



From 03/17/2014 to 04/15/2014


04:02 PM Task #887 (Rejected): fix disk space leak that fills the disk and crashes the import
_the bug that triggers this Postgres bug (#902) has now been fixed, so no need to fix this_
h3. issue
* in the ...
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza


03:24 AM Task #345 (Resolved): integrate GNRS into VegBIEN
see "biengeo": Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
03:21 AM Task #326 (Rejected): generic MOU template to request data
making the database public instead Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
03:19 AM Task #485: track data provider's citation requirements in VegBIEN
the [[Datasource conditions of use|conditions of use]] have been gathered Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza


12:13 PM Task #886 (New): move test DB to vegbiendev VM
* avoids needing to maintain a separate testing machine for the purposes of using the test DB
* helps remove depende...
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza


03:32 PM Task #884 (Rejected): fix Postgres bug that causes query planner to use seq scans and slow sorts instead of index scans in the import
h3. issue
* see the following @pg_stat_activity@ snapshots (note the @EXPLAIN@ output below each query):...
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
10:10 AM Task #882 (Rejected): add limit on the # of parallel import processes
it turns out this would not fix the problem, because it occurs even when only a few datasources are running Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
10:07 AM Task #883: have import scripts regularly check disk space and pause processes if getting close to limit
merging info in #882, so that this info is not maintained in two places Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza


05:02 PM Task #883 (Rejected): have import scripts regularly check disk space and pause processes if getting close to limit
h3. issue
* there is no soft limit on disk space inside Postgres, so the hard limit gets reached instead, causing ...
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
04:11 PM Task #882 (Rejected): add limit on the # of parallel import processes
see description of problem in #883 Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza


03:03 AM Task #562 (New): flatten the mappings
normalized VegCore's @traceable.id_by_source@ now provides an alternate pkey that can be used for duplicate-merging, ... Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
02:55 AM Task #539 (Rejected): get analytical_stem_view to use merge joins instead of hash joins
the query planner is likely right that hash joins are faster when joining entire tables rather than just the first fe... Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
02:53 AM Task #440: aggregating validations of imports
see [[Aggregating validations]] Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
02:52 AM Task #290 (Resolved): benchmark tests for database loading
this is now the [[Aggregating validations]] Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza


01:25 AM Task #878 (New): fix crow's foot notation in ERD
* when there is an open circle on the straight end, also put an open circle on the crow's foot end, so that the outgo... Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza


03:10 AM Task #577 (Rejected): use views instead of map spreadsheets to store the datasource mappings
the staging table columns are now renamed instead of creating a view that maps the columns Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
03:07 AM Task #584 (Resolved): enable running all the import steps from one runscript
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

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