fix: inputs/NY/Ecatalog_all/map.csv: ScientificName: remapped to scientificName instead of taxonName as this does include the author
fix: inputs/NY/validations.sql: specimens*_of_unique_verb_subsp_taxa_with_author: use taxonName instead of concatenating the ranks, as that corresponds to what we use as the concatenated taxonomic name
bugfix: inputs/NY/validations.sql: specimens*_of_verbatim_subspecific_taxa_with_author: need `subspecies IS NOT NULL` filter
bugfix: inputs/NY/validations.sql: _specimens_07_list_of_verbatim_subspecific_taxa_with_author: need to include subspecies (as _specimens_06_count_of_unique_verb_subsp_taxa_with_author does)
web/.phpPgAdmin/.htaccess: extract path components 1st->last: documented that can't use subject param for this because that goes to the last selected tab, not the default (leftmost) tab
bugfix: inputs/NY/validations.sql: specimens*_of_species_binomials: removed incorrect `subspecies IS NOT NULL` filter (this should be on *_of_unique_verb_subsp_taxa_with_author instead)
schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonverbatim: added subspecies, as decided in the conference call (
fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: plots* with duplicated rows: removed duplicated rows
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimens*: ran through pipeline
removed old version validation/aggregating/plots/SALVIAS/bien3_validations_salvias_db_original.sql. use validation/aggregating/plots/SALVIAS/_archive/bien3_validations_salvias_db_original.sql instead.
validation/aggregating/specimens/NY/qualitative_validations_source_db_NYBG.VegCore.sql: updated to inputs/NY/validations.sql
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: updated to DB
schemas/vegbien.sql: _specimens_16_list_distinct_specimen_descriptions: re-ran through pipeline after removing duplicated rows
schemas/vegbien.sql: rm_output_queries(): also support removing just a particular output query
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: remake_diff_table(): need to rm_freq() type_table, because left/right_table don't have freq yet
schemas/util.sql: auto_rm_freq(): use new rm_freq()
schemas/util.sql: added rm_freq(regclass[])
fix: inputs/NY/validations.sql: _specimens_16_list_distinct_specimen_descriptions: removed duplicated rows using DISTINCT
schemas/vegbien.sql: _specimens_11_list_of_three_standard_political_divisions: ran through pipeline
fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: _specimens_11_list_of_three_standard_political_divisions: use same column names as input query
schemas/util.sql: remake_diff_table(): result table comment: documented how to display NULL values that are extra or missing
schemas/vegbien.sql: _specimens_13_count_of_all_verbatim_and_decimal_lat_long: ran through pipeline
fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count: dateCollected: also need to convert to text in GROUP BY/ORDER BY
bugfix: inputs/NY/validations.sql: _specimens_03_list_of_verbatim_families: use family as specified in query description, not as implemented
_license/UCSB/LICENSE.TXT: use (c) verbatim from the e-mail, not as displayed as © by Thunderbird
bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql, inputs/NY/validations.sql, validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count: dateCollected: cast this to text rather than date because some values for this field are not valid dates and will throw an error if cast to date
fix: inputs/NY/validations.sql: _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count: dateCollected: matched type to output query
validation/aggregating/pipeline/aggregating_validations_pipeline.odg: show that the staging table(s) are denormalized before running the input queries on them. clarified that what is compared are the input and output query results, not the queries themselves.
schemas/vegbien.sql: _specimens_10_count_number_of_records_by_institution: ran through pipeline
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: removed `public.` prefix to avoid cluttering up the SQL
bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql, validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: _specimens_10_count_number_of_records_by_institution: need to dereference specimenreplicate.duplicate_institutions_sourcelist_id to the corresponding
schemas/vegbien.sql: public_validations._specimens_*: added comments from validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: synced to schemas/vegbien.sql so that it can be diffed with it to sync qualitative_validations_specimens.sql to the DB
lib/ map_expr(): documented that unlike bin/repl SQL identifier handling, this does simplify the resulting expression
lib/ map_expr(): documented that this is a special case of bin/repl SQL identifier handling which does not handle entire source files
bin/repl: match as whole-word text (like SQL identifier): documented that this is a generalization of lib/ map_expr() to work on entire source files
bin/repl, lib/ Expression transforming: documented that this can also be done in Postgres with expression substitution (
fix: inputs/U/Specimen/map.csv: Genus: remapped to taxonName because this field is actually mislabeled in the original column names
validation/aggregating/pipeline/validations_on_sparse_datasources.odg: not applicable "✓": increased font size so the size of the character matches the surrounding text
validation/aggregating/pipeline/validations_on_sparse_datasources.odg: removed = lines for each input query, because they clutter up the diagram and the "same, so don't need to rewrite" message now shows this as well
validation/aggregating/pipeline/validations_on_sparse_datasources.odg: added the denormalized VegCore schema approach for comparison, as requested by Mark
schemas/vegbien.sql: remake_diff_tables(schema text): removed bien2_traits runtime because this applies only to one datasource. the bien2_traits runtime is now documented in inputs/bien2_traits/run.
inputs/NY/run: `make inputs/NY/validate`: updated runtime (6.5 min). this increases as more queries are able to run successfully.
schemas/vegbien.sql: public_validations: schema comment: documented how to run the validations. this information is also in the usage comment for public_validations.remake_diff_table(), but is copied here for easy reference.
inputs/SALVIAS/run_: `make inputs/SALVIAS/validate`: documented runtime (5 min)
inputs/bien2_traits/run: documented `make inputs/bien2_traits/validate` runtime (9 min)
schemas/vegbien.sql: public_validations: specimens queries: added autogenerated ~type tables
inputs/NY/run: `make inputs/NY/validate`: updated runtime (5 min)
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: removed DDL statements, using the steps at
schemas/vegbien.sql: public_validations: added specimens queries to pipeline
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: parameterize queries by datasource
validation/aggregating/**.sql output queries: use `SET join_collapse_limit = 1;` to match public_validations.rematerialize_out_view()
fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: public_validations.rematerialize_out_view(text, regclass): run with join_collapse_limit = 1 to fix query planner issues. this option has been tested on the queries that do not yet use the standard join sequence (plots #11,12,13,14,16,17,18), and all of these queries also work fine with join_collapse_limit = 1. (the standard join sequence is used to ensure both correctness of the query and compatibility with join_collapse_limit = 1, but in some cases is not needed for join_collapse_limit.)
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count: turn off join_collapse_limit instead of enable_mergejoin/enable_hashjoin, because join_collapse_limit is something that we will eventually want to turn off for all queries, which would avoid this query needing special handling. (on the other hand, enable_mergejoin/enable_hashjoin may be necessary for some queries and we probably won't turn them off for all queries.)
bugfix: lib/runscripts/ table_make_install(): need to ignore skip_table() errexit
lib/sh/ import_vars: documented that vars already set will not be overwritten
inputs/NY/run: documented `make inputs/NY/validate` runtime (2 min, currently for the input queries)
added inputs/Madidi/_src/ to match wiki steps in
added validation/aggregating/pipeline/validations_on_sparse_datasources.odg
planning/workflow/bien3_architecture/stage_I.png, stages.png: synced to bien3_architecture.pptx
planning/workflow/bien3_architecture.pptx: stage I: made all datasources the same height so that the denormalized VegCore schema boxes would all look exactly the same. widened the denormalized VegCore schema boxes to make it visually clear that they have more columns than the staging tables denormalized together
planning/workflow/bien3_architecture.pptx: updated to reflect decisions made in the 2014-04-03 conference call (
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: implemented _specimens_14_count_of_all_invalid_verbatim_lat_long
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: implemented _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: _specimens_13_count_of_all_verbatim_and_decimal_lat_long: fixed whitespace
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: removed trailing whitespace
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: implemented _specimens_13_count_of_all_verbatim_and_decimal_lat_long
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: implemented _specimens_11_list_of_three_standard_political_divisions
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: *_of_species_binomials: switched back to the old queries that use the split-apart ranks instead of the concatenated taxon name. note that these will not work on all specimens datasources, but now that #6,7 were selected to use the concatenated taxon name, this isn't a problem.
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql, NY/qualitative_validations_source_db_NYBG.VegCore.sql, inputs/NY/validations.sql: *_of_species_binomials: renamed columns to species_binomial to reflect reverted query name
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql, NY/qualitative_validations_source_db_NYBG.VegCore.sql, inputs/NY/validations.sql: *_of_verbatim_species_excluding_author: renamed to *_species_binomials for clarity
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql, NY/qualitative_validations_source_db_NYBG.VegCore.sql, inputs/NY/validations.sql: _specimens_04_count_of_unique_verbatim_species_with_author, _specimens_05_list_of_unique_verbatim_species_with_author: switched back to original names because #6,7 now do the same thing as #4,5, so we should include the differing result set of #4,5 for datasources that provide it
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: implemented _specimens_10_count_number_of_records_by_institution
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql, NY/qualitative_validations_source_db_NYBG.VegCore.sql, inputs/NY/validations.sql: use taxon_name*_with_author everywhere instead of custom column names, for consistency
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql, NY/qualitative_validations_source_db_NYBG.VegCore.sql, inputs/NY/validations.sql: *_of_verbatim_subspecific_taxa_without_author, etc.: renamed to *_with_author because these now use the concatenated name, rather than the without-author name that only some specimens datasources provide
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: implemented _specimens_06_count_of_unique_verb_subsp_taxa_without_author, _specimens_07_list_of_verbatim_subspecific_taxa_without_author
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql, NY/qualitative_validations_source_db_NYBG.VegCore.sql, inputs/NY/validations.sql: *_verbatim_species_without_author, etc.: renamed to *_with_author because these now use the concatenated name, rather than the without-author name that only some specimens datasources provide
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: removed extra ; at ends of queries
validation/aggregating/specimens/qualitative_validations_specimens.sql: use the concatenated taxon name instead of concatenating the ranks, as decided in the 2014-03-27 conference call (
/README.TXT: Full database import: disk space: added high-water mark of 1.8 TB @11:15:05
/README.TXT: Full database import: added steps to figure out which datasource tables were not successfully imported due to disk space errors
fix: /README.TXT: Full database import: moved verification of exit statuses before verification of DB contents because there is no point in verifying the DB if the datasources didn't finish importing
/README.TXT: Full database import: disk space: documented that the entire disk again gets used long after the beginning of the import, when only a few datasources are running (ie. it definitely seems to be a recent bug in Postgres, and not a latent problem)
/README.TXT: Maintenance: added task to regularly re-run full-database import so that bugs in it don't pile up. it needs to be kept in working order so that it works when it's needed.
/README.TXT: Full database import: added steps to manually reimport the applicable datasources if there are errors due to exceeding available disk space
/README.TXT: Full database import: removed extra `ssh -t` before "upload logs", because the previous steps also occur on vegbiendev
/README.TXT: Notes on system stability: added recommendation to maintain a snapshot copy of the VM as it was at the last successful import, for fallback use if a system upgrade breaks anything. system upgrades on the snapshot VM should be disabled completely, and because this will also disable security fixes, the snapshot VM should be disconnected from the internet and all networking interfaces. (this is an unfortunate consequence of modern OSes being written in non-memory-safe languages such as C and C++.)
/README.TXT: Full database import: disk space: documented that a higher high-water mark actually occurs later in the import, so that the disk usage issue actually remains a problem after the very beginning
fix: /README.TXT: Full database import: disk space: increased the minimum free space recommendation to 1 TB, because analysis of the disk usage during the beginning of the import shows that actually close to the entire amount is being used. however, this problem is normally undetectable unless the disk space is specifically checked, because it only manifests itself if the available disk space is exceeded completely.
/README.TXT: Full database import: documented that the beginning of the import should be scheduled at a time when the DB will not be needed for other uses, because vegbiendev will be slow for the first few hours of the import due to the import using all the available cores
/README.TXT: Full database import: documented that CPU load warning e-mails can safely be ignored. they happen because the parallel imports use all the available cores.
fix: lib/common.Makefile: $(nice): use an increment of +10 instead of +5 because +5 still leaves the shell sluggish
lib/common.Makefile: added $(nice) and use it everywhere its definition is used
/README.TXT: Full database import: exiting `screen`: clarify that you must use `exit`, as Ctrl+D gets disabled to prevent accidental exits
/README.TXT: Full database import: added step to restart Postgres to free up any disk space used by temp tables from the last import (this is apparently not automatically reclaimed)
/Makefile: postgres_restart-Linux: documented that the manual running of the command is needed because for some reason, pg_ctl does not work when run inside make
fix: /Makefile: postgres_restart-Linux: added pause after telling the user the command to run
/Makefile: $(postgresReload-*): use postgres_restart for the postgres-restarting step