bugfix: schemas/postgresql.conf: need to set extra_float_digits = 3 (the maximum) to enable verbatim export. this should fix issue #955.
schemas/postgresql.conf: wal_level: set to hot_standby to enable online backup with pg_start_backup()
schemas/postgresql.conf: log_min_messages: dropped the verbosity back down to the default, to avoid clogging up the logs
schemas/postgresql.conf: log_min_messages: show what autovacuum is doing
fix: schemas/postgresql.conf: disable autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay to avoid stalling autovacuuming due to a concurrent query, as this can prevent autovacuuming from happening altogether (http://vegpath.org/links/#PostgreSQL:%20Documentation:%209.3:%20Resource%20Consumption:%2018.4.4.%20Cost-based%20Vacuum%20Delay)
moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/svn.ref.svn.c.switch.html).
schemas/postgresql.conf: work_mem: documented that this seemingly small # is multiplied by max_connections, i.e. 256 MB * 100 = 26 GB, which approaches total memory (32 GB)
schemas/*.conf: upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.3, which is needed for proper exception parsing in the auto-re-create-views functionality
fix: schemas/postgresql*.conf: turn on autovacuum logging (log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0) so we can verify if autovacuum is happening
schemas/postgresql.conf: shared_buffers: reduced again for Ubuntu VM
bugfix: schemas/postgresql.conf: shared_buffers: removed invalid Unicode character U+FEFF
schemas/postgresql.conf: shared_buffers: reduced to work in Ubuntu VM
schemas/postgresql.conf: shared_buffers: Documented that it must be less than ~95% of SHMMAX
schemas/postgresql.conf: Turn on the error log
schemas/postgresql*.conf: Increased checkpoint_segments and checkpoint_completion_target so that checkpoints (performance intensive) are written less often and load-balanced better
schemas/postgresql.conf: Decreased shared_buffers again because 4000MB wasn't enough less than 4GB SHMMAX
schemas/postgresql.conf: Expressed shared_buffers in MB, since decimal GB doesn't seem to work anymore on 9.1
schemas/postgresql.conf: Decreased shared_buffers to 3.9GB, slightly less than SHMMAX
schemas/postgresql.conf: Optimized again using same changes as were applied to 8.4 version
schemas/postgresql.conf: Replaced with original 9.1 version
schemas/postgresql.conf: Optimized using analogous settings as postgresql.nimoy.conf
Added schemas/postgresql.conf