |
127 |
print(p_mac,position=c(0,0,.75,1),more=T) |
128 |
print(p_mace,position=c(0.75,0,1,1)) |
129 |
130 |
131 |
p1=c("MODIS Cloud Frequency and NDP-026D Validation Stations"=p_mac,"Difference (MOD09-NDP026D)"=p_mace,x.same=F,y.same=T,layout=c(2,1)) |
132 |
resizePanels(p1,w=c(.75,.25)) |
133 |
134 |
quantile(cldm$dif,seq(0,1,len=6),na.rm=T) |
135 |
at=c(-70,-50,-25,-10,-5,0,5,10,25,50,70) |
136 |
bwr=colorRampPalette(c("blue","grey","red")) |
137 |
xyplot(lat~lon|month2,data=cldm,groups=cut(cldm$dif,at), |
138 |
par.settings=list(superpose.symbol=list(col=bwr(length(at)-1))),pch=16,cex=.25, |
139 |
auto.key=list(space="right",title="Difference\n(MOD09-NDP026D)",cex.title=1),asp=1, |
140 |
main="NDP-026D Cloud Climatology Stations",ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude")+ |
141 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,col="black",lwd=.1),under=F) |
132 |
## Seasonal Means |
133 |
levelplot(mod09s,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=100,at=seq(0,100,len=100),colorkey=list(space="bottom",adj=2), |
134 |
margin=F,maxpixels=res,ylab="",xlab="",useRaster=T,ylim=greg$ylim)+ |
135 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,col="black"),under=F) |
142 | 136 |
137 |
## Monthly Means |
138 |
levelplot(mod09c,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=100,at=seq(0,100,len=100),colorkey=list(space="bottom",adj=1), |
139 |
margin=F,maxpixels=res,ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude",useRaster=T,ylim=greg$ylim)+ |
140 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,col="black"),under=F) |
143 | 141 |
142 |
#- Monthly minimum |
143 |
#- Monthly maximum |
144 |
#- STDEV or Min-Max |
145 |
#p_mac=levelplot(mod09a,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=99,at=seq(0,100,length=100),margin=F,maxpixels=1e5,colorkey=list(space="bottom",height=.75),xlab="",ylab="",useRaster=T)+ |
146 |
# layer(sp.lines(coast,col="black"),under=F) |
147 |
#p_min=levelplot(mod09min,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=99,margin=F,maxpixels=1e5,colorkey=list(space="bottom",height=.75),useRaster=T) |
148 |
#p_max=levelplot(mod09max,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=99,margin=F,maxpixels=1e5,colorkey=list(space="bottom",height=.75),useRaster=T) |
149 |
#p_sd=levelplot(mod09sd,col.regions=colr(n),cuts=99,at=seq(0,100,length=100),margin=F,maxpixels=1e5,colorkey=list(space="bottom",height=.75),useRaster=T) |
150 |
#p3=c("Mean Cloud Frequency (%)"=p_mac,"Max Cloud Frequency (%)"=p_max,"Min Cloud Frequency (%)"=p_min,"Cloud Frequency Variability (SD)"=p_sd,x.same=T,y.same=T,merge.legends=T,layout=c(2,2)) |
151 |
#print(p3) |
152 |
153 |
bgr=function(x,n=100,br=0,c1=c("darkblue","blue","grey"),c2=c("grey","red","purple")){ |
154 |
at=unique(c(seq(min(x,na.rm=T),max(x,na.rm=T),len=n))) |
155 |
bg=colorRampPalette(c1) |
156 |
gr=colorRampPalette(c2) |
157 |
return(list(at=at,col=c(bg(sum(at<br)),gr(sum(at>=br))))) |
158 |
} |
159 |
160 |
colat=bgr(cldm$difm) |
161 |
phist=histogram(cldm$difm,breaks=colat$at,border=NA,col=colat$col,xlim=c(-50,40),type="count",xlab="Difference (MOD09-NDP026D)")#,seq(0,1,len=6),na.rm=T) |
162 |
pmap=xyplot(lat~lon|month2,data=cldm,groups=cut(cldm$difm,rev(colat$at)), |
163 |
par.settings=list(superpose.symbol=list(col=colat$col)),pch=16,cex=.25, |
164 |
auto.key=F,#list(space="right",title="Difference\n(MOD09-NDP026D)",cex.title=1),asp=1, |
165 |
ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude")+ |
166 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,col="black",lwd=.1),under=F) |
167 |
print(phist,position=c(0,.75,1,1),more=T) |
168 |
print(pmap,position=c(0,0,1,.78)) |
144 | 169 |
145 | 170 |
### heatmap of mod09 vs. NDP for all months |
146 |
hmcols=colorRampPalette(c("grey","blue","red")) |
171 |
147 | 172 |
#hmcols=colorRampPalette(c(grey(.8),grey(.3),grey(.2))) |
148 |
173 |
149 | 174 |
colkey <- draw.colorkey(list(col = hmcols(tr[2]), at = tr[1]:tr[2],height=.25)) |
150 | 175 |
151 |
xyplot(cld~mod09,data=cld[cld$Nobs>10,],panel=function(x,y,subscripts){ |
152 |
n=150 |
153 |
bins=seq(0,100,len=n) |
154 |
tb=melt(as.matrix(table( |
155 |
x=cut(x,bins,labels=bins[-1]), |
156 |
y=cut(y,bins,labels=bins[-1])))) |
157 |
qat=tr[1]:tr[2]#unique(tb$value) |
158 |
print(qat) |
159 |
panel.levelplot(tb$x,tb$y,tb$value,at=qat,col.regions=c("transparent",hmcols(length(qat))),subscripts=subscripts) |
160 |
},asp=1,scales=list(at=seq(0,100,len=6)),ylab="NDP Mean Cloud Amount (%)",xlab="MOD09 Cloud Frequency (%)", |
161 |
legend= list(right = list(fun = colkey,title="Station Count")))+ |
162 |
layer(panel.abline(0,1,col="black",lwd=2)) |
163 |
# layer(panel.ablineq(lm(y ~ x), r.sq = TRUE,at = 0.6,pos=1, offset=22,digits=2,col="blue"), style = 1) |
164 |
165 |
166 |
xyplot(cld~mod09|month2,data=cld[cld$Nobs>50,],panel=function(x,y,subscripts){ |
176 |
xyplot(cld_all~mod09|month2,data=cldm,panel=function(x,y,subscripts){ |
167 | 177 |
n=50 |
168 | 178 |
bins=seq(0,100,len=n) |
169 | 179 |
tb=melt(as.matrix(table( |
170 | 180 |
x=cut(x,bins,labels=bins[-1]), |
171 | 181 |
y=cut(y,bins,labels=bins[-1])))) |
172 | 182 |
qat=unique(tb$value) |
173 |
183 |
174 | 184 |
qat=tr[1]:tr[2]#unique(tb$value) |
175 | 185 |
panel.levelplot(tb$x,tb$y,tb$value,at=qat,col.regions=c("transparent",hmcols(length(qat))),subscripts=1:nrow(tb)) |
176 |
panel.abline(0,1,col="black",lwd=2) |
186 |
# panel.abline(0,1,col="black",lwd=2) |
187 |
panel.abline(lm(y ~ x),col="black",lwd=2) |
177 | 188 |
# panel.ablineq(lm(y ~ x), r.sq = TRUE,at = 0.6,pos=1, offset=0,digits=2,col="blue") |
178 | 189 |
panel.text(70,10,bquote(paste(R^2,"=",.(round(summary(lm(y ~ x))$r.squared,2)))),cex=1.2) |
179 | 190 |
},asp=1,scales=list(at=seq(0,100,len=6),useRaster=T,colorkey=list(width=.5,title="Number of Stations")), |
180 | 191 |
ylab="NDP Mean Cloud Amount (%)",xlab="MOD09 Cloud Frequency (%)", |
181 |
legend= list(right = list(fun = colkey)))+ layer(panel.abline(0,1,col="black",lwd=2)) |
192 |
legend= list(right = list(fun = colkey)))#+ layer(panel.abline(0,1,col="black",lwd=2))
182 | 193 |
183 | 194 |
184 | 195 |
## Monthly Climatologies |
185 |
for(i in 1:2){ |
186 |
p1=xyplot(cld~mod09|month2,data=cldm,cex=.2,pch=16,subscripts=T,ylab="NDP Mean Cloud Amount",xlab="MOD09 Cloud Frequency (%)")+ |
187 |
layer(panel.lines(1:100,predict(lm(y~x),newdata=data.frame(x=1:100)),col="green"))+ |
188 |
layer(panel.lines(1:100,predict(lm(y~x+I(x^2)),newdata=data.frame(x=1:100)),col="blue"))+ |
189 |
layer(panel.abline(0,1,col="red")) |
190 |
if(i==2){ |
191 |
p1=p1+layer(panel.segments(mod09[subscripts],cld[subscripts]-cldsd[subscripts],mod09[subscripts],cld[subscripts]+cldsd[subscripts],subscripts=subscripts,col="grey"),data=cldm,under=T,magicdots=T) |
192 |
p1=p1+layer(panel.segments(mod09[subscripts]-mod09sd[subscripts],cld[subscripts],mod09[subscripts]+mod09sd[subscripts],cld[subscripts],subscripts=subscripts,col="grey"),data=cldm,under=T,magicdots=T) |
193 |
} |
194 |
print(p1) |
195 |
} |
196 |
## for(i in 1:2){ |
197 |
## p1=xyplot(cld~mod09|month2,data=cldm,cex=.2,pch=16,subscripts=T,ylab="NDP Mean Cloud Amount",xlab="MOD09 Cloud Frequency (%)")+ |
198 |
## layer(panel.lines(1:100,predict(lm(y~x),newdata=data.frame(x=1:100)),col="green"))+ |
199 |
## layer(panel.lines(1:100,predict(lm(y~x+I(x^2)),newdata=data.frame(x=1:100)),col="blue"))+ |
200 |
## layer(panel.abline(0,1,col="red")) |
201 |
## if(i==2){ |
202 |
## p1=p1+layer(panel.segments(mod09[subscripts],cld[subscripts]-cldsd[subscripts],mod09[subscripts],cld[subscripts]+cldsd[subscripts],subscripts=subscripts,col="grey"),data=cldm,under=T,magicdots=T) |
203 |
## p1=p1+layer(panel.segments(mod09[subscripts]-mod09sd[subscripts],cld[subscripts],mod09[subscripts]+mod09sd[subscripts],cld[subscripts],subscripts=subscripts,col="grey"),data=cldm,under=T,magicdots=T) |
204 |
## } |
205 |
## print(p1) |
206 |
## } |
207 |
208 |
bwplot(lulcc~difm,data=cldm,horiz=T,xlab="Difference (MOD09-Observed)",varwidth=T,notch=T)+layer(panel.abline(v=0)) |
196 | 209 |
197 |
bwplot(lulcc~dif,data=cldm,horiz=T,xlab="Difference (MOD09-Observed)",varwidth=T,notch=T)+layer(panel.abline(v=0)) |
210 |
#library(BayesFactor) |
211 |
#coplot(difm~month2|lulcc,data=cldm[!$dif)&!$lulcc),],panel = panel.smooth) |
198 | 212 |
199 | 213 |
200 | 214 | |
201 | 215 |
202 | 216 |
203 |
summary(lm(cld~mod09,data=cld)) |
217 |
218 |
## Validation table construction |
219 |
220 |
summary(lm(cld_all~mod09+lat,data=cldm)) |
221 |
222 |
223 |
## assess latitude bias |
224 |
cldm$abslat=abs(cldm$lat) |
225 |
cldm$absdif=abs(cldm$difm) |
226 |
227 |
################################################################### |
228 |
### validation by biome |
229 |
bs=biome$BiomeID |
230 |
mod_bs=lapply(bs,function(bs) lm(cld_all~mod09,data=cldm[cldm$biome==bs,])) |
231 |
names(mod_bs)=biome$Biome |
232 |
233 |
screenreg(mod_bs,digits=2,single.row=F,custom.model.names=names(mod_bs)) |
234 |
235 |
236 |
#lm_all=lm(cld_all~mod09,data=cldm[!$cld),]) |
237 |
lm_mod=lm(cld~mod09+biome,data=cldm) |
238 |
239 |
screenreg(lm_mod,digits=2,single.row=F) |
240 |
241 |
#################################################################### |
242 |
## assess temporal stability |
243 |
244 |
## spatialy subset data to stations at least 10km apart |
245 |
st2=remove.duplicates(st,zero=10) |
246 |
247 |
## Subset data |
248 |
## drop missing observations |
249 |
cldm.t=cldm[!$cld_all)&!$mod09)&!$biome),] |
250 |
cldm.t=cldm.t[cldm.t$lat>=-60,] |
251 |
# make sure all stations have all mod09 data |
252 |
stdrop=names(which(tapply(cldm.t$month,cldm.t$StaID,length)!=12)) |
253 |
cldm.t=cldm.t[!cldm.t$StaID%in%stdrop,] |
254 |
# Keep only stations at least 10km apart |
255 |
cldm.t=cldm.t[cldm.t$StaID%in%st2$id,] |
256 |
## Subset to only some months, if desired |
257 |
#cldm.t=cldm.t[cldm.t$month%in%1:3,] |
258 |
259 |
260 |
## Select Knots |
261 |
knots=spsample(land,500,type="regular") |
262 |
263 |
# reshape data |
264 |
m.cld=cast(cldm.t,StaID+lat+lon+biome~month,value="cld_all");colnames(m.cld)[-(1:4)]=paste("cld.",colnames(m.cld)[-(1:4)],sep="") |
265 |
m.mod09=cast(cldm.t,StaID~month,value="mod09");colnames(m.mod09)[-1]=paste("mod09.",colnames(m.mod09)[-1],sep="") |
266 |
mdata=cbind(m.cld,m.mod09) |
267 |
268 |
## cast to |
269 |
coords <- as.matrix(m.cld[,c("lon","lat")])#as.matrix(ne.temp[,c("UTMX", "UTMY")]/1000) |
270 |
max.d <- max(iDist(coords)) |
271 |
272 |
##make symbolic model formula statement for each month |
273 |
mods <- lapply(paste(paste(paste("cld.",1:N.t,sep=''),paste("mod09.",1:N.t,sep=''),sep='~'),"",sep=""), as.formula) |
274 |
275 |
tlm=model.matrix(lm(mods[[1]],data=mdata)) |
276 |
277 |
N.t <- ncol(m.mod09)-1 ##number of months |
278 |
n <- nrow(m.cld) ##number of observation per months |
279 |
p <- ncol(tlm) #number of regression parameters in each month |
280 |
281 |
starting <- list("beta"=rep(0,N.t*p), "phi"=rep(3/(0.5*max.d), N.t), |
282 |
"sigma.sq"=rep(2,N.t), "tau.sq"=rep(1, N.t), |
283 |
"sigma.eta"=diag(rep(0.01, p))) |
284 |
tuning <- list("phi"=rep(5, N.t)) |
285 |
286 |
priors <- list("beta.0.Norm"=list(rep(0,p), diag(1000,p)), |
287 |
"phi.Unif"=list(rep(3/(0.9*max.d), N.t), rep(3/(0.05*max.d), N.t)), |
288 |
"sigma.sq.IG"=list(rep(2,N.t), rep(10,N.t)), |
289 |
"tau.sq.IG"=list(rep(2,N.t), rep(5,N.t)), |
290 |
"sigma.eta.IW"=list(2, diag(0.001,p))) |
291 |
cov.model <- "exponential" |
292 |
293 |
## Run the model |
294 |
n.samples <- 100 |
295 |
m.1=spDynLM(mods,data=mdata,coords=coords,knots=coordinates(knots),n.samples=n.samples,starting=starting,tuning=tuning,priors=priors,cov.model=cov.model,get.fitted=T, |
296 |
297 |
## summarize |
298 | <- floor(0.75*n.samples) |
299 |
quant <- function(x){quantile(x, prob=c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975))} |
300 |
beta <- apply(m.1$p.beta.samples[,], 2, quant) |
301 |
beta.0 <- beta[,grep("Intercept", colnames(beta))] |
302 |
beta.1 <- beta[,grep("mod09", colnames(beta))] |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
library(texreg) |
312 |
extract.lm <- function(model) { |
313 |
s <- summary(model) |
314 |
names <- rownames(s$coef) |
315 |
co <- s$coef[, 1] |
316 |
se <- s$coef[, 2] |
317 |
pval <- s$coef[, 4] |
318 |
rs <- s$r.squared |
319 |
n <- nobs(model) |
320 |
rmse=sqrt(mean((residuals(s)^2))) |
321 |
gof <- c(rs, rmse, n) |
322 |
gof.names <- c("R-Squared","RMSE","n") |
323 |
tr <- createTexreg(coef.names = names, coef = co, se = se, |
324 |
pvalues = pval, gof.names = gof.names, gof = gof) |
325 |
return(tr) |
326 |
} |
327 |
setMethod("extract", signature = className("lm", "stats"),definition = extract.lm) |
328 |
329 |
forms=c("cld~mod09+month2+lat") |
330 |
lm_all=lm(cld_all~mod09+lat,data=cldm[!$cld),]) |
331 |
332 |
333 |
### Compare two time periods |
334 |
lm_all1=lm(cld_all~mod09,data=cldm[!$cld),]) |
335 |
lm_mod=lm(cld~mod09,data=cldm) |
336 |
mods=list("1970-2000 complete"=lm_all1,"2000-2009"=lm_mod) |
337 |
338 |
screenreg(mods,digits=2,single.row=T,custom.model.names=names(mods)) |
339 |
htmlreg(mods,file = "output/tempstab.doc", |
340 |
custom.model.names = names(mods), |
341 |
single.row = T, inline.css = FALSE,doctype = TRUE, html.tag = TRUE, head.tag = TRUE, body.tag = TRUE) |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
abslm=lm(absdif~abslat:I(abslat^2),data=cldm) |
346 |
347 |
plot(absdif~abslat,data=cldm,cex=.25,pch=16) |
348 |
lines(0:90,predict(abslm,newdata=data.frame(abslat=0:90),type="response"),col="red") |
349 |
350 |
bf=anovaBF(dif~lulcc+month2,data=cldm[!$dif)&!$lulcc),]) |
351 |
ch=posterior(bf, iterations = 1000) |
352 |
summary(bf) |
353 |
plot(bf) |
204 | 354 |
205 | 355 |
## explore validation error |
206 | 356 |
cldm$lulcc=as.factor(IGBP$class[match(cldm$lulc,IGBP$ID)]) |
207 | 357 |
208 | 358 |
## Table of RMSE's by lulc by month |
209 |
lulcrmsel=ddply(cldm,c("month","lulc"),function(x) c(count=nrow(x),rmse=sqrt(mean((x$mod09-x$cld)^2,na.rm=T)))) |
210 |
lulcrmsel=lulcrmsel[!$lulc),] |
211 |
lulcrmsel$lulcc=as.factor(IGBP$class[match(lulcrmsel$lulc,IGBP$ID)]) |
359 |
lulctl=ddply(cldm,c("month","lulc"),function(x) c(count=nrow(x),rmse=sqrt(mean((x$mod09-x$cld)^2,na.rm=T)))) |
360 |
lulctl=lulctl[!$lulc),] |
361 |
lulctl$lulcc=as.factor(IGBP$class[match(lulctl$lulc,IGBP$ID)]) |
362 |
363 |
lulctl= ddply(cldm,c("lulc"),function(x) c(count=nrow(x),mean=paste(mean(x$difm,na.rm=T)," (",sd(x$difm,na.rm=T),")",sep=""),rmse=sqrt(mean((x$difm)^2,na.rm=T)))) |
364 |
lulctl$lulcc=as.factor(IGBP$class[match(lulctl$lulc,IGBP$ID)] |
365 |
print(xtable(lulctl[,c("lulcc","count","mean","rmse")],digits=1),"html") |
366 |
212 | 367 |
213 | 368 |
lulcrmse=cast(lulcrmsel,lulcc~month,value="rmse") |
214 | 369 |
lulcrmse |
370 |
371 |
lulcrmse.q=round(,apply(lulcrmse,1,function(x) data.frame(Min=min(x,na.rm=T),Mean=mean(x,na.rm=T),Max=max(x,na.rm=T),SD=sd(x,na.rm=T)))),1)#quantile,c(0.025,0.5,.975),na.rm=T)),1) |
372 |
lulcrmse.q=lulcrmse.q[order(lulcrmse.q$Mean,decreasing=T),] |
373 |
lulcrmse.q |
374 |
215 | 375 |
print(xtable(lulcrmse,digits=1),"html") |
216 |
217 |
levelplot(rmse~lulc*month,data=lulcrmsel,col.regions=heat.colors(20)) |
376 |
377 |
bgyr=colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow","red")) |
378 |
levelplot(rmse~month*lulcc,data=lulcrmsel,col.regions=bgyr(1000),at=quantile(lulcrmsel$rmse,seq(0,1,len=100),na.rm=T)) |
218 | 379 |
219 | 380 |
220 | 381 |
### Linear models |
Also available in: Unified diff
udpates to validation and addition of initial biodiversity script