bugfix: inputs/SALVIAS/verify/plots.out.sql: fixed ' quoting syntax to use '' instead of \' to escape '
inputs/input.Makefile: verify/%.out: use a *.sql file in the verify/ directory itself to generate *.out, so that each datasource can have its own set of output queries. for datasources that should share the same set of queries, they can instead be symlinked to the same file.
moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/svn.ref.svn.c.switch.html).
schemas/vegbien.sql: Renamed reference -> source to make this table more broadly applicable, and because this now stores the datasource metadata
mappings/verify.plots.sql: Added # locations, # location events, which also include subplots
mappings/verify.plots.sql: Added "top-level" to # locations, # location events names because these queries do not include all locations
mappings/verify.plots.sql, inputs/SALVIAS/verify/plots.ref.sql: Renamed project column to projectname to avoid confusion with the project table
mappings/verify.plots.sql: # locations: Fixed bug where need to use location instead of locationevent
mappings/verify.plots.sql: Updated for current schema
mappings/verify.*: Use nested SELECT instead of JOIN on party to get datasource_id, so that party will not be joined on after other joins have already occurred (which slows things down)
input.Makefile: verify: Made verifications table-specific
Moved verify.sql to mappings since it's mapping-related
Factored verify.sql out into schemas dir
inputs/SALVIAS/verify.sql: When filtering by datasource name, use an AND clause in the JOIN party's ON condition instead of a separate WHERE statement, so that the datasource filtering code is all on the same line
inputs/SALVIAS/verify.sql: Use new :datasource variable instead of literal 'SALVIAS'
VegBIEN verifications: Select only the records for the datasource being verified
SALVIAS verifications: Fixed to exclude subplots from locations/location events and uniqify locations based on coords
inputs/SALVIAS/verify.sql: Updated for schema changes
SALVIAS verification: Updated to schema changes
inputs/SALVIAS/verify: Updated to use new names for renamed tables
input.Makefile: Moved verifications into one set of verify.* files
Moved inputs files into subdirs for maps, verify, and test operations
input.Makefile: Dependencies in other directories are included as prerequisistes. Use tablesSort variable instead of sort order prefix to order tables.
SALVIAS verification: Added plot methods
SALVIAS verification: Added # plots
SALVIAS verification: Added projects list to examine why project counts differ
SALVIAS verification: Made statement-label SELECT statements use the same syntax for MySQL and PostgreSQL so they are easy to copy and paste between the input and output queries
input.Makefile: Added support for multi-column verification queries. inputs/SALVIAS: Added a multi-column verification query.
input.Makefile: Added rules to verify inserted data and run tests