Agenda June 29-July 1 2015¶
Working Group Meeting 2: Key characteristics of a global biodiversity observation system
Working group leaders: Frank Davis (NCEAS), Dave Schimel (JPL), Ryan Pavlick, (JPL), Mark Schildhauer (NCEAS)
When: June 29 – July 1, 2015
Where: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. 735 State Street, Suite 300, Santa Barbara, CA.
Meeting Objectives:
• Finalize submission draft of Science Perspectives paper, "Biodiversity from Space;"
• Learn from ongoing case studies about the potential for linking imagery, trait data, phylogenetic data, and regional floristic information for global biodiversity research, assessment and monitoring;
• Collaborate on a manuscript laying out key characteristics of a space mission for biodiversity science
• Discuss research and training needs and priorities for advancing satellite monitoring of global terrestrial biodiversity.
Meeting structure
During the first day we will review key ideas that emerged from the December 2014 meeting at NCEAS (see materials on the project redmine site,, review and discuss results of ongoing case studies, and identify some focal science and policy questions and challenges. NCEAS will host a mixer with resident scientists before a group dinner in Santa Barbara.
During the second day we will discuss the Science Perspective draft manuscript, and workflow and informatics considerations for global biodiversity monitoring. We will then turn to a discussion of essential characteristics of a space mission for global biodiversity research and management of ecosystem services. Before adjourning for the day we will outline and begin work on a manuscript that conceptualizes such a mission. The group will meet for dinner in Santa Barbara.
Day 3 will be devoted to discussion of research and training needs. We will continue working on the manuscript as time allows.
Monday, June 29
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome (FD, DS) and introductions (All). Overview of meeting objectives. Review of agenda.
9:15 – 10:15 Review of findings from the December 2014 meeting (DS)
10:15 – 10:30 Break
10:45 – 12:00 Case Study 1 and Discussion (Michael Schaepman)
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 2:15 Case Study 2 and Discussion (Greg Asner)
2:15 – 4:00 Topical Breakout Groups
1. Focal research questions in global ecology and biogeography
2. Focal questions and information needs for biodiversity policy and management
4:00 – 4:45 Breakout group report; identification of key research questions and
information needs
4:45 – 6:00 PM Reception (NCEAS)
6:30 PM Dinner (Location TBD)
Tuesday June 30
9:00 – 9:15 Review of the day's agenda and objectives
9:15 – 10:15 Discussion of Science Perspectives manuscript
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 – 12:15 Topical Breakout Groups
1. Detailed workflow for biodiversity mapping with imagery, trait data,
phylogeny data, and ancillary information
2. Informatics and open science considerations
12:15 – 1:15 Break for lunch
1:15 – 1:45 Breakout Group Reports
1:45 – 3:00 Topical Breakout Groups
1. Key characteristics of a space mission for biodiversity science
2. Key characteristics of a space mission for biodiversity policy
3:00– 3:15 Break
3:15 – 3:45 Synthesis of breakout group discussions
3:45 – 5:00 Outline manuscript on a space mission for biodiversity science; breakout
writing groups
6:30 Dinner (Location TBD)
Wednesday, July 1
9:00 – 11:00 Research and training needs
10:00 – 12:30 Revisit manuscript, continue drafting sections as time allows
Lunch and Adjourn