replaced reshape with faster manual split-rbind approach
added grep pre-filtering of rows in the *.dly files
replaced read.fortran with faster system call to awk/tr
added initial R script to load GHCN data into a SQLite DB
simplified code by using 'a' flag for r.neighbors (improves 3abda63)
reorganized AML terrain scripts to reduce superficial redundancy
made minor changes to PRISM variables
changed RMSE and AIC code in GAM script
updated GAM script for tmax
added initial R script with GAM regression for tmax (one date)
renamed script to multiscalesmooth.R
numerous comment, format, and variable name changes
now actually refining before smoothing (GRASS version)
reversed order of refine-and-smooth step
added GRASS/Python implementation of multiscale smoother
added R script to run multiscalesmooth example on Oregon SRTM
switched to more accurate chisq test
enhanced smoother to accept sd as a raster, not just a constant
tweaked var names to match Gallant pub; added comments
fixed vwg step
continued R translation of multiscale smoother
initial R translation of multiscale smoother
added test script for days missing from our MOD11A1 OR holdings
added old GLCNMO land-cover AML scripts (Tien Ming Lee)
added old Oregon topo AML scripts (Tien Ming Lee, John Gallant)
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