master script modifications regarding outputs and clean up
Updated swath-grid section of MOD35 processing to add buffer and (hopefully) reduce edge artifacts in tiles
Merge branch 'aw/precip' of into aw/precip
updated MOD35 processing script to work in separate temporary directories and transfer daily cloud data to lou for archiving in preparation for global processing (which cannot be done in personal directory). Also set up MOD35_Climatology script to be submitted to LDAN queue to run on lou rather than Pleiades. However environment still not set up correctly and script fails when reading netcdf files. Andrew is working on it.
Added script to extract MOD35 processing path from swath level data and another to summarize MOD35 data. Also updated NDP-026D script to use new MOD35/09 summaries from Earth Engine
validation script function for monthly averages for accuracy metrics
results analyses, modifications to allow for gam cai and other methods
validation first modification to add monthly averages for accuracy metrics
gam cai funciton test run
master script gam CAI predictions run and modifications
GAM CAI added to script and modification of function for daily deviation
raster prediction function, modifications to make code general for any interpolation method
master script adding GAM CAI method and parameters for Venezuela region
output resuults analyses, modifications to reflect general name of objects from earlier scripts
Added initial code to make KML of cloud climatologies
Fixed the 'missing stripes' problem in the climatology script. Source of problem was related to the _FillValue attribute being incorrectly set to a short integer when the data was saved as byte. Changing both the attribute and the data to type 'byte' appears to have fixed the problem.
modifications script for figures AAG conference and screening of LST
initial commit combined boxplots for later use
code for figure paper and conference:land cover elevation difference,spatial transects
IBS figures code re-use
IBS conference, code used to create figures initial commit
Discovered possible cause of weird missing data stripes due to identifying missing data as 225.0 rather than 255s
Explored 30-day moving average
Merging with Pleiades copy
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