Revision f9d40a14
Added by Adam Wilson almost 12 years ago
climate/procedures/Pleiades.R | ||
14 | 14 |
system("rm /nobackupp1/awilso10/software/heg/TOOLKIT_MTD/runtime/LogStatus") |
15 | 15 |
16 | 16 |
tile="h11v08" # Venezuela |
17 |
tile="h11v07" # Venezuela coast |
18 |
tile="h09v04" # Oregon |
19 |
20 |
outdir="2_daily" #directory for separate daily files |
21 |
outdir=paste("daily/",tile,"/",sep="") #directory for separate daily files |
22 |
if(!file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir) |
23 |
outdir2="summary" #directory for combined daily files and summarized files |
24 |
if(!file.exists(outdir2)) dir.create(outdir2) |
25 |
26 |
## load a MOD11A1 file to define grid |
27 |
gridfile=list.files("/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD11A1.005/2006.01.27/",pattern=paste(tile,".*hdf$",sep=""),full=T)[1] |
28 |
td=readGDAL(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",gridfile,"\":MODIS_Grid_Daily_1km_LST:Night_view_angl",sep="")) |
29 |
projection(td)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 " |
30 |
17 |
#tile="h11v07" # Venezuela coast |
18 |
#tile="h09v04" # Oregon |
19 |
tile="h21v09" #Kenya |
31 | 20 |
32 | 21 |
### get list of files to process |
33 | 22 |
datadir="/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD06_L2.005/" |
34 |
datadir="/nobackupp1/awilso10/mod06/data" #for data downloaded from |
35 |
36 |
fs=data.frame(path=list.files(datadir,full=T,recursive=T,pattern="hdf"),stringsAsFactors=F) |
37 |
fs$file=basename(fs$path) |
38 |
fs$date=as.Date(substr(fs$file,11,17),"%Y%j") |
39 |
fs$month=format(fs$date,"%m") |
40 |
fs$year=format(fs$date,"%Y") |
41 |
fs$time=substr(fs$file,19,22) |
42 |
fs$datetime=as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(substr(fs$file,11,17),substr(fs$file,19,22)), '%Y%j %H%M')) |
43 |
fs$dateid=format(fs$date,"%Y%m%d") |
44 |
fs$path=as.character(fs$path) |
45 |
fs$file=as.character(fs$file) |
23 |
#datadir="/nobackupp1/awilso10/mod06/data" #for data downloaded from |
24 |
25 |
outdir=paste("daily/",tile,sep="") |
26 |
27 |
##find swaths in region from sqlite database for the specified date/tile |
28 |
## path to swath database |
29 |
db="/nobackupp4/pvotava/DB/export/swath_geo.sql.sqlite3.db" |
30 |
con=dbConnect("SQLite", dbname = db) |
31 |
fs=dbGetQuery(con,paste("SELECT * from swath_geo |
32 |
WHERE east>=",tile_bb$lon_min," AND |
33 |
west<=",tile_bb$lon_max," AND |
34 |
north>=",tile_bb$lat_min," AND |
35 |
south<=",tile_bb$lat_max) |
36 |
) |
37 |
con=dbDisconnect(con) |
38 |
fs$id=substr(fs$id,7,19) |
39 |
40 |
### Identify which swaths are available in the datapool |
41 |
swaths=data.frame(path=list.files(datadir,pattern=paste("hdf$"),recursive=T,full=T),stringsAsFactors=F) #all swaths in data pool |
42 |
swaths$id=substr(basename(swaths$path),10,22) |
43 |
fs$exists=fs$id%in%swaths$id |
44 |
fs$path=swaths$path[match(fs$id,swaths$id)] |
45 |
46 |
if(verbose) print(paste("###############",nrow(fs)," swath IDs recieved from database")) |
46 | 47 |
47 |
## get all unique dates |
48 |
alldates=unique(fs$dateid) |
49 | 48 |
49 |
## get all unique dates |
50 |
fs$dateid=format(as.Date(paste(fs$year,fs$day,sep=""),"%Y%j"),"%Y%m%d") |
51 |
alldates=unique(fs$dateid[fs$exists]) |
50 | 52 |
51 | 53 |
#### Generate submission file |
52 | 54 |
## identify which have been completed |
53 |
#fdone=system(paste("ssh -q lou2 \"ls ",pdir," | grep \"nc$\"\"",sep=""),intern=T) |
54 | 55 |
fdone=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$") |
55 | 56 |
done=alldates%in%substr(fdone,14,21) |
56 | 57 |
57 |
if(exists("fdly")){ #update using table from below |
58 |
done[alldates%in%fdly$dateid[$npar)]]=F |
59 |
} |
58 |
### report on what has already been processed |
59 |
print(paste(table(done)[2]," out of",length(alldates), |
60 |
"(",round(100*table(done)[2]/length(alldates),1), |
61 |
"%) dates for tile",tile, |
62 |
"have been processed. Breakdown by year of completed days:")) |
63 |
print(table(substr(alldates[done],1,4))) |
64 |
65 |
#updatedone=F #update the "done" list using the |
66 |
#if(updatedone&exists("fdly")){ #update using table from below |
67 |
# done[alldates%in%fdly$dateid[fdly$drop]]=F |
68 |
#} |
60 | 69 |
61 |
table(done) |
62 |
notdone=alldates[!done] #these are the dates that still need to be processed |
70 |
## Identify which dates still need to be processed |
71 |
## This vector will be used to tell mpiexec which days to include |
72 |
notdone=alldates[!done] |
63 | 73 |
64 | 74 |
script="/u/awilso10/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_process.r" |
75 |
climatescript="/u/awilso10/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/MOD06_Climatology.r" |
65 | 76 |
77 |
## write the table processed by mpiexec |
66 | 78 |
write.table(paste("--verbose ",script," --date ",notdone," --verbose T --tile \"",tile,"\"",sep=""),file=paste(tile,"_notdone.txt",sep=""),row.names=F,col.names=F,quote=F) |
67 | 79 |
68 |
save(fs,alldates,gridfile,td,file="allfiles.Rdata") |
69 |
70 | 80 |
### qsub script |
71 | 81 |
cat(paste(" |
72 | 82 |
#PBS -S /bin/bash |
73 |
#PBS -l select=40:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=8
83 |
#PBS -l select=50:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=8
74 | 84 |
##PBS -l select=2:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4 |
75 | 85 |
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00 |
76 | 86 |
#PBS -j n |
... | ... | |
79 | 89 |
#PBS -q devel |
80 | 90 |
#PBS -V |
81 | 91 |
82 |
92 |
83 | 93 |
HDIR=/u/armichae/pr/ |
84 | 94 |
source $HDIR/etc/ |
85 | 95 |
source /u/awilso10/.bashrc |
... | ... | |
87 | 97 |
##WORKLIST=$HDIR/var/run/pxrRgrs/work.txt |
88 | 98 |
WORKLIST=$IDIR/",tile,"_notdone.txt |
89 | 99 |
EXE=Rscript |
90 |
LOGSTDOUT=$IDIR/log/log.stdout |
91 |
LOGSTDERR=$IDIR/log/log.stderr |
100 |
LOGSTDOUT=$IDIR/log/",tile,"_stdout |
101 |
LOGSTDERR=$IDIR/log/",tile,"_stderr |
102 |
### use mpiexec to parallelize across days |
92 | 103 |
mpiexec -np $CORES pxargs -a $WORKLIST -p $EXE -v -v -v --work-analyze 1> $LOGSTDOUT 2> $LOGSTDERR |
104 |
### Now process the climatologies |
105 |
Rscript --verbose ",climatescript," --verbose T --tile \"",tile,"\" |
93 | 106 |
",sep=""),file=paste(tile,"_mod06_qsub",sep="")) |
94 | 107 |
95 | 108 |
96 | 109 |
### Check the file |
97 | 110 |
system(paste("cat ",tile,"_mod06_qsub",sep="")) |
98 |
#system("cat ~/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_process.r") |
99 |
100 |
## check queue status |
101 |
system("/u/scicon/tools/bin/") |
102 |
system("/u/scicon/tools/bin/ 492352") |
103 | 111 |
104 | 112 |
## Submit it (and keep the pid)! |
105 | 113 |
system(paste("qsub ",tile,"_mod06_qsub",sep="")) |
... | ... | |
110 | 118 |
111 | 119 |
## check progress |
112 | 120 |
system("qstat -u awilso10") |
113 |
system(paste("/u/scicon/tools/bin/qps ",568835)) |
114 |
system(paste("qstat -t -x",pid)) |
115 |
116 |
117 |
#################################### |
118 |
119 |
## move to permanent storage on lou? |
120 |
# system(paste("scp -r ",ncfile," ",pdir,sep="")) |
121 |
file.remove( |
122 |
list.files(pattern="filetable[.]temp|GetAttrtemp|core[.]|MCFWrite[.]temp") |
123 |
) |
124 |
125 |
################################################################################ |
126 |
## now generate the climatologies |
127 |
fdly=data.frame( |
128 |
path=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$",full=T), |
129 |
file=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$")) |
130 |
fdly$dateid=substr(fdly$file,14,21) |
131 |
fdly$date=as.Date(substr(fdly$file,14,21),"%Y%m%d") |
132 |
fdly$month=format(fdly$date,"%m") |
133 |
fdly$year=format(fdly$date,"%Y") |
134 |
nrow(fdly) |
135 |
136 |
## check validity (via npar and ntime) of nc files |
137 |
for(i in 1:nrow(fdly)){ |
138 |
fdly$ntime[i]<-as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s ntime ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
139 |
fdly$npar[i]<-as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s npar ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
140 |
fdly$fyear[i]<-as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s showyear ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
141 |
fdly$fmonth[i]<-as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s showmon ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
142 |
fdly$fvar[i]<-system(paste("cdo -s showvar ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T) |
143 |
print(paste(i," out of ",nrow(fdly)," for year ", fdly$fyear[i])) |
144 |
} |
145 |
146 |
### table of problematic files |
147 |
table($npar)) |
148 |
table(fdly$fmonth) |
149 |
table(fdly$fvar) |
150 |
151 |
fdly[$npar),] |
152 |
153 |
## delete files that fail check? |
154 |
delete=T |
155 |
if(delete) { |
156 |$npar)|fdly$fvar!=" CER COT CLD" |
157 |
file.remove(as.character(fdly$path[drop])) |
158 |
fdly=fdly[!drop,] |
159 |
} |
160 |
161 |
## Combine all days within years into a single file (can't mergetime all days at once because this opens too many files) |
162 |
ncopath="/nasa/sles11/nco/4.0.8/gcc/mpt/bin/" |
163 |
164 |
library(multicore) |
165 |
166 |
## create temporary directory to put intermediate files (will be deleted when R quits) |
167 |
tsdir=paste(tempdir(),"/summary",sep="") |
168 |
dir.create(tsdir) |
169 |
170 |
## create a file of daily scenes for each year |
171 |
#mclapply(unique(fdly$year),function(y){ |
172 |
# system(paste("cdo -O mergetime ",paste(fdly$path[!$npar)&fdly$year==y],collapse=" ")," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"_",y,"",sep="")) |
173 |
# print(paste("Finished merging daily files for year",y)) |
174 |
#},mc.cores=5) |
175 |
176 |
177 |
## merge all daily files to create a single file with all dates |
178 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrcat -O ",outdir,"/*nc ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
179 |
180 |
############################## |
181 |
## Combine the year-by-year files into a single daily file in the summary directory (for archiving) |
182 |
#system(paste("cdo -O mergetime ",paste(list.files(tsdir,full=T,pattern="daily[.]nc$"),collapse=" ")," ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
183 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
184 |
" -a units,time,o,c,\"days since 2000-1-1 0:0:0\" ", |
185 |
" -a title,global,o,c,\"MODIS Cloud Product (MOD06) Daily Timeseries\" ", |
186 |
" -a institution,global,o,c,\"Yale University\" ", |
187 |
" -a source,global,o,c,\"MODIS Cloud Product (MOD06)\" ", |
188 |
" -a comment,global,o,c,\"Compiled by Adam M. Wilson (\" ", |
189 |
outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
190 |
191 |
#system(paste("cdo -O monmean ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
192 |
193 |
############################# |
194 |
## Generate the Climatologies |
195 |
myear=as.integer(max(fdly$year)) #this year will be used in all dates of monthly climatologies (and day will = 15) |
196 |
197 |
## Monthly means |
198 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -ymonmean ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
199 |
200 |
## Monthly standard deviation |
201 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -ymonstd ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
202 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CER,CER_sd -v CLD,CLD_sd -v COT,COT_sd ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
203 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
204 |
" -a long_name,CER_sd,o,c,\"Cloud Particle Effective Radius (standard deviation of daily observations)\" ", |
205 |
" -a long_name,CLD_sd,o,c,\"Cloud Mask (standard deviation of daily observations)\" ", |
206 |
" -a long_name,COT_sd,o,c,\"Cloud Optical Thickness (standard deviation of daily observations)\" ", |
207 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
208 |
209 |
## cer > 20 |
210 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -ymonmean -gtc,20 -selvar,CER ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
211 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CER,CER20 ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
212 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
213 |
" -a long_name,CER20,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with Cloud Particle Effective Radius > 20um\" ", |
214 |
" -a units,CER20,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
215 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
216 |
217 |
## number of observations |
218 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -nint -mulc,100 -ymonmean -eqc,9999 -setmisstoc,9999 -selvar,CER,CLD ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
219 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CER,CER_pmiss -v CLD,CLD_pmiss ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
220 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
221 |
" -a long_name,CER_pmiss,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with missing data for CER\" ", |
222 |
" -a long_name,CLD_pmiss,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with missing data for CLD\" ", |
223 |
" -a scale_factor,CER_pmiss,o,d,0.01 ", |
224 |
" -a units,CER_pmiss,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
225 |
" -a scale_factor,CLD_pmiss,o,d,0.01 ", |
226 |
" -a units,CLD_pmiss,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
227 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
228 |
229 |
## append variables to a single file |
230 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -O ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
231 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
232 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
233 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
234 |
235 |
## append sinusoidal grid from one of input files as CDO doesn't transfer all attributes |
236 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A -v sinusoidal ",list.files(tsdir,full=T,pattern="daily[.]nc$")[1]," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
237 |
238 |
## invert latitude so it plays nicely with gdal |
239 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncpdq -O -a -y ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,".nc",sep="")) |
240 |
241 |
## update attributes |
242 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
243 |
#" -a standard_parallel,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ", |
244 |
#" -a longitude_of_central_meridian,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ", |
245 |
#" -a latitude_of_central_meridian,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ", |
246 |
" -a units,time,o,c,\"days since 2000-1-1 0:0:0\" ", |
247 |
" -a title,global,o,c,\"MODIS Cloud Product (MOD06) Climatology\" ", |
248 |
" -a institution,global,o,c,\"Yale University\" ", |
249 |
" -a source,global,o,c,\"MODIS Cloud Product (MOD06)\" ", |
250 |
" -a comment,global,o,c,\"Compiled by Adam M. Wilson (\" ", |
251 |
outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,".nc",sep="")) |
252 |
253 |
254 |
print("Finished! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%") |
255 |
## quit R |
256 |
#q("no") |
257 |
258 | 121 |
259 |
################################################################# |
260 | 122 |
123 |
################################################################# |
261 | 124 |
### copy the files back to Yale |
262 |
system(paste("scp ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,".nc",sep="")) |
125 |
summarydir="summary" |
126 |
127 |
263 | 128 |
264 |
system("scp /tmp/Rtmp6I6tFn/MOD06_L2.A2000061.1615.051.2010273184629.hdf") |
265 |
system("scp 2_daily/") |
129 |
system(paste("scp ",summarydir,"/MOD06_",tile,".nc",sep="")) |
266 | 130 |
131 |
system(paste("scp ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"*.nc",sep="")) |
132 |
system(paste("scp ",paste(fs$path[40421:40422],collapse=" "),"",sep="")) |
267 | 133 |
268 | 134 |
269 | 135 |
Also available in: Unified diff
Adding Climatology script to process daily files to climatologies