schemas/public_.sql: _plots_20_tnrs_names: added morphospecies suffix in order to also validate it
schemas/public_.sql: _plots_20_tnrs_names: added verbatim name in order to also validate the formation of the concatenated name
schemas/public_.sql: merged _plots_20_tnrs_input_names, _plots_21_tnrs_output_names into _plots_20_tnrs_names so the input and output names can be compared side-by-side
schemas/public_.sql: _plots_20_tnrs_input_names, _plots_21_tnrs_output_names: added Brad's comments
schemas/vegbien.sql: _plots_21_tnrs_output_names: use scrubbed_unique_taxon_name (concatenated output name) because this is more similar to the concatenated name used in _plots_20_tnrs_input_names
bugfix: schemas/public_.sql: _plots_21_tnrs_output_names: need to use TNRS output rather than input name
schemas/public_.sql: added _plots_20_tnrs_input_names, _plots_21_tnrs_output_names
schemas/public_.sql: public_validations: schema comment: documented how to run just the output queries on a particular datasource
fix: schemas/public_.sql: rm_all_queries(): also remove output-only result tables
schemas/public_.sql: query_view_regexp(): also match auxiliary tables
schemas/public_.sql: added remake_output_tables(datasource_schema, prefix)
schemas/public_.sql: added output_queries(prefix)
schemas/public_.sql: validation_views(): added prefix param, which can be used for additional subsetting
schemas/public_.sql: query_relations(): removed no longer used max_prefix_len default param
schemas/public_.sql: query_relations(): use new public_validations.truncated_prefixed_name_regexp(), which does not require passing in a max_prefix_len
schemas/vegbien.sql: added public_validations.truncated_prefixed_name_regexp(), which does not require passing in a max_prefix_len
schemas/public_.sql: rm_output_queries(), validation_views(): use public_validations.query_view_regexp()
schemas/public_.sql: added public_validations.query_view_regexp()
bugfix: schemas/public_.sql: public_validations.rm_output_queries(): default regexp needs to be anchored at beginning of string, and should match the regexp in public_validations.validation_views()
schemas/public_.sql: _km_to_m(): made it a wrapper around util._km_to_m() so this function is only in one place
schemas/Makefile: vegbien.sql: also include geoscrub, TNRS schemas, as requested in the 2014-04-10 conference call ( this involves having a separate public_.sql file for restoring the public schema.