inputs/input.Makefile: keep $(sortFile) up-to-date: use sort_file_updated=1 flag to indicate that import_order.txt has already been checked, so that recursive invocations of make don't need to recheck it. also use this flag instead of an explicit $(MAKECMDGOALS) list to prevent the $(sortFile) check from being infinite-recursively reinvoked when input.Makefile is read as part of the $(sortFile) check itself.
inputs/input.Makefile: keep $(sortFile) up-to-date: use sort_file_updated=1 flag to indicate that import_order.txt has already been checked, so that recursive invocations of make don't need to recheck it. also use this flag instead of an explicit $(MAKECMDGOALS) list to prevent the $(sortFile) check from being infinite-recursively reinvoked when input.Makefile is read as part of the $(sortFile) check itself.