web/main.conf: added RewriteMap for readlink
web/main.conf: updated paths
moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/svn.ref.svn.c.switch.html).
web/main.conf: added SSL-protected site for use with password-protected areas of the site, so that the user's password is not transmitted in plaintext. (because the SSL certificate is self-signed, it will unfortunately display the Confirm Security Exception message in Firefox.) note that digest authentication cannot be used to avoid plaintext passwords, because it requires knowing the user's original password to generate the digest, but we have only the MD5 sums in /etc/shadow.
web/main.conf: <Directory .>: Added `Require all granted`, which is needed by Apache 2.4 to prevent 403 Forbidden errors. This change breaks compatibility with older versions of Apache, but is unfortunately required by 2.4.
web/main.conf: Updated the path of the <Directory> directive for the DocumentRoot
Renamed www/ back to web/
web/: Moved auxiliary files into the main/ subdir in preparation for having just the web/ dir. Renamed web/ to www/ so it can be replaced with web/main/.
web/main.conf: Added tolower RewriteMap
web/vegpath/: Renamed to web/main/ because the content here is the main site hosted on vegbiendev. It will eventually contain internal links to VegBIEN resources in addition to external links (persistent URLs) to sources used in creating VegBIEN.
web/vegpath.conf: subdomain2path RewriteMap: Fixed bug where need `RewriteEngine on` in the VirtualHost config for a prg: RewriteMap to take effect ("External rewriting programs are not started if they're defined in a context that does not have RewriteEngine set to on." <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/rewrite/rewritemap.html#prg>)
web/vegpath.conf: Added subdomain2path RewriteMap
web/vegpath.conf: Added spacing between sections and reordered directives
Added web/vegpath.conf with Apache VirtualHost config