Revision 1024
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 13 years ago
inputs/NYBG/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
7 | 7 |
<locationevent> |
8 | 8 |
<location_id> |
9 | 9 |
<location> |
10 |
<centerlatitude>-11.80000000</centerlatitude> |
11 |
<centerlongitude>-71.40000000</centerlongitude> |
10 | 12 |
<locationdetermination> |
11 | 13 |
<namedplace_id> |
12 | 14 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
32 | 34 |
</namedplace_id> |
33 | 35 |
</locationdetermination> |
34 | 36 |
<locationnarrative>Parque Nacional del Manu. Río Manu: Cocha Casha Station</locationnarrative> |
35 |
<reallatitude>-11.80000000</reallatitude> |
36 |
<reallongitude>-71.40000000</reallongitude> |
37 | 37 |
<elevation>350.0</elevation> |
38 | 38 |
<elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
39 | 39 |
</location> |
... | ... | |
156 | 156 |
<locationevent> |
157 | 157 |
<location_id> |
158 | 158 |
<location> |
159 |
<centerlatitude>17.40000000</centerlatitude> |
160 |
<centerlongitude>-88.50000000</centerlongitude> |
159 | 161 |
<locationdetermination> |
160 | 162 |
<namedplace_id> |
161 | 163 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
173 | 175 |
</namedplace_id> |
174 | 176 |
</locationdetermination> |
175 | 177 |
<locationnarrative>Belize Zoo, in savanna plot immediately behind zoo. Mile 31 on Western Highway</locationnarrative> |
176 |
<reallatitude>17.40000000</reallatitude> |
177 |
<reallongitude>-88.50000000</reallongitude> |
178 | 178 |
<elevation>15.0</elevation> |
179 | 179 |
<elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
180 | 180 |
</location> |
inputs/NYBG/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
NYBG:nybg_raw,VegBIEN:/specimenreplicate,Comments,Order |
2 |
Latitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlatitude/_alt/2,,81 |
3 |
Longitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlongitude/_alt/2,,82 |
2 | 4 |
BoundingBox,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/dsgpoly,,91 |
3 | 5 |
CoordinatePrecision,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationaccuracy/_noCV/value,,89 |
4 | 6 |
Country,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=""area|country|territory""])/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63 |
5 | 7 |
StateProvince,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=""region|state|province""])/placename",,65 |
6 | 8 |
County,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county])/placename,,66 |
7 | 9 |
Locality,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationnarrative/_alt/2,"Brad: Correct for VB; Nick, is there no specific element for locality description in VegX? Definitely need one.",69 |
8 |
Latitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallatitude/_alt/2,,81 |
9 |
Longitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallongitude/_alt/2,,82 |
10 | 10 |
MaximumElevation,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}",,72 |
11 | 11 |
MinimumElevation,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/min,elevationrange/_range/from}",,71 |
12 | 12 |
Vegetation,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/*_id/*/commname,, |
inputs/SALVIAS/test/VegBIEN.plots.xml.ref | ||
5 | 5 |
<location> |
6 | 6 |
<area>0.06</area> |
7 | 7 |
<authorlocationcode>ACHUPALL</authorlocationcode> |
8 |
<centerlatitude>-3.45</centerlatitude> |
9 |
<centerlongitude>-78.3667</centerlongitude> |
8 | 10 |
<elevation>2100.0</elevation> |
9 | 11 |
<locationdetermination> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace_id> |
... | ... | |
22 | 24 |
</namedplace> |
23 | 25 |
</namedplace_id> |
24 | 26 |
</locationdetermination> |
25 |
<reallatitude>-3.45</reallatitude> |
26 |
<reallongitude>-78.3667</reallongitude> |
27 | 27 |
<reference_id><reference><shortname>SALVIAS</shortname></reference></reference_id> |
28 | 28 |
</location> |
29 | 29 |
</location_id> |
... | ... | |
55 | 55 |
<location> |
56 | 56 |
<area>0.1</area> |
57 | 57 |
<authorlocationcode>ALLACHER</authorlocationcode> |
58 |
<centerlatitude>48.0667</centerlatitude> |
59 |
<centerlongitude>11.5</centerlongitude> |
58 | 60 |
<elevation>530.0</elevation> |
59 | 61 |
<locationdetermination> |
60 | 62 |
<namedplace_id> |
... | ... | |
72 | 74 |
</namedplace> |
73 | 75 |
</namedplace_id> |
74 | 76 |
</locationdetermination> |
75 |
<reallatitude>48.0667</reallatitude> |
76 |
<reallongitude>11.5</reallongitude> |
77 | 77 |
<reference_id><reference><shortname>SALVIAS</shortname></reference></reference_id> |
78 | 78 |
</location> |
79 | 79 |
</location_id> |
inputs/SALVIAS/maps/VegBIEN.plots.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
SALVIAS:plotMetadata,VegBIEN:/locationevent,Comments |
2 | 2 |
plot_area_ha,/*_id/location/area,"Brad: Area in hectares. Is there any way to store units?; Aaron: VegX plot area annotation says ""Total area of the plot in square meters."" so units are fixed" |
3 | 3 |
SiteCode,/*_id/location/authorlocationcode,Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
4 |
LatDec,/*_id/location/centerlatitude, |
5 |
LongDec,/*_id/location/centerlongitude, |
4 | 6 |
Elev,/*_id/location/elevation/_alt/1,Brad: Mean elevation in meters. This is a constrained decimal value; is there no place for this in VegX other than verbatimElevation? Check with Nick. |
5 | 7 |
Country,"/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=""area|country|territory""])/placename", |
6 | 8 |
PolDiv1,"/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=""region|state|province""])/placename",Brad: No; pol1=stateProvince |
7 | 9 |
MajorGeo,/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=continent])/placename, |
8 | 10 |
pol2,/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county])/placename,Brad: No pol2=countyParish |
9 | 11 |
Locality_Description,/*_id/location/locationdetermination/*_id/namedplace/placedescription,"Brad: No; this is free text description of locality where plot was situated, same as for DwC. Not a description of vegetation. Most likely='namedPlace.placeDescription' in VB; not sure about VX, again need to ask Nick where locality descriptions live in VX" |
10 |
LatDec,/*_id/location/reallatitude, |
11 |
LongDec,/*_id/location/reallongitude, |
12 | 12 |
slope_aspect,/*_id/location/slopeaspect, |
13 | 13 |
slope_gradient,/*_id/location/slopegradient, |
14 | 14 |
elev_max_m,"/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}", |
inputs/NYBG-CSV/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
7 | 7 |
<locationevent> |
8 | 8 |
<location_id> |
9 | 9 |
<location> |
10 |
<centerlatitude>-11.80</centerlatitude> |
11 |
<centerlongitude>-71.40</centerlongitude> |
10 | 12 |
<locationdetermination> |
11 | 13 |
<namedplace_id> |
12 | 14 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
32 | 34 |
</namedplace_id> |
33 | 35 |
</locationdetermination> |
34 | 36 |
<locationnarrative>Parque Nacional del Manu. Río Manu: Cocha Casha Station</locationnarrative> |
35 |
<reallatitude>-11.80</reallatitude> |
36 |
<reallongitude>-71.40</reallongitude> |
37 | 37 |
<elevation>350.0</elevation> |
38 | 38 |
<elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
39 | 39 |
</location> |
... | ... | |
156 | 156 |
<locationevent> |
157 | 157 |
<location_id> |
158 | 158 |
<location> |
159 |
<centerlatitude>17.40</centerlatitude> |
160 |
<centerlongitude>-88.50</centerlongitude> |
159 | 161 |
<locationdetermination> |
160 | 162 |
<namedplace_id> |
161 | 163 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
173 | 175 |
</namedplace_id> |
174 | 176 |
</locationdetermination> |
175 | 177 |
<locationnarrative>Belize Zoo, in savanna plot immediately behind zoo. Mile 31 on Western Highway</locationnarrative> |
176 |
<reallatitude>17.40</reallatitude> |
177 |
<reallongitude>-88.50</reallongitude> |
178 | 178 |
<elevation>15.0</elevation> |
179 | 179 |
<elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
180 | 180 |
</location> |
inputs/NYBG-CSV/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
NYBG,VegBIEN:/specimenreplicate,Comments,Order |
2 |
Latitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlatitude/_alt/2,,81 |
3 |
Longitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlongitude/_alt/2,,82 |
2 | 4 |
BoundingBox,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/dsgpoly,,91 |
3 | 5 |
CoordinatePrecision,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationaccuracy,,89 |
4 | 6 |
Country,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=""area|country|territory""])/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63 |
5 | 7 |
StateProvince,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=""region|state|province""])/placename",,65 |
6 | 8 |
County,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county])/placename,,66 |
7 | 9 |
Locality,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationnarrative/_alt/2,"Brad: Correct for VB; Nick, is there no specific element for locality description in VegX? Definitely need one.",69 |
8 |
Latitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallatitude/_alt/2,,81 |
9 |
Longitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallongitude/_alt/2,,82 |
10 | 10 |
MaximumElevation,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}",,72 |
11 | 11 |
MinimumElevation,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/min,elevationrange/_range/from}",,71 |
12 | 12 |
Vegetation,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/*_id/*/commname,, |
inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/test/VegBIEN.plots.xml.ref | ||
5 | 5 |
<location> |
6 | 6 |
<area>0.44</area> |
7 | 7 |
<authorlocationcode>ALP-11</authorlocationcode> |
8 |
<centerlatitude>-3.95</centerlatitude> |
9 |
<centerlongitude>-73.4333</centerlongitude> |
8 | 10 |
<elevation>200</elevation> |
9 | 11 |
<locationdetermination> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace_id> |
... | ... | |
31 | 33 |
</namedplace> |
32 | 34 |
</namedplace_id> |
33 | 35 |
</locationdetermination> |
34 |
<reallatitude>-3.95</reallatitude> |
35 |
<reallongitude>-73.4333</reallongitude> |
36 | 36 |
<reference_id><reference><shortname>SALVIAS</shortname></reference></reference_id> |
37 | 37 |
</location> |
38 | 38 |
</location_id> |
... | ... | |
46 | 46 |
<location> |
47 | 47 |
<area>0.4</area> |
48 | 48 |
<authorlocationcode>ALP-12</authorlocationcode> |
49 |
<centerlatitude>-3.95</centerlatitude> |
50 |
<centerlongitude>-73.4333</centerlongitude> |
49 | 51 |
<elevation>200</elevation> |
50 | 52 |
<locationdetermination> |
51 | 53 |
<namedplace_id> |
... | ... | |
72 | 74 |
</namedplace> |
73 | 75 |
</namedplace_id> |
74 | 76 |
</locationdetermination> |
75 |
<reallatitude>-3.95</reallatitude> |
76 |
<reallongitude>-73.4333</reallongitude> |
77 | 77 |
<reference_id><reference><shortname>SALVIAS</shortname></reference></reference_id> |
78 | 78 |
</location> |
79 | 79 |
</location_id> |
inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/maps/VegBIEN.plots.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
SALVIAS,VegBIEN:/locationevent,Comments |
2 | 2 |
plot_area_ha,/*_id/location/area,"Brad: Area in hectares. Is there any way to store units?; Aaron: VegX plot area annotation says ""Total area of the plot in square meters."" so units are fixed" |
3 | 3 |
plot_code,/*_id/location/authorlocationcode,Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
4 |
lat_decimal,/*_id/location/centerlatitude, |
5 |
long_decimal,/*_id/location/centerlongitude, |
4 | 6 |
elev_m,/*_id/location/elevation/_alt/1,Brad: Mean elevation in meters. This is a constrained decimal value; is there no place for this in VegX other than verbatimElevation? Check with Nick. |
5 | 7 |
country,"/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=""area|country|territory""])/placename", |
6 | 8 |
pol1,"/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=""region|state|province""])/placename",Brad: No; pol1=stateProvince |
7 | 9 |
major_geo,/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=continent])/placename, |
8 | 10 |
pol2,/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county])/placename,Brad: No pol2=countyParish |
9 | 11 |
locality_description,/*_id/location/locationdetermination/*_id/namedplace/placedescription,"Brad: No; this is free text description of locality where plot was situated, same as for DwC. Not a description of vegetation. Most likely='namedPlace.placeDescription' in VB; not sure about VX, again need to ask Nick where locality descriptions live in VX" |
10 |
lat_decimal,/*_id/location/reallatitude, |
11 |
long_decimal,/*_id/location/reallongitude, |
12 | 12 |
slope_aspect,/*_id/location/slopeaspect, |
13 | 13 |
slope_gradient,/*_id/location/slopegradient, |
14 | 14 |
elev_max_m,"/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}", |
schemas/ | ||
939 | 939 |
authorlocationcode text, |
940 | 940 |
reference_id int(11), |
941 | 941 |
parent_id int(11), |
942 |
reallatitude double precision,
943 |
reallongitude double precision,
942 |
centerlatitude double precision,
943 |
centerlongitude double precision,
944 | 944 |
locationaccuracy double precision, |
945 | 945 |
confidentialitystatus int(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, |
946 | 946 |
confidentialityreason text, |
... | ... | |
3934 | 3934 |
-- |
3935 | 3935 |
3936 | 3936 |
ALTER TABLE location |
3937 |
ADD CONSTRAINT location_keys_coords UNIQUE (reference_id, reallatitude, reallongitude);
3937 |
ADD CONSTRAINT location_keys_coords UNIQUE (reference_id, centerlatitude, centerlongitude);
3938 | 3938 |
3939 | 3939 |
3940 | 3940 |
-- |
schemas/vegbien.sql | ||
1103 | 1103 |
authorlocationcode text, |
1104 | 1104 |
reference_id integer, |
1105 | 1105 |
parent_id integer, |
1106 |
reallatitude double precision,
1107 |
reallongitude double precision,
1106 |
centerlatitude double precision,
1107 |
centerlongitude double precision,
1108 | 1108 |
locationaccuracy double precision, |
1109 | 1109 |
confidentialitystatus integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, |
1110 | 1110 |
confidentialityreason text, |
... | ... | |
4403 | 4403 |
-- |
4404 | 4404 |
4405 | 4405 |
4406 |
ADD CONSTRAINT location_keys_coords UNIQUE (reference_id, reallatitude, reallongitude);
4406 |
ADD CONSTRAINT location_keys_coords UNIQUE (reference_id, centerlatitude, centerlongitude);
4407 | 4407 |
4408 | 4408 |
4409 | 4409 |
-- |
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.plots.csv | ||
2 | 2 |
/partyWithRole/*ID->/parties/party/organizationName,"/""""/*_id/location/*_id/reference/shortname/_alt/1",Quotes sort this before other mappings |
3 | 3 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/area,/*_id/location/area, |
4 | 4 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/plotUniqueIdentifier,/*_id/location/authorlocationcode, |
5 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/DecimalLatitude,/*_id/location/centerlatitude, |
6 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/DecimalLongitude,/*_id/location/centerlongitude, |
5 | 7 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/FootprintWKT,/*_id/location/dsgpoly, |
6 | 8 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/verbatimElevation,/*_id/location/elevation/_alt/1, |
7 | 9 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters,/*_id/location/locationaccuracy, |
... | ... | |
11 | 13 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/county,/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county])/placename, |
12 | 14 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/simpleUserdefined[name=localityDescription]/value,/*_id/location/locationdetermination/*_id/namedplace/placedescription, |
13 | 15 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/relatedSpatialItem/relatedItem[relationshipType=parentPlot]/relatedItemID->/*s/plot/plotUniqueIdentifier,/*_id/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode, |
14 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/DecimalLatitude,/*_id/location/reallatitude, |
15 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/DecimalLongitude,/*_id/location/reallongitude, |
16 | 16 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/slopeAspect,/*_id/location/slopeaspect, |
17 | 17 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/slopeGradient,/*_id/location/slopegradient, |
18 | 18 |
/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/maximumElevationInMeters,"/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}", |
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.organisms.csv | ||
2 | 2 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/partyWithRole/*ID->/parties/party/organizationName,"/*_id/locationevent/""""/*_id/location/*_id/reference/shortname/_alt/1",Quotes sort this before other mappings |
3 | 3 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/area,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/area, |
4 | 4 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/plotUniqueIdentifier,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/authorlocationcode, |
5 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/DecimalLatitude,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlatitude, |
6 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/DecimalLongitude,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlongitude, |
5 | 7 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/FootprintWKT,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/dsgpoly, |
6 | 8 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/verbatimElevation,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/elevation/_alt/1, |
7 | 9 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationaccuracy, |
... | ... | |
11 | 13 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/county,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county])/placename, |
12 | 14 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/simpleUserdefined[name=localityDescription]/value,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/*_id/namedplace/placedescription, |
13 | 15 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/relatedSpatialItem/relatedItem[relationshipType=parentPlot]/relatedItemID->/*s/plot/plotUniqueIdentifier,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode, |
14 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/DecimalLatitude,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallatitude, |
15 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/DecimalLongitude,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallongitude, |
16 | 16 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/slopeAspect,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/slopeaspect, |
17 | 17 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/slopeGradient,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/slopegradient, |
18 | 18 |
/*ID->/*s/plotObservation/*UniqueIdentifierID->/*s/plot/geospatial/maximumElevationInMeters,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}", |
mappings/for_review/VegX-VegBIEN.plots.csv | ||
2 | 2 |
//party/organizationName,"/""""/*_id/location/*_id/reference/shortname/_alt/1",Quotes sort this before other mappings |
3 | 3 |
//plot/area,//location/area, |
4 | 4 |
//plot/plotUniqueIdentifier,//location/authorlocationcode, |
5 |
//geospatial/DecimalLatitude,//location/centerlatitude, |
6 |
//geospatial/DecimalLongitude,//location/centerlongitude, |
5 | 7 |
//geospatial/FootprintWKT,//location/dsgpoly, |
6 | 8 |
//geospatial/verbatimElevation,//location/elevation/_alt/1, |
7 | 9 |
//geospatial/CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters,//location/locationaccuracy, |
... | ... | |
11 | 13 |
//plot/county,//*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county]/placename, |
12 | 14 |
//plot/simpleUserdefined[name=localityDescription]/value,//namedplace/placedescription, |
13 | 15 |
//plot/plotUniqueIdentifier,//location/authorlocationcode, |
14 |
//geospatial/DecimalLatitude,//location/reallatitude, |
15 |
//geospatial/DecimalLongitude,//location/reallongitude, |
16 | 16 |
//plot/slopeAspect,//location/slopeaspect, |
17 | 17 |
//plot/slopeGradient,//location/slopegradient, |
18 | 18 |
//geospatial/maximumElevationInMeters,"/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}", |
mappings/for_review/VegX-VegBIEN.organisms.csv | ||
2 | 2 |
//party/organizationName,"/*_id/locationevent/""""/*_id/location/*_id/reference/shortname/_alt/1",Quotes sort this before other mappings |
3 | 3 |
//plot/area,//location/area, |
4 | 4 |
//plot/plotUniqueIdentifier,//location/authorlocationcode, |
5 |
//geospatial/DecimalLatitude,//location/centerlatitude, |
6 |
//geospatial/DecimalLongitude,//location/centerlongitude, |
5 | 7 |
//geospatial/FootprintWKT,//location/dsgpoly, |
6 | 8 |
//geospatial/verbatimElevation,//location/elevation/_alt/1, |
7 | 9 |
//geospatial/CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters,//location/locationaccuracy, |
... | ... | |
11 | 13 |
//plot/county,//*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county]/placename, |
12 | 14 |
//plot/simpleUserdefined[name=localityDescription]/value,//namedplace/placedescription, |
13 | 15 |
//plot/plotUniqueIdentifier,//location/authorlocationcode, |
14 |
//geospatial/DecimalLatitude,//location/reallatitude, |
15 |
//geospatial/DecimalLongitude,//location/reallongitude, |
16 | 16 |
//plot/slopeAspect,//location/slopeaspect, |
17 | 17 |
//plot/slopeGradient,//location/slopegradient, |
18 | 18 |
//geospatial/maximumElevationInMeters,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}", |
mappings/for_review/DwC-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
"DwC::[@xmlns:dcterms=""""]/list/",VegBIEN:/specimenreplicate,Comments,Order |
2 |
decimalLatitude,//location/centerlatitude/_alt/1,,85 |
3 |
verbatimLatitude,//location/centerlatitude/_alt/2,,81 |
4 |
decimalLongitude,//location/centerlongitude/_alt/1,,86 |
5 |
verbatimLongitude,//location/centerlongitude/_alt/2,,82 |
2 | 6 |
footprintWKT,//location/dsgpoly,,91 |
3 | 7 |
coordinatePrecision,//location/locationaccuracy,,89 |
4 | 8 |
coordinatePrecision/_noCV/value,//location/locationaccuracy/_noCV/value,,89 |
... | ... | |
7 | 11 |
county,//*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county]/placename,,66 |
8 | 12 |
locality,//location/locationnarrative/_alt/1,,68 |
9 | 13 |
verbatimLocality,//location/locationnarrative/_alt/2,"Brad: Correct for VB; Nick, is there no specific element for locality description in VegX? Definitely need one.",69 |
10 |
decimalLatitude,//location/reallatitude/_alt/1,,85 |
11 |
verbatimLatitude,//location/reallatitude/_alt/2,,81 |
12 |
decimalLongitude,//location/reallongitude/_alt/1,,86 |
13 |
verbatimLongitude,//location/reallongitude/_alt/2,,82 |
14 | 14 |
maximumElevationInMeters,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}",,72 |
15 | 15 |
minimumElevationInMeters,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/min,elevationrange/_range/from}",,71 |
16 | 16 |
bien.vegetation,//*/commname,, |
mappings/DwC-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
"DwC::[@xmlns:dcterms=""""]/list/",VegBIEN:/specimenreplicate,Comments,Order |
2 |
decimalLatitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlatitude/_alt/1,,85 |
3 |
verbatimLatitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlatitude/_alt/2,,81 |
4 |
decimalLongitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlongitude/_alt/1,,86 |
5 |
verbatimLongitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/centerlongitude/_alt/2,,82 |
2 | 6 |
footprintWKT,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/dsgpoly,,91 |
3 | 7 |
coordinatePrecision,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationaccuracy,,89 |
4 | 8 |
coordinatePrecision/_noCV/value,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationaccuracy/_noCV/value,,89 |
... | ... | |
7 | 11 |
county,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination(/*_id/namedplace[placesystem=county])/placename,,66 |
8 | 12 |
locality,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationnarrative/_alt/1,,68 |
9 | 13 |
verbatimLocality,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationnarrative/_alt/2,"Brad: Correct for VB; Nick, is there no specific element for locality description in VegX? Definitely need one.",69 |
10 |
decimalLatitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallatitude/_alt/1,,85 |
11 |
verbatimLatitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallatitude/_alt/2,,81 |
12 |
decimalLongitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallongitude/_alt/1,,86 |
13 |
verbatimLongitude,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/reallongitude/_alt/2,,82 |
14 | 14 |
maximumElevationInMeters,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/max,elevationrange/_range/to}",,72 |
15 | 15 |
minimumElevationInMeters,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{elevation/_alt/2/_avg/min,elevationrange/_range/from}",,71 |
16 | 16 |
bien.vegetation,/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/*_id/*/commname,, |
Also available in: Unified diff
VegBIEN: Renamed location.reallatitude,reallongitude to centerlatitude,centerlongitude to reflect that it's now a value calculated from the centroid of the current locationdetermination