analyses paper part 5: monthly hold out gam CAI first results
modification to add monthly hold out for fusion methods
running test kriging CAI with multiple hold out proportion monthly time scale, OR
running test with modified code for monthly hold out and gam CAI in OR
validation script, modifications to make use of same function for daily and monthly accuracy calculations
raster prediction script, validation call for monthly and daily hold out and outputs objects
changes in validation script to deal with hold out proportion at monthly time scale
raster script prediction modifications to deal with for monthly hold out
master script test modifications with range of monthly hold out with zero
dealing with memory swap overload, daily devation debugging following change in monthly outputs
daily deviation function and CAI function, modifications for monthly hold out
modifications for monthly hold out in raster prediction script
first modifications for hold out at monthly timescale, master script and monthly sampling function
contribution covariates fig and tables for manuscript
contribution of covariates fig and tables for paper, functions used in script
Added script to extract each separate cloud test from MOD35. This is done to explore which tests are leading to coastal artefacts in the summarized data
Submitted global run for 2009
initial commit contribution of covariates functions for paper
contribution of covariates paper, script major clean up and modification -splitting functions and script
contribution of covariates paper script major modification analyses and figures
running gam daily comb3 OR with revised screening for paper analyses
running kriging fusion comb3 OR with revised screening for paper analyses
running gam cai comb3 OR with revised screening for paper analyses
running gam fusion comb3 OR with revised screening for paper analyses
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