


# Date Author Comment
11970 01/20/2014 11:33 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (

11804 12/03/2013 08:00 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: inputs/CVS/plot_/postprocess.sql: locality: include the site name (authorLocation), because this is part of the unique specification of the place that was sampled, and Bob wants this to be included in VegBIEN

11749 11/25/2013 07:52 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/CVS/: switched to new-style import, using the steps at

11729 11/21/2013 05:20 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/CVS/plot_/: translated column filters to postprocessing derived columns, using the steps at

11727 11/21/2013 04:27 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/CVS/plot_/postprocess.sql: added pkey from the primary joined table