moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (
schemas/*.sql: updated for PostgreSQL 9.3. this reorders some functions, adds empty comment headers for omitted SEQUENCE SET commands, and (best of all) finally splits view columns onto multiple lines, so that changes in the columns are actually legible (and produce their own svn diff!)
schemas/*functions.sql: Renamed to *util.sql because now that these schemas are used by the new-style import scripts, there can be more than just functions in them
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added _date(year integer, month integer, day integer)
schemas/py_functions.sql: parse_date_range(): Don't parse strings containing a time, because - and ' ' don't have the same meaning as in a date range
schemas/py_functions.sql: _date(): Removed features that require dateutil, which is not available under plpython3u. This includes removing the now-unused date string parameter.
schemas/py_functions.sql: Replaced xrange() with range() for plpython3u
schemas/py_functions.sql: Updated except clause syntax for PostgreSQL 9.1.6
schemas/*.sql: Updated for PostgreSQL 9.1.6, which has standard_conforming_strings = on (which affects \-escapes in string literals), escape_string_warning not explicitly set, and uses ALTER TABLE ONLY instead of ALTER TABLE
schemas/py_functions.sql: Changed function languages to plpython3u to match the new installed version. Note that plpythonu is not available on Mac under PostgreSQL 9.1.6.
schemas/py_functions.sql: _namePart(): Fixed bug where it was returning the empty string instead of NULL
schemas/functions.sql, py_functions.sql: Added schema comment that functions must always return NULL in place of the empty string, to ensure that empty strings do not find their way into VegBIEN. Note that row-based import automatically removes empty strings because the intermediate values are stored in XML and our XML DOM traversing code auto-replaces the empty string with NULL. Column-based import, on the other hand, does not, because the intermediate data is stored in database temp tables instead of a DOM tree.
schemas/py_functions.sql: _namePart(): Slice the first name from the beginning of the string to one word before the end, instead of one after the beginning, in order to avoid overlap with the last name, which starts one before the end, when there is only one word. Note that only one word means the name is assumed to be a last name. This assumption may not always be true, but when a datasource provides the name concatenated, an assumption must be made when not all name components are present.
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added pass-through _date(timestamp) for datasource date columns that are already timestamps
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added pass-through _dateRangeStart(timestamp), _dateRangeEnd(timestamp) for datasource date columns that are already timestamps
schemas/py_functions.sql: parse_date_range(): Always return a value for end date, even if string is not a date range. This enables using _dateRangeEnd() as a filter function on anything intended as an end date.
schemas/functions.sql, py_functions.sql: Removed no longer needed relational functions, since sql_io.put_table() supports regular SQL functions
schemas/py_functions.sql: _dateRange*(): Made functions STRICT because they return NULL on NULL input
schemas/py_functions.sql: _date(): YMD parsing: Fixed bug where exception for ValueError needed to be stored in local var so its message could be parsed
schemas/py_functions.sql: _date(): Raise (or pass through) ValueErrors directly instead of wrapping them in FormatExceptions, to simplify the code. This will also enable later translation of ValueErrors to data_exceptions. When year is required and missing, output a parsable 'null value in column year violates not-null constraint' error.
schemas/py_functions.sql: _date(): Re-enabled now that exceptions thrown are properly handled. FormatException: Support raising parsable data_exceptions when provided with the value that was invalid. Date parsing mode: Return date as the value in FormatException so it can be filtered out automatically by column-based import.
schemas/py_functions.sql: Disabled _date() because it does not yet output errors in a format parsable by the import process, and the import process does not yet trap errors produced by SQL functions
pg_dump_vegbien: Don't use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION because it doesn't work with the py_functions schema (it requires PL/Python functions to be created as user postgres and then the owner changed to bien, which SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION won't do)
schemas/functions.sql, py_functions.sql: Renamed trigger functions to avoid collisions with plain SQL functions of the same name but different signatures, so that the plain SQL functions can be uniquely identified by their name without also requiring their signature
schemas/py_functions.sql: _date(): Just run str() on the returned datetime because it will usually be converted to a PostgreSQL timestamp anyway, so excluding the time from the string isn't necessary
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added _date()
pg_dump_vegbien: Use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION to ensure that owners are always recorded in the same format. This will help make plain text backups comparable using diff.
schemas/py_functions.sql: Removed per-column indexes on relational functions, which are no longer needed by row-based import because it is able to do a merge join-style lookup using the table's UNIQUE INDEX. (Note that column-based import doesn't use the (slower) relational functions at all anymore, and instead calls the corresponding SQL function directly using named arguments.)
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added plain function _namePart() and use it in trigger function _namePart()
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added plain functions _dateRangeStart() and _dateRangeEnd() and use them in trigger functions _dateRangeStart() and _dateRangeEnd()
schemas/py_functions.sql: _dateRangeStart, _dateRangeEnd: Changed indexes to use `COALESCE` to match what sql_gen now does
schemas/py_functions.sql: _namePart: Changed indexes to use `COALESCE` to match what sql_gen now does
schemas/functions.sql: Added indexes on all relational function parameters since the unique index will not be used for lookups
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added _namePart relational function
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added _dateRangeEnd relational function
schemas/py_functions.sql: _dateRangeStart(): Fixed bug where needed to get the first element of the array returned by parse_date_range()
schemas/py_functions.sql: Added _dateRangeStart relational function
schemas/py_functions.sql.make: Fixed bug where owners needed to be included because schema is imported as superuser so that untrusted PL/Python functions can be created
schemas/Makefile, py_functions.sql.make: Generate py_functions.sql from vegbien's py_functions schema